19 Butterflies in the Stomach (1/2)
Chapter 19
On that evening, Andy took Erika for dinner to a not so fancy restaurant nearby.
”I'm a regular here way back in my senior year.”
Erika nodded while glancing around the place. They seated opposite each other.
”I could tell why.”
Andy raised her brows to a questioning look.
”This place is giving me the same vibe as your apartment. A cozy one.” Erika explained.
”Oh, a cozy one. I did not know you find it like that.”
”Well, you did not ask.”
Not long their order arrived and started to eat.
”Is it to your liking?”
Erika just nodded. She was chewing. No way she's going to answer with her mouth full.
Then, a young waitress approached their table and excused herself.
She'd laid down some desserts; a lot of sweets. Erika interrupted the waitress. She seemed not to remember Andy or herself ordering those.
”I think you must have the wrong table. We did not order any of these.”
The waitress sheepishly smiled. ”It's a treat from the Madam, Miss.”
”Huh,” Erika snorted and turned to Andy only to see those eyes sparkling at the sight of those sweets; a watering mouth as well, as she might add.
She leaned back a little to her seat and just stared at Andy. How could she forget that her date loves those sweets.
Andy on the other hand, looked up to thank the waitress. ”Oh,” she snapped.
”It's been a while Miss Andy,” the waitress greeted wearing her brightest smile.
Erika looked at the two with wondering expression.
”Lynda,” Andy returned a smile. ”Yeah it's been a while.”
”The Madam has requested if you could wait for her for another 30 minutes.”
”Yeah, sure.”
As soon as that girl Lynda finally left their table, Erika threw Andy consecutive questions.
”Who was that? Who's the Madam? How come you can have all these for free?”
Andy begun to answer but was interrupted by the sound of piano keys pressed randomly. Both Erika and her turned their gazes to the man on the piano.
The restaurant has a piano on standby for anyone who wishes to play.
The man relaxed himself by adjusting his coat then begun to play beautifully. Anyone could tell what table the man belongs as the claps were heard the loudest on that side.
”He's good.” Andy complimented as the play ended.