Chapter 152 - 149 (1/2)

Brad was glaring at the father and son seated on his chair in front of his computer.

”I have a life just so you know and I was enjoying it right now” said Brad.

”Fantasy wonderland is not enjoying life” said Ermanno typing on his computer.

”It is when you are dungeon master. I have to wait for a whole week to play again.” Said Brad.

”Is this a new s.e.x game I am not aware of? What's with dungeons? Do they have like, dungeons where we can tie our subs and roll play or something. If it is , then I would love to play it with my fiore” said Elisio.

”Seriously, dad. Please I beg of you. Don't talk about your s.e.x life in front of me” said Ermanno.

”It's not like you don't know we have one” said Elisio.

”Kill me” said Ermanno and Brad laughed.

Elisio looked at Brad and asked ”so?”

”Oh. Oh no Mr Devonte it's nothing to do with s.e.x. We are like few guys who meet up at one of our friends bas.e.m.e.nt and play dungeons and dragons. It's super cool” said Brad excited.

Elisio stared at Brad for few seconds and then looked at Ermanno and asked ”is he serious?”

”He is dad. Remember, he is a nerd and he is still young. Not tasted anyone yet to be addicted” said Ermanno not moving his eyes from his computer.

Elisio looked at Brad in disapproval and said ”you use a bas.e.m.e.nt to play fantasy games with guys?”

”Yes. And today I was the dangeon master” said Brad proudly.

”That is such a waste of bas.e.m.e.nt space. And do you have any idea where your father was at your age?”

”No. Where?” Asked Brad.

Elisio smirked and leaned down close to Brad's face and said ”he was everywhere getting his d.i.c.k sucked.

There wasn't any girl who didn't want him and there wasn't a single alley of a club he hasn't f.u.c.k.i.e.d a girl. You father is a dirty motherf.u.c.ker. He would f.u.c.k any girl, anywhere.”

Brad gulped down and Ermanno snickered and said ”he is a v.i.r.g.i.n dad. Leave him alone”

”What's wrong with this generation. What is wrong with you. And if something is wrong. Isn't your mother a doctor?” said Elisio and stood up and looked around the their joined office.

”Why do you have a joined office?” Asked Elisio.

”So that we can work together” said Brad now a little sad.

Brad went back to work distracting himself from Elisio.

”What if you want to get your d.i.c.k sucked while you are working?” Asked Elisio.

Ermanno and Brad looked at eachother and Ermanno looked at Elisio and said ”we don't. This is a working place. Why would we want to have s.e.x here?”

”I gave you internet connection since you were fifteen. And you are around computers and internet every day. Didn't you watch p.o.r.n?” Asked Elisio.

”Not everyday and everything is about s.e.x dad” said Ermanno.

”I deserved a better son. And think of it. You call yourself a dom.” said Elisio to himself and walked away and looked out of the window.

”Oh look, you can see my office from here” said Elisio and narrowed his eyes and saw someone in the office below his.

”Someone is trying to get in the Devonte corp master computer” said Brad looking at his computer which showed what's going on in the master computer of the Devonte corp.

Elisio took out his phone and called his security in the building.

”There is someone in the 64th floor.” Said Elisio to one of the guards on the front desk and dialled another call.

”Mia, lock every exit of the Devonte corp and alert security breach” said Elisio from his phone to the master computer which he could access from his phone.

Only few of the high ranks in the company could do that which included Elisio and Enrique for now.

”Devonte corp locked and secured” said the master computer in Sabrina's voice.

And Elisio always smiled listening to Sabrina's voice. Even now in this panicked situation.

Ermanno walked close to Elisio and looked out and saw what Elisio was seeing.

Ermanno dialled the security number of his building and told them to secure the Devonte corp.

Within seconds police officers in their cars surrounded the Devonte corp.

Elisio walked to the entrance of his building and saw the police talking to the culprit who had a guard on gunpoint inside the building.