Chapter 1044 (1/2)

”You are not welcome here.”

Suddenly, a man appeared in front of them.

The man's hair was thick and tangled with a lot of mud, and it was hard to see what color it was. He is missing a few teeth. Small, black eyes were staring ahead. He should have looked funny, but not at the moment; the effect was rather hairy, and no wonder Ogden took a few steps back when he spoke.

”Er good morning. I'm from the Ministry of magic -- ”

” you're not welcome here. ”

”Er - I'm sorry - I can't understand you,” Ogden said nervously.

Van Lin thought Ogden was too late and blunt; in Van Lin's eyes, the stranger had made his meaning very clear, especially when he waved his wand in one hand and a knife stained with blood in the other hand. Even though he could not understand what he said, it did not affect the expression of the man's meaning.

”Snake man accent?” Van Lin hesitated for a moment. Although Harry said such words in his dream more than once, he did not understand what it meant.

A bunch of unclear syllables and inspirations, but it also made van Lin clear what the memory was about.

Voldemort's family, Gunter family, Slytherin's only pure blood offspring, 100% pure blood

”That's right. It's snake talk.” Dumbledore nodded and laughed. He could understand, but he couldn't say it. Of course, it's still possible to repeat some simple words. It's just a form?

The ragged man was approaching Ogden, knife in one hand and wand in the other.

”Now, listen up,” said Ogden, but it was too late: Bang, Ogden fell to the ground and grabbed his nose with his hand, and a disgusting yellow mucus gushed from his fingers.

”Muffin!” Said a loud voice. An elderly man came out of the hut in a hurry and slammed the door behind him. The dead snake was shaking pitifully.

The man was shorter than the first, and his proportions were strange; his shoulders were wide, his arms were a little too long, he had bright brown eyes, his hair was thick and short, and his face was wrinkled, which made him look like an energetic old monkey.

He went up to the man with the knife, who was giggling at Ogden, who was lying on the ground.

”Ministry of magic, right?” The old man looked down at Ogden.

”Yes Ogden said angrily, covering his face. ”You are Mr. Gunter, I suppose?”

”He hit you in the face, didn't he?”

”Yes, he did!” 'said Ogden sharply.

”You should let us know about your visit, shouldn't you?” ”It's private territory,” Gunter said domineering. You can't walk in without my son defending himself. ”