Chapter 157 - CHAPTER 154 (1/2)

No leads were found to find Harry.

No matter what the detectives did they all came back empty handed.

A great reward of 25000$ were announced to who ever gave any information of Harry but still there was not a single hint of where he was came to surface.

Ermanno was irritated and moody everytime and Rose was scared as hell.

”You have to get yourself together” said Elisio to Ermanno but he completely ignores Elisio.

Elisio huffed in frustration and looked at Isaiah.

Elisio and Isaiah were seated in Ermanno's office which he shared with Brad. And Brad excused himself to the bathroom 20 minutes ago.

”You know, I remember when Elisio threw you in the pool when you were being stubborn. Dad was so angry that he didn't talk to Elisio for three days” said Isaiah.

Ermanno looked at Elisio and said ”you tried to kill me?”

”Just a little. You were annoying and always challenged me and lets not forget taking all my fiore's time.” said Elisio.

”I think you should throw him in the pool again for being an ass” said Isaiah to Elisio.

Elisio smirked and looked at Ermanno and said ”want to go swimming?”

”Grandpa is so normal. Why are you all so f.u.c.k.i.e.d up? What happened to you all?” Asked Ermanno.

Elisio and Isaiah looked at eachother and together said ”grandpa” and laughed out loud.

Ermanno couldn't stop his smile either and soon started laughing too.

”Look Ermanno. Let's get serious for a second. This may be the first time you have come across a guy who has been creating problems in your life. But for us it's a daily thing we try to take care may there be competitor who try to sabotage our tenders or bribe our staff and let's not forget poison the guests in our hotels. And oh.. what about the bomb that Sorvino asshole placed in our construction site. But we all try to see to it that it doesn't effect our personal life which are our beautiful wives and wonderful children. We men need them and are strong enough to face the world to keep them safe. You have that strength and I am positive you will get through this like we all do ultimately” said Isaiah.

Ermanno nodded and smiled at Isaiah.

”You accept everyone's suggestion except mine” said Elisio.

”I love you dad and nothing can change that. You just have a way to say the wrong thing at the wrong time and piss me off.” said Ermanno.

”It's called fatherly talent. I mean, don't think Enrique listens to me all the time. Do you have any idea how annoying it is to see your own son listen to Elisio more than me?” Said Isaiah.

”I just witnessed it right now” said Elisio looking at Ermanno.

”You know what. Let's face it when it hits you on your face for now let's  move on. We should be prepared and have security on stand by. Thats all we can do for now. And let's do that. So, what's the plan for the big day? You know Emerald's birthday. It's her first birthday with us we should make it huge” said Isaiah.

”I have a plan for the birthday ofcourse if you agree or should I tell someone else to tell you the plan?” Asked Elisio.

Ermanno smiled at Elisio and got up from his place and hugged him from behind and said ”I must be completely f.u.c.k.i.e.d up to love you though you can be a pain sometimes”

”You are a bigger pain. Actually my biggest pain but I love you too boy” said Elisio and smiled.

”You both are weird” said Isaiah.

”It runs in the blood” said Elisio and laughed with Isaiah.

Elisio had huge plans. Huge like booking the whole Disney World for the birthday party huge. It was ofcourse going to be a princess theme party and all the Disney Princess were going to attend the party with their prince to the grand ball held for princess Emerald.

”I want daddy to be my prince.” Said Emerald.

”Well you are my princess” said Ermanno and kissed her cheek.

The whole family decided it would be fun to spend the day in Disney World but some were not that happy to dress up as prince and princess.

”I am too old for tights” said Isaiah adjusting his crouch.

”I am a princess” said Ella and smiled and continued ”and you are my prince charming daddy”.

”You know it baby” Said Isaiah and kissed Ella.

Even Elisio dressed up as prince.

”Things we do for love” said Arlo and laughed at Elisio.

”F.u.c.k off” said Elisio and walked to Emerald and Bella and held their hands and walked to the big stage and made them sit on a beautiful thrown.

”Papa I am a real princess” said Emerald.

”You surely are princess” said Elisio and kissed her cheek.

Emerald called Bella close and made her sit next to her on the throne.

”We are princesses.” Said Emerald and both giggled.

Emanuel, Xavier, Romeo and Raffaele were enjoying the rides and having too much fun with their parents.

”This is so fun” screamed Romeo.

”Boys stay close” screamed Julius.

”What was big bro thinking, man. This is exhausting” said EJ tired from walking.

”Keep up old man” said Martina and laughed with Sasha, Ruby and Rose.

”Oh I will show you who is old” said EJ and ran behind Martina who ran in front of him.

Everyone were having fun and enjoying the rides and games.

”Emerald I have a surprise for you” said Rose and then Emerald saw Ethan and Kyle.

”Daddy” screamed Emerald and hugged Ethan and started crying.

”Hey why are you crying?” Said Ethan.

”I missed you” said Emerald.