Chapter 13 - 12 (1/2)

Sabrina was crying in her living room and Ella, Lily, Sabina, Alena and Mia were consoling her.

”I can't believe Ermanno suggested to marry Rose” said Arlo.

”What do you think his motive is?” Asked Nevio.

”Motive? Do you think Thomas is right? Do you think he wants to hurt Rose?” Asked Ambryl.

”And what did Thomas mean by hurting and abusing Sofia. Did Ermanno hit Sofia?” Asked Ella.

”They were in a BDSM relationship. Ermanno had brought Sofia multiple times to my clinic” said Mia.

”When Ermanno was dating Sofia, he was also training in BDSM.” Said Nevio.

”Maybe Thomas was unaware of their relationship and thought Ermanno was abusing her” said Lily.

”What should we do next?” Asked Ambryl.

”I don't think we should do anything. We should let the situation take its own course. Ermanno is an a.d.u.l.t and he should be able to make his own decisions. If he really want to make amends with Rose, let him prove himself” Said Zeke.

Sabrina stopped crying and nodded with what Zeke said.


Ermanno was seated in his apartment and EJ was pacing in front of him.

Remy and Ivanov were seated in the bar.

”Whats the plan man?” asked Remy.

”What else would be the plan than to create more Chaos and do shit for us to clean.” Said EJ and looked at Ermanno and continued ”dude I have been by your side in every f.u.c.k.i.e.d up situation. I have covered for you multiple times. I have gotten your drunken ass home every time you couldn't f.u.c.k.i.n.g walk. I have supported you in everything till now. But I draw a line here. I will not let you spoil an innocent girls life in the name of getting back on her.”

”EJ, come on, let him explain himself. Maybe he really wants to make amends.” Said Ivanov.

EJ looked at Ermanno waiting for an explanation.

Ermanno left a long breath and said ”I want to change myself man. Mom is always worried of me. And dad is pissed off of me all the time. Mom made me come back and stay in the mansion and constantly worried that she may lose me. I need to get my act together. I love my mom way too much to see her like this. I have seen her cry for me so many times. She comes to my room at night and sits on my bed and strokes my hair and cries for me. No. I am done hurting her. She always loved Rose, even when i was dating Sofia. She always praised Rose. Today she called me to the boutique to meet Rose. My mom is so innocent that she can't even pull out a single sneaky thing. She thought I couldn't figure out what Rose was doing there when she invited me too. And when Ambryl grandma said they were talking about arrange marriage I knew mom was trying to set me up with Rose. But I could also see she was hesitant to say Rose's name after Arlo uncle shook his head. Arlo uncle knows me too well. Even better than dad and knows I hurt many girl's calling Rose's name.

But now I want to change the image I have created for myself and make it a better one. And Rose will help me with that” said Ermanno.

”Thomas will not agree” said Remy.

”It's not him who I want to marry. It's Rose. And she will marry me” said Ermanno.