Chapter 175: Runic Marble, Background Politics (1/2)
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The link is also in the synopsis.
Standing near the edge of an opening in the wall, staring down at the floor below, Quinn cracked his neck and stretched his body. He was back into the fourth vault — The Underground Vault. Ready to give the Beelzebub's Crawler field down below him yet another chance.
”For the brave and the bold, huh,” he muttered, ”yeah, not this time.” Saying that, Quinn mounted his broom and flew out of the tunnel. ”This isn't the Aquatic vault — I can fly all I want.”
He had done his research on Beelzebub's Crawlers; they lived underground, due to that, they could only detect prey through tectonic vibrations in the ground; as such, if Quinn didn't touch the ground, he would go undetected by the vines that could secrete flesh dissolving liquids from their thorns.
Quinn flew straight to the wall opposite to him with the tunnel dug into it. At Quinn's command, the broom flew close and hovered away from the walls and the floor as he studied the tunnel. A ball of sharp white light manifested in the air before it rushed across the tunnel, dividing itself into more and more orbs of light that lined up near the top of the tunnel, turning the dim pathway into a brightly lit one.
He gently lowered himself enough to see straight into the tunnel while making absolutely sure that not a single part of his body touched the ground — Beelzebub's Crawler had a peculiar trait which pushed the vine species to merge, or connect, with every other vine in the vicinity, thus creating a vast network of them.
This meant that if even a single vine came out of the ground to entrap prey, the entire hive network would be aware of its actions. And if that singular vine didn't return with ”meal,” then the more vines would emerge to capture their ”meal.”
After peering into the now-lit tunnel, Quinn observed — nothing was sticking out to him as unusual or, to be specific, there was nothing that looked it would harm or hinder harm him his current task at hand. After making decisions, Quinn flew into the tunnel with the magical orbs shining much-needed light for him to see.
”How long does this tunnel go?” asked Quinn, looking around as he cautiously made his way through the tunnel while memorizing every scratch and cut on the rugged and dense stone walls — never knew what could come in use afterward.
His question was promptly answered as he saw the light at the path's end, making Quinn pick up some speed. He flew out of the tunnel, and with him, the light inside also left, once again leaving the tunnel dark.
The tunnel had opened up to another wide area. Quinn flew up to get a good look at the site, and the first thing that caught his eye was that a gigantic portion of the ”ceiling” had broken off and had collapsed down below.
”Is that marble?” Quinn noticed white marble below all the collapsed rubble. He could see it was a truly wide circular platform of marble beneath all the pileup. He could also see some markings on the marble.
”Wait a minute.. .” He looked around and saw that there were no more exits other than the one he had entered.
”.. . Is this it?” he uttered, ”this isn't the end, is it? It can't be, right? That was too short.. .. only one obstacle.”
Quinn realized that the vault could've been made before brooms became popular and mainstream — the now a common household item the flying brooms that allowed anyone to fly were not so commonplace as once brooms were nothing but causes of ”splinter-filled buttocks and bulging piles.”
If his assumption was correct, then Quinn's use of the broom might not have been covered by the original creator.
Quinn stared at the ground and conjured a big boulder before dropping it down to the ground. The boulder hit the ground with a large boom and shook the vault room. He waited.. . but Beelzebub's Crawler didn't come out — the vines couldn't differentiate between living and non-living.
”Is this really it? What was so difficult about this?” he exclaimed in confusion. Somehow, he couldn't get closure with such a simple vault, ”but well, if I think it like that, then it makes sense.. .. it didn't need to be tough.”
His thinking had been isolated — he was thinking with just the Underground Vault and in mind — he had missed the bigger picture.
”The Forbidden Forest was all the security one needed to hide something. Dangerous, cut-off from the outside world, and filled with beings who don't want anything to do with people outside of the forest.”
There was no need to elaborate vault when the natural surroundings already provided the reliable security one could ask. Bow-slinging Centaurs, flesh-hungry Acromantulas, brutish Trolls, and many more species that had the forest held in its vast biodiverse embrace.
Quinn descended down to the ground and dismounted off the broom, and sighed as he stared at the rubble in front of him.” I guess I'll work with this now.. .. but, this is a lot of it.”
He could see enough pileup that he could climb it and reach a good height — a height high enough to be considered dangerous to jump down from (without magic).
Magic thrummed inside his body as Quin closed his eyes and concentrated on the rubble in front of him. He reached out to debris in front of him and exerted a lift.
”O-Oh.. . this is heavy!” he groaned, his magic groaned, the wreck groaned. Quinn had to raise his hands towards the collapse just so that his mind could better concentrate the magic into lifting.
He opened the tap to his magic entirely and let it flow. His eyes opened, and purple orbs glowed at the wreck. The rubble started to shake as everything started to lift and began to fall to the sides.
”Just a little more!”
There was no need to struggle like this — Quinn could shave off all debris bit-by-bit. But he didn't want to waste time — many hours spread across multiple visits would be spent just to clean the mess from the marble below. Every visit to the Forbidden Forest was essential and vital to Quinn — he had to slot visits to the forest between quidditch tournament preparation, Project Babel, other development projects, visits to the library, practicing magic to keep his skill up-to-date, among other things.
He was a bit too busy this year.
By the end, Quinn was sweat, heaving, and grabbing his knees as his chest heaved up and down.
”This was clearly not the job for one person,” said Quinn, standing up straight.
But the result was worth it as Quinn could see the circular block of marble sitting in the middle of the cave. Quinn walked towards it before climbing up with a hop.
”Oh, these are runes, aren't they.” Quinn could tell at one glance that the deep engravings on the marble were a cluster and network of large-scale runes.
There were many classes/groups on which runes could be classified — language, the number of layers, materials, effects, and among those categories, ”size” classification was among the myriads of classifications.
The size classification was a scale-based category — it went from small-scale runes to large-scale in front of Quinn, laid into the marble. To give an example of the importance and use of size classification — a rune inscribed on a small wooden chip would be significantly weaker than one carved into a big piece of wood.
Quinn, himself, specialized in small-scaled runes as he liked to create articles that were potable in nature and could be carried with him — Recon was such an example.
Ironically, Quinn's most notable achievement — MagiFax, which, even though employed small-scale rube inscription in its receivers, worked primarily through large-scale runes.
MagiFax devices need a network to work, and that network was built through transmitting hubs spread throughout the globe — those transmitting hubs were large-scaled rune applications. On West-owned properties throughout the world, unique buildings were constructed, and inside those buildings, every (majority) usable surface was etched with giant runes that connected every registered MagiFax device on the planet.
Quinn walked on the marble, studying the runes, and after a while, he declared, ”Yeah, no idea what this does.”
Right from the start, there were a few problems. First, the runes were complex and needed to be mapped out before Quinn could even start studying. Second, Quinn had to check if there were runes beneath the surface as not all runes were required to be out on the surface. And, third.. . .
”The ceiling collapse broke the marble,” said Quinn clicking his tongue. There were several cracks and crevices throughout the marble, essentially making the runes structure useless.
”I need to get it fixed,” said Quinn and touched one of those cracks, ”I can't use the Mending charm (Reparo) here, can I.”
If it was an ordinary platform of marble, Quinn could've fixed all the cracks and crevices with a single snap of his magic. But the marble held so many runes that if he carelessly used the Mending charm to fix things, it would break the subtle and meticulously placed connections.
Quinn sat down on the marble and sighed, ”This is going to require a lot of work, ugh. I don't even know what I'll get in the end.”
He looked up at the ceiling blamingly. ”Why did you have to fall down? If you didn't, I would be having fun right now.”
He sighed at his lousy luck before a thought struck his mind. ”The Sunken Crypt.. .. the wolves names the vault as such, didn't they? Does that mean their territory is just above here? Huh, maybe I'm right. Nice. I will check it out later.”
Finally, after sitting in the dust, Quinn got up, dusted himself, took out a small notepad and pen from his pockets, and got ready to note the runes day.
”Hmm.. .. I predict that this is a way to communicate to the aliens, I call it!” and with that, he got to work.
- (Scene Break) -