Chapter 65 - 64 (1/2)

”I told flower it was a bad idea for them to marry. He had taken two girls as submissive with the name Rose. And he had let out his anger on them many times. Bro, he is hiding something inside him he doesn't want anyone to know. ” said Arlo.

”What can it be?” Asked Nevio.

”I could never figure it out,” said Arlo.

”It's time I take control of this boy.” Said Elisio.

”Bro. Be nice” said Arlo.

”I know what I have to do,” said Elisio.

Ermanno woke the next morning in his room and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and did his daily routine and got dressed in jeans and t-shirt and came down to the kitchen to smell breakfast.

He smiled wide and almost ran to the kitchen expecting his mother but looking at the person in front of the stove he had wide eyes and open mouth.

”Dad” called Ermanno.

Elisio turned and said ”take a seat boy. Have some breakfast”

Elisio plated french toasts in a plate and put that plate between Ermanno and him on the table.

Ermanno was shocked by his father cooking.

”You can cook” asked Ermanno.

”Can't you?” Asked Elisio.

”I can cook to survive” said Ermanno picking a French toast from the plate.

”I can cook a lot of breakfast things. I and your mom used to spend the morning together in the kitchen and I would pretend to help and somehow somewhere learnt to cook.” Said Elisio.

”Cute. And seriously these are good” said Ermanno taking a bite.

”Now. Want to tell me what's going on?” Said Elisio.

”You will not believe me,” said Ermanno.

”And how do you know that?” Asked Elisio.

”It's.. it's... It's a long story and it's...” Started Ermanno but couldn't find words.

”You know your mother is planning on spending the day in the hospital with that girl and when she is discharged today, we are taking her back to New York. So you see I have a whole day to kill. Start your story boy. Let me understand what's going on. And remember. Only the truth.” Said Elisio.

”It's embarrassing dad. And I don't want you to judge me” said Ermanno.

”You are my son judging you will be like judging me. And there is nothing which will make me love you less. Even if you say you are gay or cheated on your wife or have killed someone or any other shit. I promise to stand by you.” Said Elisio.

Ermanno looked up to Elisio and told him everything thing from the start. He told him his attraction for Rose from when she was 10 to Sofia blackmailing him and till today how Rose tried to set him up.

Elisio listened to Ermanno and Ermanno was waiting for a reaction.