Chapter 59: Polyjuice Incident, Debt, and Diary (1/2)

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Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, and Ivy Potter were planning an infiltration operation into the Slytherin house common room by employing the miraculous Polyjuice potion. The potion allowed a person to change their appearance to someone else's and all it took was a strand of their hair.

The four Gryffindor stood in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, gathered around the stall that issued thick black smoke while Hermione stirred the cauldron full of bubbling, glutinous potion.

”Does everyone have the hairs of their targets?” asked Hermione. When the other three nodded, Hermione continued, ”Good, now we need to separate the potion into the four glasses and add the hairs.”

While Hermione poured the Polyjuice potion into goblets, Ivy spoke up, ”I sneaked these spare robes out of the laundry,” throwing a sack on the floor, ”We will need robes with Slytherin trims, so wear these before exiting here.”

The four of them stared into the cauldron. Close up, the potion looked like thick, dark mud, bubbling sluggishly.

”I'm sure I've done everything right,” said Hermione, nervously re-reading the splotched page of Moste Potente Potions. ”It looks like the book says it should... once we've drunk it, we'll have exactly an hour before we change back into ourselves.”

Hermione handed the goblets to her three friends and instructed, ”Add your hairs to the goblets.”

The four added the hair into the bubbling goblets and watched as the potion hissed loudly like a boiling kettle and frothed madly.

Harry Potter added Gregory Goyle's hair strand into his potion and watched as it turned into khaki color.

Ron Weasley added Vincent Crabbe's hair strand into his goblet and the potion frothed before turning a dark, murky brown.

Hermione Granger dropped a strand of hair from Tracy Davis into hers's and it turned into a lilac color.

At last, Ivy Potter inserted a blonde strand from the head of Daphne Greengrass and watched as an icy-blue color spread through the potion.

”Now, get into the stalls and down them,” said Ivy, ”Don't drink them out here and change before drinking because your clothes won't fit.”

”Good call,” commented Ron, picking a set of clothes from the sack, and the others followed.

Careful not to spill a drop of their Polyjuice potion, the golden squad slipped into their individual stalls.

”Ready?” called out Harry.

”Ready,” came Ron's, Hermione's, and Ivy's reply.

”One - two - three -” Pinching their noses, the four chugged down their potion in two to three gulps.

There were groans and grunts from all four people before there was silence, followed by gasps of shock, and finally, the rustling of clothes could be heard at the end.

Three people came out at the same time and looked at each other with a stunned expression.

”This is unbelievable,” said Ron, approaching the mirror and prodding

Crabbe's flat nose. ”Unbelievable.” His voice was exactly the same as Crabbe's, and it surprised Ron a lot.

”This is wicked and jarring at the same time,” Goyle's low rasp of a voice issued from Harry's mouth.

The two transformed boys turned their heads to look at Ivy, who had altered into Daphne Greengrass, watching herself in a broken mirror with a complicated expression on her face.

Harry (Goyle) and Ron (Crabbe) watched with wide eyes as Ivy (Daphne) exhaled before an expressionless look took its place on Daphne Greengrass's face.

”Wow,” exclaimed Ron, ”She looks exactly like exactly like her.” If Ron didn't know that the girl in front of her was Ivy, he would have bet his entire pocket money on Daphne Greengrass standing in front of him.

Harry silently watched his sister put on the same expression as Daphne. He could understand the complicated look before the expressionless face; his twin sister and Daphne Greengrass did have a complicated relationship.

”Are you sure that Greengrass and Davis won't walk in on us,” asked Harry. While Harry and Ron had put Crabbe and Goyle to sleep with mild sleeping potions, Tracy and Daphne were still awake and in the castle.

Ivy stared at Daphne's face in the mirror for a while before replying, ”At this time, Tracy and Daphne are in the library doing their homework. Those two follow this schedule without fail,” she paused before continuing, ”She is quite methodical about it.”

She sighed before speaking, ”We have plenty of time before those two will return to the Slytherin common room, so we don't have to worry about them.”

Harry nodded before noticing that Hermione wasn't out of her stall, ”Hermione, come one, we need to go,” he called out while banging on Hermione's door.

A high-pitched voice answered him.

”I-I don't think I'm going to come after all. You go on without me.”

”Hermione, we know Tracy Davis differs greatly from you, but no one's going to know it's you -”

”No, really, I don't think I'll come. You three hurry up; you are wasting time -” said Hermione in a weirdly high-pitched voice.

Harry looked at Ron, bewildered.

”That looks more like Goyle,” said Ron. ”That's how he looks every time a teacher asks him a question.”

”Hermione, are you okay?” asked Ivy through the door.

”Fine, I'm fine. Go on,” came Hermione's response.

Ivy looked at her watch. Five of their precious sixty minutes had already passed.

”We will meet you back here, all right?” she said.

And, so Harry (Goyle), Ron (Crabbe), and Ivy (Daphne) were off to the Slytherin house common room.


- (Scene Break) -


Harry (Goyle) and Ron (Crabbe) walked ahead while Ivy (Daphne) walked a distance behind them because Daphne Greengrass wouldn't hang out, much less walk with the dumb duo of Slytherin.

The three went down the marble staircase, all they needed now was a Slytherin that they could follow to the Slytherin common room, but there was nobody around.

”Any ideas?” muttered Harry.

Harry and Ron didn't know where the Slytherin common room was located in the dungeons.

”The Slytherins always come up to breakfast from over there,” said Ron, nodding at the entrance to the dungeons. The words had barely left his mouth when a boy with black hair emerged from the entrance.

”Excuse me,” said Ron, hurrying up to her. ”We've forgotten the way to our common room.”

Ivy (Daphne) who, just turned the bend, looked at the duo and frowned, 'What in the world are those two doing?' She heard the last part of the sentence and had the urge to slap her forehead and then beat the two with a beater's bat.

'They didn't know the location of Slytherin common room?!' thought Ivy, 'Of course, they didn't! Ugh, these idiots!'

The Ravenclaw boy looked at them with interest and chuckled, ”I beg your pardon?” He pointed at his tie and trims on his robes, ”Our common room? I'm a Ravenclaw.”

”You guys must be really dumb,” the Ravenclaw boy laughed till tears were coming out of his eyes. He looked them straight in their eyes and said, ”Don't get lost, alright?”

Ivy felt embarrassed at her twin brother and their friend, not only because they jumped into the plan without knowing the first part and because the person who was laughing at them was the one person who she didn't want them to be embarrassed in front of.

The Ravenclaw with black hair had stone-grey eyes, and there was only one Ravenclaw with those features.

'Quinn West,' groaned Ivy.

She watched as Harry and Ron hurried down the stone steps into the darkness, their footsteps echoing particularly loudly as Crabbe's and Goyle's huge feet hit the floor.

Quinn chuckled as he watched the two climb down to the dungeon and turned back to see Daphne standing there, and his eyes flashed.

”Greengrass,” he waved and smiled, ”Fancy meeting you here.”

Ivy (Daphne) froze when she saw Quinn walked towards her but quickly gathered herself and spoke in a Daphne-esque fashion, ”Quinn.”

”Where is Tracy,” asked Quinn, looking behind her, ”You two are usually together.”

”She is in the library. She was behind on her homework,” replied Ivy (Daphne).

”Oh, is that so,” said Quinn. He thought of something and looked worried, ”Is it because of the Duro transfiguration spell? Did she spend time too much time practicing the spell?” Quinn sounded apologetic and continued, ”We have been practicing it a lot together. Maybe we should pull back a little.”

Ivy, who didn't know about what Quinn was speaking, just nodded.

”How about you?” asked Quinn, ”Are you comfortable transfiguring various materials into stone?”

”Of course,” spoke Ivy, imitating Daphne, ”It wasn't that difficult after I understood it.” She replied such that even though her expression remained unchanged, her voice portrayed pride.

Quinn smiled and then seemed to recall something, ”Before I forget. I got the thing that you wanted,” he put his hands in his robes, and the thing that came out was his wand.

Ivy's (Daphne's) eyes widened as she felt ropes conjure around her and tightened around her body. The ropes pulled her back, and she was slammed against the wall. The next second, the wall behind her transfigured into a liquid form, covered her entire body, and hardened to trap her inside.

”What are you doing?!” shrieked Ivy (Daphne), looking angry and furious.

”You are not Daphne Greengrass,” Quinn looked at her. She felt his eyes were looking right through her, ”So, who are you?”

”What bloody nonsense are you talking about?!” she screamed, feeling panic bubbling inside her.

Quinn peered at her and said, ”You see, when I called you Greengrass, you didn't show any reaction.”