Chapter 121: Quinn West Arrives At Denmark (1/2)

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The link is also in the synopsis.


[The chapter is edited by my Editor: Alan_L / Alan_Loo]




Quinn sat inside in the living room of the West Manor. He had his trusty suitcase by his side. In his hand rested a work on sound and auditory magic. Illusion magic and glamours had been one of the magics that Quinn went back to studying from time to time.

In his free time, Quinn would learn about the five senses and how to manipulate them. To use them to create convincing and persuasive illusions that would hold capabilities to alter the target's sense of reality.

”Auditory pareidolia: tendency to make meaningful interpretations from a nebulous stimulus. Those who suffer from this have a tendency to perceive meaningful patterns when hearing obscure sounds,” read Quinn from one of the more interesting parts of the tome. ”Isn't pareidolia usually a visual phenomenon? Like the moon rabbit. How could one put this in the auditory spectrum?”

Quinn thought about it for a while before coming to a rudimentary conclusion. ”Hmm, maybe it's those hidden messages inside a song. Or maybe an audio clip played backward to reveal a message. No, those are too simple. I'll have to think of something else, something I can exploit.”

But Quinn saw himself without any more time to think as he heard footsteps. The thing about family (or close friends) was that, if you belonged to that family, you ended up recognizing each other's footsteps.

He stood up from the sofa and closed the tome he had in his hands. He put it then into one of his every day expanded pockets that he had attached to the insides of the summer jacket he was wearing.

The footsteps entered the room from the living room entrance and called out to Quinn.

”The portkey is ready. The departure time is in ten minutes,” announced Elliot. ”I hope you're packed and ready to go.”

Quinn picked the suitcase that had been gifted to him by Lia before his first year. The suitcase held his entire personal library, his personal effects from his workshop, and the stuff Quinn never showed to anyone. Such objects remained most of the time inside the suitcase.

”I'm always packed,” replied Quinn with a smile.

Elliot and Quinn started to walk outside the ward line of the West estate. The ward line that enclosed the West estate stretched beyond the manor and encompassed a sizable land. Furthermore, to indicate the limits of the villa, high walls surrounded the property.

In order to get outside the ward line, one would need to get outside the manor and walk outside the estate's main gates, which were rarely used by anyone in the family. The only time they were used was for using the portkey and, as such, Lia was the only one who would use them when she traveled outside of the country.

”Do you have any information about the chaperone that grandfather has appointed for this trip?” asked Quinn, as he and Elliot walked on the tiled pathway that started from the manor gates to the front gates and passed through the green meadows of the estate.

”Unfortunately, the only information about your chaperone is their name and that they work for our family business,” replied Elliot.

Quinn glanced at Elliot and gave him a look of unbelief. ”That's false, isn't it? I'm sure you have read through the person's entire file.”

Elliot was the close confidant to George West, and his position in the business was only second to George. There was only so much a butler could do when the family had a house-elf who had magic that specialized in house care.

And Ms. Rosey was in charge of the West family's personal side, like managing the estates that spread around the countries.

As such, Elliot was heavily involved in the business side of things. Even Lia, at the level she was now, had less authority than Elliot. It would take some for even the heir apparent to surpass Elliot when it came to business affairs.

Elliot smiled at Quinn's words and nodded. ”I do know a lot about the person. But I'm afraid I've been told not to share those details with you.”

”Why? I should know who will be accompanying me on my first solo trip outside the country.”

”If we were to give you the detailed files on the person, you would have probably figured out how to evade 'them' or exploit 'them' in some way,” chuckled Elliot and looked at the teenager who boasted to have over a hundred people owing to him. ”But if we send you without knowing anything, we assume that by the time you figure 'them' out, it will be time to return home.”

Quinn clicked his tongue in disappointment. If he had some background information, he would know what buttons to push to make things go easier as, no matter what his grandfather said, Quinn was sure that his chaperone would try to restrict some of his movements.

”Alright, then tell me his name,” asked Quinn. If nothing else, he could start with the name.

”Aksel Thorn,” replied Elliot.

Quinn raised his left brow in response. ”Is this name a common one, because that's a cool name. I mean, just listen to it, Aksel Thorn. It sounds badass.”

”Young master, I'm not an expert on Danish names, so I can't comment on the rarity of the name.”

”Hmm, whatever. Is this Aksel Thorn meeting me here, or will he be meeting me in Denmark?”

”He will meet you on the other side,” answered Elliot as they finally reached the main gate. ”Wouldn't it be a hassle for him to take a portkey here and then return to Denmark immediately? He will be the first person you will meet.”

Quinn looked at the large metal gates that stood as the 'official' gates of the West estate. The gates were needlessly large and didn't have any small sub-gates built into them for easy access. One of the things that the architects forgot to add because of how little they were used.

Quinn lazily waved his right hand once to unlock the chains that locked gate. Right then, the heavy chains slipped down. The lock holding them in place opened. Slowly, the large and heavy main gate creaked open just enough for Quinn and Elliot to pass through.

”Should I transmute the metal to create a more practical gate?” asked Quinn as he and Elliot stepped onto the dirt road outside the estate.

”I don't believe that's a good idea. Your grandfather doesn't like the architecture of this manor to change,” denied Elliot. ”If you want to, you will have to ask your grandfather.”

Elliot then took out a Breton hat from his inner pocket and handed it to Quinn. Quinn grabbed it.

”This is the portkey?” asked Quinn looking over the blue Breton hat.

”Yes,” replied Elliot. ”It should be active by now. The keywords to trigger the magic are 'happy travel.'”

Quinn clenched the cap tight before giving Elliot a hug.

”I'll see you in a week or so,” said Quinn. ”I have a MagiFax unit in my suitcase. I'll write every day, and you can write to me every day.”

”That would be nice,” nodded Elliot. ”Do alert us if you require something. We will relay the message to our associates in Denmark, and you will have what you require as soon as possible.”

”I expect nothing less.”

Quinn ended the hug and stepped back from Elliot, and smiled. ”See you later. I will send you a letter in a couple of hours.”

”Have a safe trip, young master.”

Quinn nodded, raised the Breton hat, and uttered the keyword.

”Happy travels.”

It happened immediately. Quinn felt a hook just behind his navel suddenly jerk him irresistibly forward. His feet left the ground, and he sped forward in a howl of wind and swirling color; his hand always clenched the Breton hat. His hands were stuck to the cap as though it was pulling him magnetically onward. Then, he felt that the ride was about to end, so Quinn prepared for landing.

He felt the end of the speedy travel that had him in transition for an entire minute because of the cross-country travel. Quinn prepared his feet and softly landed, without being flung onto the ground.

”This is wild,” sighed Quinn, taking a couple of seconds to readjust himself. He was feeling a bit windblown. He then looked at the hat in his hand.

”Huh, perfect timing.” Quinn put on the Breton hat on his head and, as he expected, it was his size.

There was a clear opening in front of him. A forest began not far away. It was clearly an isolated place where non-magical people won't wander around to see a person suddenly appear out of nowhere.

”Quinn West.”

Quinn heard his name be called, so he looked at his back to see a tall Caucasian man with brunette hair and long stubble adorning his face. He wore a Louis brown leather jacket over a black shirt, dark-grey denim pants, and leather boots.

”My name is Aksel Thorn, and I will be your guide while you stay here in Denmark,” greeted Aksel.