Chapter 39 - 38 (2/2)
Arlo only wished he fought his demons and found inner peace.
All three talked business and had lunch.
Ermanno left after explaining them both everything about what he was up to and the progress he is determined to achieve soon with installing his master computer in the hotel.
Elisio and Arlo were still seated in the restaurant and Elisio was smiling.
”You should talk to him more and tell him how proud of him you are” said Arlo to Elisio.
”He knows I am proud of him” said Elisio.
”How?” Asked Arlo.
”He is exactly like me. He is smart enough to figure it out. And I give him a hard time for him to not be like me.” Said Elisio.
”You are f.u.c.k.i.e.d up bro” said Arlo.
”Aren't we all.” Said Elisio and Arlo picked his glass of scotch and clicked it to Elisio's and said ”yep. Now that we are.” And both brothers laughed out.
Ermanno walked in his apartment and smelled pies.
He went close to the kitchen and saw Rose bent down to the level of the oven and removing a pie from inside it.
Ermanno smirked and slapped her butt.
Rose went forward and hit her head and looked up at Ermanno rubbing her head.
”You made pies” said Ermanno looking at the two pies on the counter.
”Yes. Couldn't go to someone's place empty handed.” Said Rose again bending down to pick the third pie from the oven.
”Hmm.. it's like you want to get spanked” said Ermanno and slapped her butt again.
Rose stood up and kept the pie on the table and turned around to look at him and said ”I like whatever you do to me” seductively and leaned her body on his.
”Oh I have plans for you little girl” Said Ermanno and corrected himself and said ”I mean Rose”
Rose tilted her head and said ”are you still angry at me for asking you why you call me that? I like you calling me that. Please don't stop”
”I am not a pedophile Rose” said Ermanno with a soft expression.
Rose held his face in her hands and said ”I never said you were. And we are husband and wife Ermanno. If we can't be ourselves around us then what's the point of promising to live together through thick and thin. Be yourself around me. Tell me what you want. Tell me how you want me. I am yours. Use me as you want.”
”I want to find myself Rose. I am fighting alone with myself. Help me” said Ermanno with a tear sliding down his cheek.
Rose kissed his cheek with the tear and said ”I am always by your side. Find yourself and I will help you in any way possible. I promise”
Ermanno smiled at her and kissed her and whispered ”I want you to be the little girl I fell for a long time back. I want you to be my little Rose”
Rose looked up at him and said ”I am yours” she paused and leaned close to his lips and just before kissing him whispered ”daddy”