Chapter 6 - 5 (1/2)

Rose was standing in front of a mirror in her apartment which she shared with her roommate, Martina for 5years now.

She was graduating from college today.

She was wearing her graduation gown and graduation cap and put her glasses on.

She looked at herself and said ”well that's the best you can look”

She then moved to her nightstand and picked her sister's picture and said ”I am not pretty as you. I wish you could be here with me, then I wouldn't feel so lonely”

”Lonely?” Screamed Martina and continued ”come out of the room and see the loud Italians who have invaded our home”

”You invited them,” said Rose.

”Yes, I invited my parents, not the whole f.u.c.k.i.n.g neighbourhood.” Said Martina.

”Your family is lovely and you know I would do anything to have a family who would love me,” said Rose looking at her sister's picture.

”Well feel free to keep them,” said Martina and heard her father scream for them to leave.

Rose and Martina came out of the bedroom and saw at least 15 people who were Martina's parents, siblings, uncle, aunt and cousins.

Martina's mom looked at Rose and asked in Italian ”Rose, i tuoi genitori vengono oggi?

(Rose, are your parents coming today?)”

”forse (maybe)” said Rose looking away from her.

She looked at Martina and she gave Rose a sad smile.

Martina knew what happened 5 years back and why Rose was here alone away from her family.

Everyone left to the graduation.

Rose had sent her parents the invite for today. Though she knew they wouldn't come she still had hope.

The graduates were called one by one on the stage and were handed their diplomas.

Rose kept on looking at the crowd like she was expecting someone to show up but when her name was called she knew there was no one to cheer for her.

Martina took photos with her and told her that she will be leaving her home town back in Italy.

Rose had no other go but to go back to her home.

Martina left to the airport and Rose came back to her apartment.

Rose entered her apartment and went to her room.

She picked her sister's picture and started sobbing and repeated only one thing ”I forgive you. I forgive you Sofia”.


Flashback 5years back...

15-year-old Rose was pacing in the living room of her home in New York.

Her elder sister, Sofia had driven off in her car crying.

Her parents and eldest brother Thomas had gone out for a party.