Chapter 815 (1/2)

Harry woke up suddenly and completely at half past five the next morning, as if someone were shouting in his ear.

For a short period of time, he was firmly in bed, and the scenes of Disciplinary Hearings filled every corner of his mind, almost beyond Harry's endurance. He jumped out of bed and put on his glasses.

Van Lin had left early, and he was not the only one to leave today. In Van Lin's words, he would like to accompany Harry to a hearing if possible.

Mrs. Weasley has cleaned his jeans and T-shirt and put them at the foot of the bed. The blank painting on the wall was also chuckling. Ron lay on his back with his limbs open, his mouth wide open, and he soon fell asleep. Harry did not wake up when he crossed the room.

Harry walked out of the bedroom, stood on the floor and gently closed the door behind him. Harry tries to think about it systematically again. He looks at Ron. Maybe they can't be classmates at Hogwarts anymore.

Harry calmly went downstairs, through the head ornaments of cletcher's ancestors, and down into the kitchen.

He had hoped that the kitchen was empty now, or Fanlin himself But when Harry arrived at the door, he heard a low conversation on the other side.

He opened the door and saw the Weasleys, Sirius, lupin and Tonks sitting in it, while van Lin and Hermione served as the end of the table It was almost as if they were waiting for him.

All but Mrs. Weasley were well dressed, and Mrs. Weasley wore a cotton padded purple nightgown.

She was busy breakfast when Harry came in.

”Breakfast,” Mrs. Weasley drew out her wand and hastily lit the fire.

”Morning - morning - morning, Harry,” said Tonks, yawning. Her hair was white and slightly curly this morning. ”Come and sit down.” She pulled out a chair and moved the one next to her.

”What would you like, Harry?” Asked Mrs. Weasley. ”Porridge? English Muffin? Pickled fish? Bacon and eggs? Or toast? ”

”Just - toast, thank you,” said Harry. Lupin glanced at Harry and then said to Tonks, ”what happened to squimu?”

”Oh Yes Well, we need to be more careful. He has asked Kingsley and me some strange questions... ” Harry felt a vague sense of gratitude, and he didn't need to be involved in the conversation. His body is squirming.

Mrs. Weasley put two slices of toast and marmalade in front of Harry; he tried to eat, but it was tasteless. Mrs. Weasley sat on the other side of him and started making a fuss about his T-shirt, flattening the labels and smoothing the creases from her shoulders. But Harry wanted her not to.

“… And I have to tell Dumbledore that I can't be on the night shift tomorrow night, I'm just too - too - tired, ”said Tonks with a big yawn.

”Get used to it, Tonks.” ”Moody said, this is a very important job, but after we leave, only Mr. Weasley, Mrs. Weasley and Mr. lupin can help you, but Bill should be back in two days...”

”Oh, thank God, I won't let him go.” Said Tonks, growing up.

”I'll do it for you,” said Mrs. Weasley. ”I'll be fine. Anyway, I'm going to finish a report anyway. ”

Instead of a wizard's robe, Mr. Weasley wore pinstriped trousers and an old bomber jacket. He turned his head from Tonks to Harry.

”How do you feel?”

Harry shrugged. He was numb. The banter of van Lin and Tonks didn't interest him.