Chapter 33: Ministry Ball, Fudge, and Greengrass (1/2)
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The Christmas break was here, and like most of the students, Quinn was back at home. He only had a day to rest before his grandfather give him some news.
He was having dinner with George when the older of the two spoke, ”Tomorrow, there is a Yuletide ball at the Ministry, and you will be attending the ball with me.”
Quinn didn't respond immediately and took a moment to think about this piece of information. He hadn't been to a formal public gathering like this, and if he attended this one, it would be his first one.
”Is my attendance necessary?” probed Quinn as he would prefer not to go to these kinds of events.
George glanced at his grandson and replied, ”Yes, you are coming with me tomorrow. You are not allowed to skip this one.”
Quinn nodded and asked, ”Is it because I have not been to these kinds of events?”
”Yes, you have shown no interest in these types of gathering, so I have not forced you to come with me, but now is high time for people to know that I have another grandchild. Few know that I have another grandchild. It will be beneficial for you to familiarize yourself with people at that ball and at the same time for others to know that there is another person in the West family.”
Quinn silently nodded and thought, 'Oh boy, here comes my public debut.'
Quinn thought that he would be busy at the ball, but he was mistaken; Ms. Rosey had him occupied from the moment he woke up. She took him to have a haircut in the morning, and then Quinn spent hours in a clothing store getting fitted for formal robes, and because they were needed later during the evening, and was forced to try on different colors, styles, and fits.
Ms. Rosey even had him dance practice before the ball just to check if he remembered everything; he wanted to argue who he was going to dance with but didn't after seeing the look on Ms. Rosey's face.
And, just when Quinn was about to sit down for a relaxing read, George pulled in him to quiz him about the significant people coming at the ball.
By the time Quinn was free, it was time to get ready for the ball. He put on his newly stitched bespoke robes and waited for his grandfather in the living hall.
When George entered the hall, Quinn asked while sitting on a sofa, ”How are we going to the location? Floo, Apparation, or Portkey?”
George replied with a smile on his face, ”We are taking a carriage. It is already ready at the front door.” He gestured with his chin, ”Come on.”
Quinn got up from his seat and said, ”Oh, is it a flying one; because I haven't gotten on one for a while.” Quinn had been on Thestral pulled carriages at Hogwarts, but they didn't fly for safety reasons; students could be rather stupid and reckless.
”Yes, it is a flying carriage. I ordered it for a change,” said George as Quinn fell into step with him as they walked to the front door, where Elliot waited to bid them farewell.
Elliot smiled towards Quinn and said, ”Young master, don't be pressured. You just have to be your usual charming self, and everything would be alright.” He then frowned and whispered, ”Don't tell Ms. Rosey about any of this; she will not agree with me at all, and then I would have to sit as she reprimands me.”
Quinn chuckled and nodded in reply.
Elliot opened the door, and the grandfather-grandson stepped out as Elliot followed them. In front of the manor stood a carriage with winged horses attached to it.
Quinn moved close to the winged horses and noted, ”Judging by the chestnut color, they are of the Aethonan breed.”
The winged horse was a magical species of horse, distinct for possessing wings that enabled them to fly. Winged horses were found worldwide, with many different breeds existing, including the Abraxan, Aethonan, Granian, and Thestral. Law required owners of winged horses to cast Disillusionment charms on them regularly.
Aethonan breed of winged horses was popular in Great Britain and Ireland as they were bred in the country and even had winged horse racing leagues similar to the equestrian sport of horse racing.
Quinn looked at the driver who opened the door for them and thought, 'This guy must be pretty good at Disillusionment charms; maybe I should ask for some tips.'
Inside of the carriage was much bigger and quite luxuriously furnished. Quinn sat opposite George, and the driver opened up a window from the front and pointed his wand towards the half glass globe, and a white fire appeared inside the glass globe.
Quinn looked at the white fire and thought about the candle chandelier in his A.I.D office and all other rooms he frequented, 'All the sources of light are flames... maybe I should design a light artifact that uses lighting charms. Now, what would go into creating something like that?'
Elliot peered inside the carriage and wished, ”I wish you a safe journey, and I hope you will enjoy the ball.”
Quinn smiled and said, ”Thank you, Uncle Elliot.”
Elliot stepped back and nodded towards the driver, and Quinn heard the crack of a whip. Quinn looked outside the window to see the carriage moving, and after a dozen seconds, the carriage took off the ground into the air. Little by little, the land became distant with other trees and fields around the West Manor.
After taking in the view for a few minutes, Quinn asked, ”Is the ball at the ministry?”
In response, George shook his head, ”No, they have booked another building for the ball. It is the same building as every year, and to think they would learn to switch things up once in a while.”
Usually, Lia would accompany George on these kinds of events; but this year, she was busy with another country's Yuletide ball, maintaining the business relationship in different countries.
- (Scene Break) -
The carriage landed in front of a common-looking building. The driver drove the horse-pulled carriage into an underground floor of the building, functioning as a parking station.
When Quinn and George exited the carriage, a ministry employee was waiting there to receive them. The ministry employee was a young man who stepped forward and greeted George,
”Good evening, Mr. West. I am Malcolm MacDonald from the Department of International Magical Cooperation. I will be guiding you to the ball this evening.”
George nodded and silently followed Malcolm MacDonald, the ministry employee. Quinn walked with his grandfather; he also noticed that Malcolm MacDonald was sneaking peeks towards him.
'Well, it is my first time here. I guess Malcolm MacDonald didn't know about me,' thought Quinn and also made eye contact with Malcolm once, and because of habit, Quinn extended his magic towards Malcolm's mind and felt no shields around his mind, but held back from reading his mind.
After walking for a couple of minutes, they reached the hall. Quinn took in the hall room with its silverish and golden decor, shining every corner of the large room, velvet curtains framing the sides of the hall, and tens of circular tables set up in the hall with a large empty area in the middle for dancing.
In the hall, multiple people dressed in robes and dresses mingling together, talking and laughing with each other.
Malcolm MacDonald turned to face George and said, ”I hope you enjoy the evening, Mr. West.” and gave Quinn a light nod before leaving the pair.
Quinn followed him with his eyes and saw that he was making a beeline towards a crowd of people, most probably alerting the Minister that George West had arrived.
Quinn looked up at George, asking with his eyes about what he should do. George smiled and replied, ”You have to follow me for a while, and after introducing yourself to some significant people, you can relax and do whatever you want for the rest of the evening.”
Quinn smiled and nodded, ”Alright, let's go and meet some people.” He chuckled and added, ”How should I play this, maybe a shy kid or maybe a charmer, hmm... should I go the spoiled route?”
George hugged him by the shoulder and warned with a small smile, ”Don't cause mischief, and just be yourself.”
Quinn grinned and looked around, ”Who should we talk to first?”
George shook his head and stated, ”We don't need to approach. Just wait, and people will come to us. Let's just grab a spot and let the others come to us.” Quinn nodded, impressed by his grandfather's demeanor. George truly believed that people would flock around him.
'He does have the qualifications to back up his confidence,' thought Quinn as he followed George and looked at the back of his grandfather with admiration. If it was social skills and values as a person, Quinn would be fine if he became half as good as George.
George had just picked up a drink for himself, and his previous statement came true as the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Oswald Fudge, walked towards them with a big smile on his face, behind a small group followed. Quinn noticed a woman who looked like a toad, but decided to ignore as long she didn't talk to him.
”Mr. West, you made it. I wasn't sure you would be showing up. I am immensely delighted to see that you are here,” the minister said in his most flattering voice.
It made Quinn smile a little when he heard Fudge addressing his grandfather with mister. Quinn clearly recalled that Fudge didn't do that with Albus Dumbledore or even Lucius Malfoy. It just showed how much influence George West held in Britain.
”I had no plans this time of the year, so I decided to accept your invitation, Cornelius,” said George with a stoic expression. He swept his eyes to the people behind Fudge, and that made them stand straighter. Even the toad woman didn't say a single word.
George put a hand on Quinn's shoulder and introduced, ”Let me introduce you to my grandson Quinn.”
All the people at once noticed that there was a kid beside George West. They didn't notice the kid before, and the common thought struck all, 'George West's grandson?!'
Quinn smiled and put out his hand for a handshake, ”Happy Yuletide, Minister.”
Cornelius Fudge grabbed Quinn's hand while feeling stunned. 'George West had a grandson? Why didn't I know about this?' He also had the urge to grill Malcolm McDonald about why didn't he feel the need to tell about George West's grandson.
”Oh ho, Quinn West, is it? How old are you, Quinn?” smile Fudge.