Chapter 174 - CHAPTER 171 (1/2)

”Her heartbeat is dangerous low” said the nurse.

”Few more seconds” said Dr Schmidt and suddenly the machines went crazy.

”She has stopped breathing” said the nurse.

”She is getting a cardiac arrest” said another nurse.

Dr Schmidt looked up at the nurses and said ”start CPR”

The nurses got to work and Dr Schmidt successfully finished the operation.

Dr Atkins got the AED (defibrillator) ready to shock Sabrina.

The nurse Peeled off the sticky pads and attach them to Sabrina's skin, one on each side of the chest.

Once the pads were attached the nurse stopped the CPR and all moved back from Sabrina.

”Clear” said Dr Atkins and placed the prompts on the pads and shocked her on high.

Luckily she only needed to be shocked once and her heart beat started.

The nurse placed the oxygen mask on her and Sabrina's heart beat  again.

And because the clot was removed from her lung she could breath too.

Dr Atkins and Dr Schmidt looked at eachother and congratulated eachother for a successful operation.

Dr Schmidt walked out of the OT and saw Elisio seated on the chair with his grand daughter.

Elsio stood up seeing the doctor and Taha approached them.

”The operation was a success and she is breathing steadily” said Dr Schmidt and Elisio and Taha smiled wide and looked at eachother and nodded.

”When can I see her? When will she be conscious?” Asked Elisio impatiently.

”She woke up in between the surgery and slipped back to unconsciousness. Her heart even stoped at one point but we got her back” said Dr Schmidt.

”How is her heart rate now?” asked Ermanno standing behind Elisio.

Elisio turned to look at Ermanno and Arlo standing behind him.

”For now all her vitals are normal and so is her breathing. We have to wait 24hrs for her to wake up by herself seeing she woke up once during the operation or..” said Dr Schmidt and looked at Elisio.

”Or what?” Asked Arlo.

”If she doesn't wake up in 24hrs then we have to think of something else” said Dr Schmidt.

”State clearly without running behind the bushes. What do you have in mind?” said Elisio agitated.

”Mr Devonte. She was in a coma and if she doesn't wake up in 24hrs it will mean she slipped back to the coma. The chances of that happening is very high. It was actually unexpected that she even woke up for few seconds” said Dr Schmidt.

”It looked like she only woke up to call your name” said the nurse behind Dr Schmidt smiling dreamily.

”She called me?” Asked Elisio.

”Yes” said the nurse.

Elisio sat back on the chair and Emerald went close to him and wiped a tear that escaped Elisio's eyes.

”See, you called her and she answered you” said Emerald.

Elisio hugged Emerald and then broke the hug and looked at her and said ”will you pray with me again?”

”Aanhann” said Emerald and wrapped her tiny hands around Elisio's neck.

Ermanno called Enrique and everyone present in the church cheered with happiness.

Sabrina was shifted to the ICU and this time no one was allowed to go in for some time.

”You can meet her tomorrow morning” said the doctor to Elisio.

”We all need to go home and take rest. Elisio you need rest too” said Zeke.

”Home is where my fiore is” said Elisio looking at the ground.

”Dad you can't be like this. Mom wouldn't want this” said Ermanno.

Elisio looked up from where he was seated and said ”my fiore will want what I want”

”You need sleep” said Arlo.

”I can't sleep alone” said Elisio.

”I'll sleep with you papa. I'll even sing you a good night song” said Emerald.

Elisio looked at Emerald and said ”what about my fiore”

”I'll stay the night and you can come in the morning” said Ermanno.

Elisio looked at Emerald and smiled at her and said ”what song do you know?”

”You are my sunshine” said Emerald.

Elisio smiled and said ”I like that song.”

Sabrina sang that song to Elisio and to all the kids very often.

Everyone left and Ermanno stood outside the door of the ICU, looking through the small circle window.

He felt two hands circling his torso from behind and knew it was Rose.

”Where is Xavier?” Asked Ermanno.

”He is with Romeo and Raffaele. Those boys are close” said Rose.

”When you grow up together as a family, a bound is build.” Said Ermanno.

Ermanno turned and held Rose in his arms.