Chapter 644: A monster’s feast (1/2)

Azarinth Healer Rhaegar 73510K 2022-07-23

Chapter 644 A monster’s feast

“I’m proud to hear a citizen of Kroll has managed to join your prestigious organization,” he said. Apparently they were very clear on it being an organization instead of an Order. He thought it understandable considering the reputations and different intents.

“I’m sure she will do well,” Ilea said with a smile, resuming her extensive lunch.

“I’m curious as to your relationship with my brother,” Katarina said a while later.

Emmanuel was interested too. There was very little information about it but they apparently had an argument at a ball in Yinnahall. In a way that suggested familiarity. Michael Elyse provided important research and resources to the military and other sectors of Kroll. Many of his projects demanded a certain level of discretion. The chance of outside actors interested in his work had always been a possibility, as was an attack by certain parties, some sitting at this very table.

A loose relationship between the crown and the Elyse noble was what his father had deemed the best approach and he continued in the same manner. Michael was no threat to Kroll, as long as he could be blamed as the sole perpetrator of his methods. His sister obviously didn’t like it but she never openly opposed or obstructed him either. Criminals to be executed could be used for more than just fertilizer after all. Emmanuel suspected that Michael wouldn’t stop at that however but a large scale investigation into his activities would only result in more bloodshed. Lady Veyer had suggested rituals as seen in Baralia were the least of his capabilities.

Ruling among monsters who simply have no interest in such matters, he thought, looking at Lilith. Is she part of their little Order as well, I wonder? They must’ve set their eyes on her long before we even realized how powerful she was.

“We worked together in the Baralia war,” Ilea said, the look in her eyes making it clear that this was to be the extent of her elaboration.

Katarina understood too, leaning back in her chair.

It will be interesting to know what she learns once she gets her alone. If she chooses to share it with us.

“I heard you have traveled to the chaotic northern regions?” one of the other nobles said.

Emmanuel didn’t have any illusions. He grinned lightly, looking at the twenty or so people sitting at the long table. All respected nobility or high ranking members of various institutions important to Kroll. Some he was sure had other important business to attend to but they chose instead to come to Halstein as soon as the news of Lilith’s arrival reached their ears.

Hawks, the lot of them, Emmanuel thought, suppressing a broader grin when he looked at Ilea. Most of these people grew up with incredible wealth. They had guards at the age of three, protecting them from the common folk roaming the streets of whatever place they ruled. Now matter how much education these people had received, they couldn’t possibly understand the stranger sitting among them.

An unknown. Most certainly low born, or perhaps an exiled bastard left behind with secrets and elixirs to allow for a faster growth. Involved in various expeditions as an adventurer, Taleen dungeons no less. Joined the Shadow’s hand after an incredibly fast climb to level two hundred, and she hasn’t stopped. A few years and suspiciously timely investments pushed her into leagues comparable to the crown of Kroll. If not beyond.

What these people don’t understand, is that she’s an adventurer at heart. She has no interest in political games, her body language alone suggests as much. Either that or she is the most capable manipulator I have ever seen. A rather low probability. Too many blunders just in the last three hours.

“I did,” Lilith answered. “Arcane storms rage during daytime, and magical mists descend at night.”

He had read the reports. Kroll had invested in expeditions northwards during the last few centuries but the territory was deemed too dangerous for settlement and too treacherous for exploration. A country’s gold could be spent more wisely. Single high level adventurers however, they could surely benefit greatly. Perhaps her wealth came from the treasures found within a northern dungeon. He wondered what she had seen in her travels, what kind of creatures she had met and fought.

“Did you find any signs of civilization?” Emmanuel dared ask. He was genuinely interested too, it just so happened to be information that could justify funds invested into future explorations.

“Yes,” Ilea said quickly, eating a few bites before she downed her sixth mug of ale. “Ancient ruins of different civilizations, much like the ones that can be found in the plains.”

She’s being vague, he thought but didn’t press. “Would you be interested in future collaborations to map the north?”

Ilea looked at him. “Not me personally, no. I’m sure there would be Sentinels or Shadows interested in that though.”

“I’ll make sure it’s mentioned in the letters, thanks,” Emmanuel said. He ignored the glances he got for his informal behavior. As expected. No hostilities towards us.

Kyrie appeared next to him, whispering in his ear. “Your majesty, we received word that the Corinth Order has been attacked by Lilith, one of their High Clerics has been confirmed dead.”

Ilea grinned, resuming her meal.

Excellent hearing. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if she can read minds. Can you? Ilea?

She didn’t react.

“Representatives are waiting in the throne room, ready to present their case,” Kyrie added.

“Let them join the feast. I’m sure Donnavon will be glad to have three people convicted so early,” Emmanuel said. As am I. A healing order failing to confirm the death of a victim. How quaint.

“With all due respect, your majesty,” one noble spoke up. An older gentleman below level two hundred. “How can you be sure that this women is indeed who she claims to be? If Ravenhall has indeed dared make a military strike against our kingdom, we should not be sitting here feasting.”

Today is getting better and better.

The man had at least not shared any information on this feast, though the more likely possibility was that he simply couldn’t, in the short time he had. He may have publicly questioned Lilith but he didn’t dare side with the Order.

“I confirmed her identity myself. As have my advisors,” Emmanuel stated before looking at Ilea “Do you have a way to disguise yourself?”

The look she gave him didn’t seem to suggest she did.

“Would you allow an illusion in that case? It will simply hide you behind a layer of magic. You will still be able to see beyond,” he asked.

“I don’t mind at all,” Ilea answered. “I’m always interested to see new spells.”

A scholar? Or merely for resistance training?

The reports hadn’t surprised him terribly. Adventurers often subjected themselves to various levels of danger and magic, often on purpose too. With enough potions or healers close by, the training was mostly safe and any resistances would help immensely in battle. Though the kind of training Lilith underwent suggested some level of madness. Either that or she possessed the second tier of Pain Tolerance. To undergo such torture. Was it merely for the benefit of her power? She didn’t seem broken. A way to heal the mind. Perhaps. Or she truly is not human.

Kyrie cast his spell, standing next to the woman’s chair as he covered both of them in a shadow that vanished a moment later, leaving behind the illusion of an empty chair.

“Shadow magic?” Ilea asked.

Emmanuel gestured for Kyrie to talk freely. The man took his job very seriously, despite their shared past. The King appreciated it.

“Yes,” Kyrie answered.

“I’d love to get the resistance. Must’ve missed it along the way,” she said.

A few of the nobles murmured amongst each other.

Subjecting oneself to pain. Not something people consider who haven’t faced a monster in decades.

He wondered if a conflict wouldn’t benefit Kroll in the long run. The constant tensions between Lys and its northern neighbors forged the Generals and soldiers of their armies. He dismissed the thought. Prosperity and peace were valuable assets on their own. Ones that required protection. Emmanuel had long known that his court would provide little actual might in a conflict.

“It would be an honor to train with one such as you,” Kyrie said.

A few people gasped at the exclamation. Even Emmanuel found himself a little conflicted. He understood the notion as an adventurer himself. But to admit such as a member of the Kingsguard, amongst the nobles of the country. He glanced at the man, locking eyes with him, the illusion not covering his angle. A risky play, Kyrie. Even for you. Who knows if it will pay off.

The gates opened, two guards escorting the trio of Corinth Healers. Two of them wearing Inquisitor armor, the last and most important member being High Cleric Mateo.

Emmanuel had met the man a few times before, his build supporting his past as a Paladin. A few scars showed on his face, likely from his childhood. Before he would’ve benefitted from the Order’s healing.

[Veteran Paladin – lvl 228]

The Inquisitors were both above level two hundred. Perhaps meant as a show of force.

“Mateo. Long has it been. Please share your accusations. I hear the matter is quite pressing,” Emmanuel said, his voice sincere as he leaned forward a little, gesturing for the man to speak.

“Indeed. As you may know, the monster Lilith… who claims to be the head of a healing order in Ravenhall has answered our invitation to discuss potential cooperation,” he paused for a moment, gritting his teeth as he furrowed his brow. “She attacked and killed High Cleric Donnavon in a savage strike.”

Emmanuel could see the veins pop in his forehead, the man of faith not blessed by extensive hair growth. His reaction seems genuine.

He glanced at the Queen who gave him a slight nod.

“Has she escaped?” Emmanuel asked.