Squadron (1/2)
2 volumes were released on October 1. If you can purchase it at a bookstore, it will lead to continuing volumes, so please take care.
”This is because the king of the Netherworld has put on it for a long time”
- Clearly. It will be troublesome if we head for eternity. ”
I watched the flock of Monster that began to appear gradually on the wall surrounding the settlement, and Ramis and Hurumi are chatting.
Because I have experienced running through the scene a number of times, both of us are close to natural bodies without having too much power in vain. Even though there are not many hunters who are fascinated by scars of Monster who are likely to fill the horizon.
I was convinced that the thing will come off as it is, but the Monsters came close to the wall to some extent, then they stopped moving from there.
”Yet there are distance 1 km more than that”
I peeped into the binoculars who made a form change, Hulmei is checking the distance by eye measurement.
Since it is now afternoon, are you aiming for the night? It certainly was a story saying that frog man, demon snake and crocodile were both nocturnal.
Everyone stayed in the night keeping the alert state maintained, but the sun rises without changing the situation without the sign of the opponent staying there without any signs of movement.
”Oh, I did not move,”
”It is possible to save both troops or to destroy them at a stroke, or both ... ...Faaa, Nemi ”
Hurumi who revealed the night was rubbing his eyes like sleeping.
People who were standing on the guards seemed to replace all at once, and the ramis returned to the tent once again to rest their bodies.
See also had con take it easy.
”Sorry, let me have you rest earlier”
It was Pitty and Mishuel who came next to me in exchange for two people.
It seems everyone is taking a nap, so everything seems perfect.
”until night……Together .... ”
”Haccon master, if you are tired, please rest at any time”
“Thank you”
After giving the set of breakfast to two people, this time we will pick it up by Pitty and distribute food and drink to hunters who replace the guard.
Mishuel seems like an escort and accompanies me. I thought that it would come because I became anxious when I became alone, but I did not put it out in my mouth.
When I finished distributing it to all of the hunters on the wall, I thought of going down to the hunters waiting in the square in the plaza, but as the street vendors began business, we selfed.
People who evacuated to the Hunter Association are also energetic, and it seems that the children are doing well with the association.
Even though the enemy's attack is not the first time, the inhabitants here are too adaptive.
In the first place, living in a dungeon is strongly hitting element and the risk of life is high. So, it seems that most of the people who live here have decided to prepare from the former.
前回の一件でも取り乱している人が殆どいなかったし、あれだけの死者を出しても異変が解決した次の日から逞しく働いていた。 It's a must-follow place.
”When will the enemy begin to move?”
We're friends. Great friends.NothingIs not there ...? ”
Even if we can save our fighting power, we will have to prepare for the damage here if we attack at a stroke. The thickness and height of the walls are different from the previous one and it is hard to protect and the worry of the food, which is the most problematic, is useless, so you can tell that the battle game is appropriate.
Although it seems that it seems better to scrape the opponent within now, it will be troublesome even if you move hands halfway and go to total attack.
Group battle bargaining is what the presidents think, and I only follow that instruction, but the degree of calm is not so big that you can calm down without thinking with that army in front of you.
Today there was no movement other than my worries, and two days passed.
The presidents who were impatient with the growing number of Monster's troops everyday will have a strategy conference and I will be taking part so I am taken to the conference room and are giving out drinks to everyone.
”Well, it seems that everyone has gathered. I am planning to establish future policies for Monster. Would you like to continue or stop basking in this way, or would you please let us know your frank opinions?
Chairman of the burning was cut so the Chairman of bear, and he raised his hand.
”Hey, do not hesitate to say it. You should attack quickly. Even if you leave it alone, the situation will only get worse while the number of enemies will increase. ”
Many are nodding in that opinion. I was also worried about the enemy's increase, so it may be a burning president's idea.
”But if you are going to do it you have to prepare for a lot of sacrifice.”