Chapter 256: The Blue Reaper (1/2)
Not finding any sign of life, Ilea walked into one of the adjacent tunnels at random. A couple minutes of walking later, she noted there was blood on the floor. Somewhat dry but her sphere picked it up in the pitch black darkness. No corpse either but that could mean anything. There was however no trail leading anywhere so she kept walking onward. A clicking noise soon started resounding as she walked farther.
Stopping near the opening at the end of the hallway, she was pretty sure whatever was causing the clicking resided inside the room or hall beyond. Alright Jalapeno monster…, Her wings taking her upwards, she floated in when a hard push of mind magic smashed against her mental defenses. A blinding headache made her stumble before her healing repaired the damage. Another wave washed over her, bringing her to one knee as she breathed hard, blood flowing from her nose when she heard a shrieking noise coming from ahead.
Taking a stumbling step, her healing mana flowed through her brain. The next step was more steady and now the creature was in range of her sphere. Six legs ending in sharp bone, two legs held up and a sparkling ball forming between them. Its head looked a little like a mantis, two antennas growing upwards. The blue lightning illuminated the creature like an ominous predator in the dark, its bony carapace interspersed by blue color before a flash of lightning zapped towards her. Ilea dodged to the side, quick enough to avoid the scorching beam.
Her mind heated up again as she saw the creature recoil, screeching in pain as it scuttled backwards. Another ball of lightning formed and it would have certainly made for a dangerous look were it not for the fact that the monster was barely as big as a dachshund.
[Blue Reaper - ??]
Lightning zapped her way, ash forming a wall before her. It barely managed to penetrate the wall of ash and her Veil behind. Muscles tensing up, Ilea felt the energy course through her, some of it converted to mana and stamina, the rest burning through her skin and organs. Healing the wounds, she decided to dodge the blasts again. It wasn’t enough to incapacitate her but a series of attacks would be dangerous. That small little fucker is more powerful than Trian…,
The concept was somehow hard to grasp but it was the reality of things. Ilea decided not to take anymore attacks, the testing phase over and she had learned what she had wanted to know. Can she take the attacks and stay alive. The mental note was ticked off while she blinked next to the creature. Landing on it, she spread ash around, her limbs crashing into it with Wave of Ember as she held it down with her hands and body. Lightning coursed through her from the panicking beast as her mind was rattled by the powerful magic.
Her fist landed on the monster’s head, damaging one of the antennas as it screeched, trying to get out of her grasp. It had a surprising amount of mana stored in that small body, Ilea’s healing barely keeping up with the ridiculous damage it put out every second. The second hit of her fist onto one of its legs broke both the bone and the stone floor below. The mental attack subsided somewhat but the lightning continued. Ilea repeated the attack on another of its legs, the creature still trying to get away from her, clawing at the ash with its sharp arms.
Another crack resounded and then another, the monster screeching as a massive mental attack blinded Ilea’s senses for a moment. Her body locked up, the creature crawling out from her grasp in the short time. Three of its eight legs broken, it still moved rather quickly but Ilea still heard it, saw it in her sphere as soon as she had control over her senses back. She saw one of its eyes had blown out, likely from the feedback of the mental attack it had just used. A blink brought her right back next to the beast, her ashen limbs smashing into it, Ilea stomping down as hard as she could.
Lightning flashed in the dark, the smell of burnt skin in her nose as she stomped again. The exoskeleton was tough but nothing compared to the knights in Tremor. A third kick broke another leg, Ilea now kneeling down and wailing on the creature as it spend the rest of its mana to send out waves of lightning and mind magic. All taken in by Ilea, resisted and healed. A final crack resounded, the back of the creature breaking and killing it instantly.
Ilea coughed and rolled to the side, breathing hard as she noticed the pain in her throat and eyes. Blood had ran down her face and several of her organs had been damaged by the lightning. Resistance my ass…, It was no wonder scavengers feared them as much as they did.
‘ding’ ‘You have defeated [Blue Reaper – lvl 363] – For defeating an enemy ninety or more levels above your own, bonus experience is granted’
‘ding’ ‘Azarinth First Hunter has reached lvl 256 – Five stat points awarded’
Ilea coughed as she lay there, pain turned off now that her adrenaline wore off, eyes reconstructing in the bloody sockets left behind after the energy had popped them. She felt alive. Another level had been gained. Probably five to ten of them for a level… maybe less. What they lacked in defense, they certainly held in magic power. For Ilea the difference was that these enemies she could kill in a couple minutes while knights even at her own level took hours to take down.
Problems would occur when there were groups of them. She was fairly sure two she could handle. The mind magic at least but the lightning only started when she had touched it. It was surprising that their defense was as tough as it was considering the powerful magical ability. Has to stand against the monsters too, probably more often than any human or other sentient explorer. Calming down from the short but intense battle, she checked her health and found it topped off again, her mana recovering quickly thanks to Meditation. No pain remained and her resistances coupled with defensive skills and healing had prevailed.
Blue Reapers were on the menu. Grinning at her success, Ilea stood up and lifted the small corpse. Trying to smash its head proved difficult, the skull while tiny had insane resistance. So much so that the stone below cracked before the bone did. The joints in the legs were the weak spots and Ilea carefully checked where they were and in which way they could bend. Simply smashing them might be less effective than just bending them backwards with enough force.
After a couple minutes of testing, she found that holding them at a certain angle and then punching down was the easiest way to crack them. As soon as the creature couldn’t move as quickly, it would be a sitting duck. If it overwhelmed her, she could simply leave and heal up before coming back to finish the job. She considered even several of them could be manageable using such tactics. It had a way to see her, both in the ash as well as the dark hallway but as much was expected. Ilea assumed most higher level beings had some way to sense mana or living beings other than purely their eyes.
Otherwise more people would’ve used such a loophole to hunt blinded foes. Some probably did…, It would be the absolute jackpot to find an animal easily blinded by ash and unable to respond to her ashen limbs. Blue Reapers weren’t that but they were high level and quickly killed monsters. “Now to find your nest little bugs…,”
Storing the broken and bleeding corpse in her necklace, she walked on. Another positive of the reaper was that her armor hadn’t been damaged. The coating had heated up a little, small lightning forms showing where the magic had surged the strongest but otherwise the Rose Hunter set was perfectly fine. Ilea hoped she wasn’t murdering a perfectly sentient tribe of insect people or dark ones that simply couldn’t communicate with her. Maybe the clicking had been a warning. Not enough to justify attacking me with a killing blow to anybody with less resistances and defense.
More cave openings and tunnels as well as cracks leading to lower floors showed themselves to her as she walked onward. Trying to busy herself, Ilea used her wings to navigate through the small tunnel, keeping them a little tucked in at all times whilst heating up her body and ash with Embered Body Heat. Hunter’s Sight worked overtime as well, Ilea looking for any trace of Blue Reapers or anything else she could hunt. The goal was of course to get all her remaining skills to at least the second stage and level twenty. Resistances would get to whatever she could manage but considering that monster had managed to blind her with mind magic alone and she hadn’t even gained a level there, she wasn’t about to have her brain fried. Not if it was a wild beast doing the magic.