Chapter 138 - CHAPTER 135 (1/2)
After spending a lot of time in the mall and shopping. Elisio, Sabrina, Emerald and Xavier came back to the mansion.
Xavier never liked Sabrina or Elisio talking to anyone except him.
And today Emerald was taking all his time with his mama and papa.
He was being a brat at times too.
Xavier even got scolded for his behaviour.
”Xavi, I am really disappointed in your behaviour today. You never behaved like this before. What's wrong?” Asked Sabrina seated in the limousine with Emerald beside her.
Xavier looked at Emerald and looked away from her and looked outside.
”Xavier, my fiore is asking you something” said Elisio with authority and that's what pulled the last string and he started shedding tears and looked down at his lap and said ”I am sorry mama. I will not do it again”
Elisio knew what was wrong.
Xavier had always got his and Sabrina's undivided attention till now. And now seeing Emerald with them made him sad. Elisio knew how to talk to him.
After they reached the mansion Sabrina took Emerald to her room and strated dressing her for Thomas's son, Caleb's birthday party.
Xavier stood outside Sabrina's closet and was fuming seeing Emerald in Sabrina's closet.
Sabrina was dressing Emerald in her closet into a beautiful princess gown which they bought in the mall.
”You look so cute. I always wanted a girl to dress her, do her hair and love her so much” said Sabrina and kissed Emerald.
'so you didn't want me mummy?' though Xavier to himself.
Xavier hated Emerald.
He walked out of the room and into his room. He started throwing few things here and there and screamed into the pillow.
”I hate her. I hate her. I hate her” screamed Xavier and cried.
Elisio walks in Xavier's room and sees it all disoriented.
He sees Xavier on the bed, on his stomach and holding his pillow under his head.
Elisio moved forward and sees Xavier with creased eyebrows and thinking.
”What is my little devil thinking?” Asked Elisio.
”Nothing” said Xavier and looked away from Elisio.
”I can do anything in this world to see my Xavi happy. All he has to do is say it” said Elisio.
”Can you get rid of someone?” Asked Xavier.
”Depends who it is” said Elisio.
Xavier sits up and looks and Elisio and says ”I want you to send away Emerald”
Elisio exactly knows what's happening. He had hated his siblings all his childhood.
He even hurt them at times.
Elisio had gone to an extent to plan murder on them. But his grandfather thought him that siblings are your blood and they will never betray you.
Time to pass on the wisdom, thought Elisio to himself and smiled.
”I wish that was easy. Trust me if it was, I would not have three brothers” said Elisio.
Xavier looks at Elisio confused and asks ”what do you mean?”
Elisio smiles at Xavier and sits down beside him on his bed and says ”see Xavi. Some people stick to you no matter you like it or not. Like your parents, siblings, relatives and all. You can't get rid of them. You have to just deal with them. Now tell me, do you want me to go away?”
”What? Never” said Xavier and climbed on Elisio and hugged him.
”Exactly. Some people are stuck to you. Some you like and some you don't. Did you know you didn't like me when you were born” said Elisio.
”No way I love you” said Xavier.
”You love me now. But you didn't come to me when you were born. But as you grew up a little you realised I am awesome and fell in love with me.” Said Xavier.
”You are awesome. You are my hero” said Elisio.
”You came to know this when we hung out. Hang out with Emerald and see if you like her. And remember she is one of us. And we as family stick together” said Elisio.
Xavier didn't want to but it was Elisio who was telling to do something so, there is no way he wouldn't do it.
Elisio saw Xavier considering his words so, he continued ”I want you to do something for me. You see I got a small gift which I want you to give it to Emerald”
”Why?” Asked Xavier taking a small box from Elisio.
”Because she will be happy that her big brother gave her a gift and everyone will see such a wonderful boy my Xavi is. People will not know you are a good boy till you show them you are. ” said Elisio and
Xavi nodded.
”Now come on. Let's get you all handsome” said Elisio.
”Is mummy not going to help me dress up?” Asked Xavier.