[きょうい] /threat/ (1/2)

Four wall-mounted candlesticks were installed in the room.

At the center of the dim room there is a huge round desk, with thirteen people sitting side by side to surround it.

Nobody opened the mouth and silence dominated, a woman stood up all the way.

”Everyone gathered well. I'll start a regular meeting. Of course this agenda - of course - ”

Everyone makes a noise on words that point to something suspicious.

”No way, they said that reaching out to here”

”Oh, I was careless”

”If you do not take measures, you will be destroyed in an instant”

The noisy words leaked from their mouth one after another, and a sorrowing groaning voice is also heard.

All the faces illuminated by dim light are dark, I can not feel animation.

- Silence. I gathered information that I know now ...- Come on, man.

A woman who looked like a maid of an apron skirt in shape, who was urged by a woman and was sitting next to him, got up and opened the material he had.

”Then, we are holding 70% of the hierarchy in the open dungeon. And this time I have reached out my hand here as well. We must work together to unite and eliminate ourselves now. Therefore, we are calling a person who is a trump card this time. Well, can you give me a word? ”

”Hello, fellas. Here I am.”

I was forced to participate in the meetings of people who are engaged in food and drink industry in the village of the lake hierarchy of the clear stream, I could only do so.

These meetings are held three times a year on a fixed monthly basis and may be seriously talked, but basically they end with each other's information exchange and chatting afterwards.

However, this time it was a meeting that was held specially quickly, there is no margin for the expression of everyone. It is transmitted only by looking at the ups and downs, and honest coziness is bad.

”Mr. Hakkon, if you have any opinion, please do it anytime”

It is disgusting when Masami is talked to Munami. Is this type a person who can become a role? I feel like I am doing it with an image like an excellent secretary.

”I will continue talking. Now, masses of people flows in this village. The population that was about 100 people has been swollen, and now it is rumored that the population is close to 500 people. ”

”Recently, I am lively”

”It is a situation that should be happy if it is original”

Because the village is not enough for the reconstruction work, no matter how much manpower is needed, people have been entering and leaving recently just to prepare the outer wall at least before welcoming full-fledged winter. Somehow, the wall of the pile seems to be aligned enough to prevent enemy invasion, it seems that it is the present condition that it is relieved.

”As the number of people increases, and as a food and beverage industry I am happy ... ...It was, but that caused them to get started. The strongest worst dining hall of the purpose of conquering all the food of the dungeon - Chain cafeteria! ”

”Yeah, I do not have anything here, so I thought I would make a profit!”

”Even though I was doing business in another hierarchy, they ran away depriving all the food demand of the settlement!”

While watching the eating and drinking owner who is making noise like a hero of a tragedy, I will summarize the story with my head.

In other words, there are villages where people gather in each hierarchy of this dungeon, and there are major players who are opening restaurants. In other words, Dungeons chain shop?

Until now, because the population was around a hundred, I was not reaching out because my profit was considered low. However, it seems to have judged that it is time to make a profit by seeing the recent population increase.

The name of the major chain store seems to be a chain eatery. The shop where they open stores are of a size that can not be thought of as eating and drinking, not to mention eating and drinking, but also stock foods and portable foods are also available, which seems to be a catchphrase that ”Chain restaurant with all foods”.

Chain cafeterias are purchased directly from contract farmers, and low prices and high quality are made possible by not sandwiching intermediaries. There is also a connection with the vendor who operates the forwarding team, so it is cheap to use, so it does not cost food transportation, and general eating and drinking establishments can not compete with price.

And the village where the Chain restaurant opened, the worst development that other food and drink industry will be overrun is waiting.

Is this modern Japan even better story is. There are nothing in the precedent that large shops were built in rural areas, shopping districts and retail shops were crushed and the shopping street became a shutter town.

”They were aiming for this time. In this season, when the winter is over, the ingredients are traded at a high price and we bother with the price setting. There seems to be possession of a large amount of magical tools that can keep food ingredients fresh, and it will be able to provide unchanging dishes even in winter. ”

I wonder if it is like a large refrigerator.

Since 80% of the restaurant here is open at the stalls, there is no such thing. It was a matter of course to take a day off because we could not stock the material.

”The forwarding team also has reached out for themselves, the price has been blatantly turned up and distribution of ingredients is stalled. We are in a seriously driven situation. ”

”Damn, are we just being overrun?”

”I have cute kids out. How can I get over winter? ”

The shopkeepers behaving badly hit the desk with a fist - action is playing. I'm afraid I'm turning my eyes to glance, glance, and so on.

I could grasp the reason why I was called here in a farce play. I want a countermeasure to overcome this situation.

To be honest, as a vending machine, a major chain store will come, but it will not have much impact. It's possible to open it 24 hours a day, and we deal with several items that Chain cafeterians can not mimic. I can not believe that freeze-dried recipes for cup noodles can be made possible by residents of different worlds.

But I like the inhabitants here and there is something about Ramis, so do not lose it by being kind to the people. To keep her whereabouts when I got broken someday and became useless.

Also, the favorite shop which the elderly couple operated in school days has a bitter past crushed by the large store, so it is not bad to play that revenge in another world.

”So, you can not cooperate with Mr. Hakkon! ......If you help me, when the inn is restored I will make the accommodation fee of Ramisu half price. ”

I was reacting if I was a living being in the second half I muttered with Muskete 's Bossotsu. Well, I intended to help without such negotiations, but the reason to refuse if the rumis gained was lost.