Chapter 567: Decisions (1/2)
Chapter 567 Decisions
Milena checked her leather armor, making sure everything was in order.
“You checked three times already, it’s fine,” Seth said with a frown on his face.
The two of them were waiting in one of the many training halls down in the Sentinel headquarters.
She gulped, thinking about the upcoming evaluation. It wasn’t the normal one they usually had. Why is he here too? Did we do something wrong?
Both of them turned to the steel gates that opened up.
Trian walked inside followed by a woman wearing white robes, most of her face shrouded by her hood.
Milena couldn’t identify either of them but she knew Trian was powerful. She felt like the same was true for the woman.
“Milena, Seth, please join us,” Trian said, gesturing them towards himself.
Seth rolled his eyes lightly and walked towards the two.
Milena followed a few steps behind him, her eyes focused on the ground.
“Today we welcomed a representative of the Corinth Order into our midst,” Trian said, gesturing to the woman beside him.
[Healer – lvl ??]
“We have heard much of your powerful Classes,” the woman said in a casual tone. “As I understand, you can remain or leave freely, which is why we’ve suggested an offer to the Medic Sentinel Corps. A student exchange program. You will teach what you learned here to our members and those of us will do the same here,” she explained.
Seth crossed his arms. “And why would we leave this place? Would we have to join your Order instead?”
The woman smiled lightly. “You would join our Order for the duration of the program and if you wish, beyond that. As to your compensation, you will receive five gold coins immediately and another five for each year you remain with us.”
Seth glanced at Trian before he looked at Milena. “Make it six gold and I accept,” he said.
The woman smiled, “Five gold and thirty silver.”
“Fifty,” Seth said. “The things taught here are surely quite valuable to you, if you came all the way from wherever your Order is located.”
“Very well,” the woman said. “And what about you?” she asked, turning her head towards Milena.
“I…,” she said.
“Come on, this deal is too good not to take,” Seth whispered to her. “And we can stay together.”
“I’m not sure,” she said and looked to the ground. Five gold pieces is a lot… but my parents wanted me to be here, not with some other Order.
“I’m sure she’d be happy to join, she’s just shy,” Seth said.
“Let us talk in private, girl,” the woman said and glanced to Trian. “Would that be acceptable?”
“Of course,” Trian said and nodded to Seth. “Come on, we’ll wait outside. You can already pack your things.”
The two left, Seth giving her a last glance and nod.
“You seem unsure,” the woman said.
“I’m just… there’s a lot I don’t know about. I couldn’t stay in Ravenhall?” Milena said.
“No, but we would provide lodging much more luxurious than what you have here,” the woman said.
Milena bit her lip. “I have to talk to my parents about that.”
“Didn’t you come here on your own accord?” the woman asked.
“I… yes… no of course. But changing to another Order is not a decision I want to make… lightly,” she said, trying to avoid looking at the woman directly.
“You don’t have to hide that from me, girl. But if your parents are to be consulted, I could talk to them directly as well. It may help convince them,” she said.
“They… yes. But I’ll talk to them alone first,” Milena said.
The woman looked towards the door before she stepped a little closer. “I heard the training here is painful.”
“It… yes, I suppose that’s true,” Milena said, rubbing her arm.
“And yet you’re staying? Our Order wouldn’t demand that from you,” she said.
Milena looked away. “I suppose… if I could convince my parents… I could maybe accept.”
“So your parents were the ones who asked you to join the Sentinels?” the woman asked.
“What? I mean… yes. But if your training is good too, I’m sure they would agree,” Milena said.
“You’re fidgeting,” the woman said, smiling lightly.
“Oh… yes,” Milena said and stopped herself.
“You don’t want to be here,” the woman said.
Milena looked up. “No… no I do want to be here… it’s just… hard. I was always one of the more talented students… but it’s so much… and the training hurts. You always have to fight other students and the teachers,” she said, tears coming to her eyes.
The woman came close and hugged her, a flow of warm healing calming her down.
“It’s okay,” she said and patted her back.
The woman let go and stepped back, Milena catching a glance at the black strands of hair and blue eyes under the hood.
She started giggling, tears now rolling down her cheeks. “You’re her… aren’t you? You’re not from the Corinth order at all…,”
The woman moved back her hood and smiled. “You figured it out. Nice to meet you, I’m Lilith.”
Milena looked at the woman and smiled bitterly. “I failed then? You found out that I’m a fraud… what will you do?”
“Hmm… what indeed. Well, for starters, I want to tell you that you’re not a fraud. You participated in most Classes, did your homework, and even excelled in some areas. I heard from Lyza that you have great intuition when it comes to treating injuries.
“Now you obviously didn’t want to participate in the resistance training and constant battles. Why didn’t you speak up? Did the faculty not provide an opportunity to do so?”
Milena wasn’t sure. She felt the healing mana still flow into her, somehow calming the many thoughts that came to her mind. “I… I didn’t want to be kicked out…,”
“Did somebody say you would be kicked out if you didn’t participate in the training?” Lilith asked.
Milena thought back. “The other students… Seth… it just made sense.”
“They told you you’d be kicked out if you didn’t participate?” Lilith asked.
“N… no… Seth did think so… the others… they just looked at me sometimes… or made a comment. I didn’t want to disappoint…,” Milena said.
“You didn’t want to disappoint the expectations from the other students? Or from your parents?” Lilith asked.
She stayed quiet.
“What about yourself? What do you want?” Lilith asked.
Milena looked at her. “I want… to explore magic. I want to fight monsters… and I like the Class I got here. I really do… but…,”
“There’s no need to be ashamed. Alright, listen. You’re a Sentinel like everybody else here,” Lilith said and carefully touched her shoulder. “But we Sentinels share these concerns with each other, so that we can help. For now I think it’s best if you take the day off and think about what You want. You got a Class and that makes you one of us. If the training is too much, we’ll find something else you can focus on. Not everybody has to be a regenerating battle maniac and monster hunter. Okay?”
Milena nodded lightly.
“Who’s your favorite teacher?” Lilith asked.
“Wh… I… they’re all great,” Milena said.
Lilith smirked. “Come on. Everybody has a favorite.”
Milena thought about it. “Lyza.”
“Alright. There you go. So you think about what we talked about today and you think about what you want to do. And tomorrow you’ll talk to Lyza and you’ll figure something out together. And if you don’t want to stay with the Sentinels, that’s okay too. We don’t force you to stay here and neither should your parents. You have the Class and plenty of knowledge. If you want to be an adventurer, I’m sure you’d do very well. So, give it a good think, okay Milena?” Lilith said.
She nodded a few times before balling her hands into fists. “I will.”
“Good,” Lilith said with a smile and turned towards the door.
“Miss… ma’am… what will happen to Seth?” Milena asked.
“Seth just proved that a few gold pieces is all that is needed to get him to leave. We don’t force people to stay but neither do we want those who have no interest in this organization and what it stands for,” Lilith said. “Don’t worry, he will simply not be a Sentinel any longer. Though I suppose it depends on his reaction.”
“But… the Class… everything he learned here,” Milena said.
“What about it?” Lilith asked as she glanced back at her. “Do you think we gave you those Classes?”
She turned around and shook her head. “We only showed you the path. You did the actual work. You fought monsters and put yourself in harm’s way to fulfill the requirements. If Seth wishes to share what he learned here, I believe it would be beneficial to whoever listens. But after hearing him, I doubt he would. Perhaps he can sell it to an information seller and that’s that.”
But all the techniques… the classes… first aid.