11 Another Kingdom (1/2)

Story Of Legends SWolf25 37130K 2022-07-23

Gorou and everyone else were with Naoko in the infirmary. Naoko was lying unconscious on the bed.

Wendy asked why Naoko fainted.

”The Healers said she fainted because she used too much force, ” Riku said.

Zen said, ”if I had used that much force, I would most likely have exploded.”

Naoko slowly opened her eyes and looked around. After looking around, Naoko asked what happened and where she was.

Gorou said,”you fainted because you used too much force, so I brought you to the infirmary.”

Naoko was barely moving and tried to get out of bed and said, ”I have to go.”

Gorou held her by the shoulder and said, ”You used a lot of force, I think you should rest.”

Naoko ”No,I can't rest, every second I wait, the people in my kingdom get hurt and die.”

Riku asked which kingdom she was referring to.

Naoko said ”The 14th Kindgom,Kingdom of Majirushi”

the people in that Kingdom were killed or enslaved by creatures called the Siyanto. Siyantos skin was gray, their eyes were blue, they were humanoid, and they even can think like a humans.

But only in the Kingdom of Majirushi did these creatures appear and live. this is because they don't like sun rays. The Majirushi Kingdom was the least sunny Kingdom, so it would be easy for them to live there.

Naoko said Sadly, ”The reason I came here was to be strong enough to defeat them, but I can't even control my strength.”

Naoko clenches her fist, unable to control her tears, and said, ”I will lose my kingdom and my family at this rate.”

Gorou looks her in the eye and says,” No, you won't lose, because we will help you.”

Naoko stops crying and thanks Gorou with a hug.

Gorou smiles at Naoko and says,” Well, then we'll leave early tomorrow.”

Naoko lies back on the bed after shaking her head and begins to sleep. Gorou and the others has left the infirmary.

Riku said,”Gorou, our goal now is to strengthen for war, not to save the Kingdom, and we don't know how difficult or easy it is.”.

”I caused these events and I owe it to her.”

Riku said, ”OK, if you want to go, you can go, but not by yourself, you will take Zen and Arito with you.”

Arito grinned, ”Of course I'll go,he's my fucking little brother, it's my job to protect him I want to win this contest too but, I'm coming with you, brother .”

Gorou thanked with a smile.

Wendy said, ”be very careful when you go, I heard the number of those creatures were increasing.”

Gorou said, ”We'll be careful, I promise.”

Riku approached Gorou and said ”and when you're done, don't come back here again, we'll meet you in the kingdom.”

Gorou approves by shaking his head.

At that time, during the night hours, Jiiku continued towards the Weretan mountain. he's been walking and climbing for almost 3 days. The weather was very cold and rainy, but still Jiiku kept going. eventually he reached the foot of the mountain. Golems appeared in front of the mountain,these Golems were 4 meters tall,powerful creatures. the purpose of those creatures being here was to protect the mountain.

Jiiku calmly continued to walk without caring for them. The golem taked aim at Jiiku with its hand. it got struck by Red Lightning from the sky while it was about to strike. The Stone golem was torn to pieces after a lightning strike. The number of Golems increased after lightning. When Jiiku saw them growing, he pulled out his sword. The golems started shouting strongly, and after the shouts They attacked Jiiku directly. Jiiku put his mask on his mouth and started attacking the golems.

Tomorrow morning, Gorou, Zen, Naoko and Arito were on their way. they maked their way to the Kingdom of Majirushi, which is the 14th kingdom.

Riku, Wendy and Lara had to continue the tournament to strengthen. in the tournament, Riku, Lara and Wendy defeated their opponents one by one. they eventually had reached the quarterfinals. Everyone had a different opponent. Wendy confronted Ussa, Lara faced Waret, Riku faced Foruan, and finally the individuals named Ulob and Cuno were confronted.

Wendy and the Ussa match was selected as the first match. The Ussa had the ability to transform into any animal. Ussa and Wendy got in the ring and the announcer yelled,

”Are you ready to get crazy?”

Fans started screaming, then the announcer said, ”All right, then,” and ringed the bell.