Chapter 22 - 21 (1/2)

”What's the meaning of this dad?” Asked Ermanno.

”You tell me, boy. The church is filled with people and if you think that everyone will ignore the fact that you just dragged this girl to the altar without an explanation, then think again boy.” Said Elisio.

”She is just nervous,” said Ermanno.

Elisio looked at Rose and asked ”is it true? Is that the only reason”

Rose looked at Elisio and then at Ermanno.

”Look at me girl,” said Elisio.

Rose looked at them both and then felt light-headed and dizzy.

She was about to fall when Ermanno held her.

She looked at Ermanno and closed her eyes.

Rose woke up in a room where there were men shouting.

She looked at the men and it was Ermanno and Elisio quarrelling.

”What is your problem? Why can't you let me live my life the way I want to?” Shouted Ermanno.

”Cause you can't do anything right. You are such a screw-up. You f.u.c.k.i.n.g dragged that girl to the altar. How do you expect us to react?” Said Elisio.

”Boys, that's enough. When Rose wakes up she will explain what's going on. And if she doesn't want to marry Ermanno, it will be her decision and we all be mature and except it. Understand?” Said Zeke.

Elisio and Ermanno looked at eachother and then at Zeke and nodded.

”Are you okay?” asked Sabrina helping Rose sit up.

Rose nodded and looked up at Ermanno who was giving her a death look.

”Rose, why did you faint?” Asked Cindy.

”I panicked,” said Rose looking down.

”Why?” Asked Cindy.

”Wouldn't you panic if you were tackled by big bad wolves.” Said Ambryl and looked at Elisio and Ermanno ”god it was impossible to handle one Elisio and God gave us two”

”Is that true? You were frightened by them?” Asked Sabrina.

”A little actually,” said Rose looking down at her lap.

Zeke laughed out loud and said ”Sabrina is the only one who can handle you two together. It gets overwhelming for some”

”What about the wedding? Were you just nervous?” Asked Elisio.

Rose looked at Ermanno and remembered the threat he gave her and just nodded.

”Are you okay now?” asked Sabrina sweetly.

Rose looked at Sabrina and nodded.

”Then let's get married,” said Ermanno.

Everyone agreed and left the priest's chamber and went to the main church.

Everyone quiet down after seeing Zeke and everyone else coming and taking their place.

Ermanno took his place at the altar again and EJ announced ”okay people take your places. Ermanno Devonte marrying Rose brown take two” and smiled at Ermanno who didn't seem to be in a good mood. Duh.

Marina laughed at EJ and he smiled back.

Rose stood behind the closed door and intervened her hand in her father's arm.

”Rose, I may not be an affectionate father but do not forget you have a father,” said Joseph.

Rose smiled at her father and said ”I love you, daddy”