Part 22 (1/2)
”Great!” Lexus grabbed my arm and pulled me along.
When we were outside, John pointed to a s.h.i.+ny, black, 1967 Ford Mustang that was parked in our driveway. Lexus gasped and let out a scream.
”s.e.xy!” she commented. ”Is that yours, John?”
”That's your dad's. Right, John?” I said to take the attention off Lexus.
”Yeah,” John told me. ”He said I can drive it and see if it grows on me. I might get to keep it after I graduate.”
”That would make a hot graduation present,” Lexus charmingly expressed. She walked over to the cla.s.sic vehicle and stared at it admiringly. As we checked out the exterior of the car, I could feel John's eyes beaming towards me. Lexus didn't seem to notice. She seemed to be enamored with John's car. She ohhed and aahed and rubbed it like it was a kitten. I thought the car was going to start purring because of how she was fawning all over it.
”Can I?” she asked John with her hand on the door.
”Sure, but watch the interior,” John warned. ”My dad had it detailed.”
Lexus hopped into the front seat. John laughed. He looked away from Lexus and back over at me. I was smiling on the outside and nervous on the inside. I could see that he liked Lexus. Everybody liked Lexus. She had that kind of effect on people, especially guys. Why would John be any different? I wanted to disappear.
”Kristen,” he called out to me. ”Come here. I want to show you something.”
I followed John to the trunk of the car, which he opened with a big, convincing smile on his face. When he pulled out the large and bright kite, I had to cover up my huge smile. He rubbed his hands gently over the red, white, and blue, American Flag-designed kite. Then, he turned to me. His eyes were bright and gleaming with the sun beaming down on him. He looked like some kind of beautiful creature that had fallen from heaven.
With sweet eyes and that wonderful smile he asked, ”Kristen, will you fly this kite with me?”
I knew something had changed for the better. Uncontrollable feelings of fear, love, strength, and want spilled inside of me. I felt a little bit of those overwhelming emotions squeeze out of one tear from my left eye. I couldn't speak. I just nodded.
He stepped in close to me and whispered in my ear.
”Thank you for what you said to me, Kristen. You reminded me of something really important.”
I remained closed to him, and whispered back, ”What, John?”
He chuckled, and said, ”You reminded me of what's most important. Not to be afraid, and just do it.”
I turned my head slowly towards him. He didn't move. Our foreheads touched and our eyes met. It felt like we were magnets. There was an invisible force keeping us close together. We were so close that, if I moved half of an inch, our lips would touch.
”Sometimes I feel,” he whispered, ”that I can do anything. No matter if I'm scared, I know that I can do this. I don't know why I suddenly felt that after we spoke that day.”
”It's just simply, because you're wonderful,” I reminded him.
He closed his eyes and lowered his head with a smile. I kept my eyes open and moved my lips close to his ear. I whispered, ”You can move. I dare you to move. Don't be afraid, John. Just do it.” I couldn't believe I said it. I couldn't imagine what he might have been thinking, but I was not thinking at that moment. I was only feeling the emotions of love and want. I wanted John to kiss me so badly.
He looked up at me with eyes so gentle. He bit down on his bottom lip and squinted his eyes lusciously. The magnetic force started to pull me in. Even though John did not move, I knew it was all right, so I moved, but the force was only moving one way. When I moved in, he pulled back.
”Kristen,” I heard Lexus call out to me.
I looked around, confused and embarra.s.sed. Lexus tugged on my arm. She was standing with one hand on her hip and with the other scratching her head. She laughed, broke in between John and me, and grabbed the kite out of John's hands.
”You like kites?” she asked in a sn.o.bbish tone.
John laughed and grabbed the kite back from her playfully.
”Yes, I do. You got a problem with that?” John joked around with Lexus.
Lexus laughed along with him and hit him on his arm.
She said, ”No. I never flew a kite before. Show me how to fly it, John.”
”Let's do it!” John said.
”Okay!” Lexus exclaimed as she kept smiling and standing close to him. She made John blush so easily.
”Come on, Kristen. We're going to fly this thing, right?” John asked as he ran off with Lexus to the backyard.
”Yeah, sure.” I said as I slowly walked after them.
Mr. Sharp said, ”Kristen, I told you”. He liked taunting me.
”I'll be there in a minute,” I told John and Lexus.
I went into the house and into the bathroom. I locked the door as Mr. Sharp called out to me.
”Cut! Come on! Don't be afraid. Do it! Let me kiss you!”
Geoffrey escorted me to Dr. Pelchat's office. Dr. Pelchat looked the same as when I'd first met him. He was tall, heavy, and had a head full of red, curly hair. He smiled like a jolly Santa Claus when Geoffrey greeted him. When Geoffrey was gone, I stood in Dr. Pelchat's office, silent and nervous.
Dr. Pelchat opened my chart and looked through the pages. After a moment of silence, he finally looked up at me. The jolly Santa Claus had left the room with Geoffrey. Dr. Pelchat didn't seem anything like Dr. Cuvo, judging from his demeanor.
”Will you please take a seat?” he asked me. I sat down and kept my eyes on him. ”Let's get right to it. I'm taking you off of the Effexor and the Risperdol.”
”What? I don't understand,” I said.
”The medication that Dr. Cuvo put you on, I'm taking you off, starting today,” he said.
”Do you know why Dr. Cuvo put you on those medications?”
”I don't know. I mean, I wasn't sleeping well at night.”
Dr. Pelchat seemed upset. He said, ”Kristen, do you know anything about Effexor or Risperdol? Do you know what they are?”
”No,” I admitted.