Another member (1/2)

”Pitty is ... ....Because it is withdrawal ......It's too much ...... ”

A woman who appeared from the shellfish collapsed into a sandy beach, crying with fellows.

Clothes are green long dress with same sleeve as hair color. Below that I have thick pants like jeans.

I think it was bad to have broiled but why some people in the shellfish. Perhaps it is not uncommon in other worlds. Perhaps there is a race called a shellfish.

”No, I had bad baked, but what was it in the shellfish?”

”Have you never heard the race in the shellfish?”

”I do not even know. Do you know Haccon mentor? ”


There is no reason to know. It seems that there is no mistake in a heterogeneous situation in this world.

We can not keep up with the situation we did not expect, but here are two cool people.

”What were you doing, Pitty”

”Finally, my withdrawal worsened and I came to live on my own shield”

Shield ... ....This is like a shell shell. Was this bivalve a shield? It is not invisible as a circular shield if it is told.

However, even though the body was folded in, I wonder if this thinned woman can handle a shield a little smaller than his height. Even though I was in the ocean, why are not you suffocating?

Besides, it is this woman, who seems to be talking with each other carefully like a member of a wanderer of a fool who is a searching person.

”Pitty is ... ....That person's on a small island ......I was waiting for the return ... ....Don't you dare!The headmen ...I will try to get out of the house ......I returned when I refused ......But recently again ......Because the strategy does not go well ...Because you are persistent to come ... ...I got a shield and ran away ... ...When I was floating ... ...If I think ...It seems I was sinking ... ”

Because the voice is also small and speaks choppy choppy, listeners will need patience. The explanation content is too heterogeneous, so the picture does not come to mind at all.

Once I took the point out, I refused Keliole 's headmaster who came to solicit before, but recently I came to a mouth again.

And because she was too persistent she had covered a shell - like shield and ran away.

There was one important information in the contents of the current conversation. It is said that captain Keroisle 's dungeon capture is not back. There seems to be a chance to win over.

「相変わらず無駄に高性能な盾ですね。 操作すれば一回り小さくすることも可能で、魔法を弾き熱を遮断までは盾として有益だと理解できます。 But is it necessary for the shield to exhaust the mental power and generate small amounts of water and air? ”

”If you have rice.Living ... ....Oh yeah.

盾なのに住めるのか。 It is a shield.

”I still waited for the man who threw it away, I do not have a chance.”

- Shui.

Heavy reprimand flew as Shui who was shocked to throw up and spit it, he raised a voice saying ”It was closed” and turned his eyes to the fearful woman who came out of the shellfish.

I threw it away.Oh, she left me.No, it is different ...He will definitely come back ...Yes, I'm coming back to Pitty. ”

Oh, it broke down. Just like a heroine of a tragedy.

”I will not have ears to listen for a while if this happens. I am sorry, you do not know what it is to you. He is a member of the foolish fantasies under the name of Pitty. ”

Well, that's right. There is expectation if there is listening to the conversation so far.

”Well, I am crying but can I leave it alone?”

All good. Because it is like an attack, if you leave it for a while it will return to original. ”

Shui also sighs although it seems to thrust coldly, so it does not seem to matter if you leave it alone.

”She is, forget the men abandoned their old someday believe come back to their own. It is impossible. ”

”Because that guy was a marriage cheater. Now I am guilty of deceiving the wealthy daughter, I am supposed to spend my entire life in a prison far far in the north. I will explain it over and over and I will not believe it. ”

If it says well, it is ever. Would it be a type of escape to my world if I say badly?

Even now I am crying, but the expression is not sad but rather pitiful as I feel like being drunk.

”What is it like this, how do you draw such a guy? Well, I can not work properly. ”

It is a straight tale that does not disturb words of Hulumi, but there is no voice to blame. Everyone did not put it out, but seems to have thought of the same thing.

”Nature spirit with difficulty is sure of is that excellent ability by far.”

”I think that it can not be convinced even if explained by mouth, so the one who actually watched it is quicker”

When Hebui and Shu nodded with eye-catching, turned towards Pitty who is writing letters on the sand beach.

”Every day I can not meet ......It is painful and I want to die ...But I want to see that person ... ...I am worth living ......Oh, but I have to wait ... .... ”

They marvel at a glance without seeing only the ground and they set weapons against her. What are you doing? Shui 's eyes are seriously aiming, not a joke.

I know that there is something to think about, but is it still alright to see attacks on unprotected Pitties?

No, I believe. What do you do without believing in the companions who have shared the pleasure.

”I will go!”

Hebu sweeps down the chain Morningstar, Shui releases arrows.

It seemed that Pitty, who had begun digging the beach with his fingers, just stood up to stumble, but neither the iron ball nor the arrow with the thorn never touched her.

It did not look like a quick move. As in minimal movement declined to say what.

”This is awesome, this person. I completely threw off the attack. ”