172 Ones Origins (2/2)
As they had this thought many more Elders and top aids of the Emperor walked out of nothingness and approached the one they would take away. Once everyone was in a pair everyone noticed that GoldLuster stood alone with no one coming to take him away.
While they were going into their own area's in the Void Space, massive mansions and castles appeared one after another each acting as its own independent world.
They saw the Emperor finally snap out of it and look directly at GoldLuster before giving a smile.
”Did you know I was your partner, or did you just have a hint?” I said looking at Clare.
Before she could reply Gold did so instead. ”No need to look at her, I knew you were here for me I can feel it, It's as if I am being called, being summoned for my final task by the power within me.
I know that once I pass this test I will become a Void God at last, but if I fail I will be consumed by it!” As he said this Clare looked over at me with a Glare of rage and a slight bit of hate.
Before she could do or say anything Eleanor appeared and dragged the girl away to a world of blue flames were Kiera resided.
With the two of us alone I smile once more before I open a rift that leads into a world of pure Darkness. ”This way child, I will say that you are right about this test. If you fail, you will no longer remain only that which will consume you will remain.
Seeing as you are someone I favor quite a lot Gold, I will give you a bit of advice before I throw you to your doom.
Do not let it control you!”
After I finished I sent the rift at Gold and watched it swallow him whole.
With this, let his journey begin as he finds out the Origin of Destruction.
Once more I stand alone within the empty Void with nothing but the Black tattered stage below, I float down and land on it before raising my hand as if I am grabbing a sword.
Soon the stage below turns into a half destroyed sword with a golden hilt.
GoldLuster finds himself in a field that is covered by tall lush grass that fills his entire field of view, he tried his best to see the end but no matter how he tried he could not.
As tears dropped down his face he went to wipe them away only to notice his child like hands.
In his shock he panicked as he looked left and right before his vision found a tree were a woman with golden hair waited for him, he smiled as his body moved. Soon he realized that he could not stop himself from running towards the woman he knew was his mother.
He went on reliving his childhood and he did not wish to watch his mother die yet again, as he already suffered from this for years before he became cold and unfeeling.
The sky above the peaceful green plain was shattered as a massive rift opened up and out of it came two massive Leviathans one purplish blue and the other a pure green.
Following behind the two injured creatures that young Gold thought to be the most beautiful things he has ever saw was a group of Elders with chains matching the size of the creatures that they were pursuring.
Soon a fight broke out and the surrounding lush green plain transformed into a field of flames and blood that belonged to the many now fighting on it.
Gold ran as far as he could along with his mother and the other villagers that lived on this simple and lush plain, yet no matter how much they tried to get away from the fighting many of them kept dying as they ran until young Gold was left alone on the plain holding his mothers severed arm.
As he clutched the arm and it cluched his back, he could feel the warmth leave the arm, yet it still continued gripping his small arm.
Dropping to his knees he watched as the group kept attacking the Green Leviathan and the other try its best to protect it.
As the world started to turn to ruin Gold looked into the eyes of the beast as they fought yet he did not hate them for anything that took place today nor did he blame the Elders trying to kill them.
The one he first blamed was himself, next was the God that allowed this to take place.
He could not understand why such destruction could take place with no one doing anything to save his people, why was this group of Elders allowed to attack and kill these two creatures of Divine beauty before his very eyes.
The only thing he could think of was their overwhelming power, yes their power to destroy was all the reason they needed to do as they pleased to anyone and everyone around just like today, just like how they destroyed his happy life, his world, and the most beautiful creatures he has ever seen.
As he lay on the burning ground about to join his mother the rage in his eyes manefested and a spirit of pure darkness wrapped around him and held him in its arms before taking the shape of his now dead mother.
Gold knew this spirit was not his mother no matter how much they looked alike and the smile the spirit gave the ongoing death and destruction proved it.
As he was about to be swallowed by the spirit the living Leviathan noticed it and rushed at Gold before swallowing him and the spirit.
As the Leviathan swallowed the child it looked back once more at its dead mate before ripping through space and leaving this dying planet and all who died on it, who consisted of both the natives and everyone of its destroyers but one.
The bodies of the Elders and the lone Leviathan remained as proof that there was once a planet here, and Gold would never forget this day no matter how hard he tried too.