171 Void Barrier (1/2)

Standing in the room waiting for the last few Elders to show up everyone waits, some staring at Dashnell an the two sweat drenched women near him.

They did not understand why the trio were in such a condition but did not ask, they could see the look in their eyes as if they were interrupted from finishing and if anyone talked to them at this moment in time they might unintentionally be attacked.

Standing in a corner stood Nala and Verena who gave the trio a icy stare, inside this room many mental conversations were happening and the tension inside the room was growing.

While the room was indeed silent many people have already started up conversations all over the room with others while waiting for the last few to arrive.

Their waiting did not last long as the door was soon pushed open and Grady and Tristan walked in.

Many were unsure how to react when the duo walked in and seated themselves right next to the Emperor, in this meeting many were unsure of the relationship between these two men and the Emperor.

As they seated I stood up and looked over at all those within this room, there were over 5 thousand different races here to represent their people or Realm.

All here to hear these few words from me, while many more wished to attend. Who here is not sending back everying they are seeing and hearing to those of their Realm.

”Today we are gathered to hear about and update everyone on the progress of all the Realms now under the control of the Dragon Empire. I will also inform you all of other rising powers that have taken action against our aggression towards other Realms.

First let me say to the Realms now under our control, rebel if you wish I will just come back and take you over again and again no matter how many times it takes. Besides I am sure you are happy otherwise you would not have come here when I summoned you.

Everyone here has seen massive improvements in their Realms growth and the growth of those that inhabit it, this is good news for me more than it is for you. Soon you will all notice a massive Gate, only those who have entered or are above the Void Realm will be able to sense its presence.

Those of you who have reach the Void God Realm have all noticed or tried to interact with Lilly, behind this Gate is someone who is like her. The only difference is they want nothing on this side of the Gate to remain when they take it over and kill her.

Lilly's death is the fastest way to achive that goal, while he can not enter the Gate so long as Lilly is alive, that does not mean he can not send in untold numbers of his minions to end her life.

There are two reasons he is attacking our Reality instead of another, one is the age of young Lilly while she is powerful. She is far to young and is easy prey for him, but that is only to you all who have never been able to leave the Void that surrounds and protects us.

The Void that everyone knows is indeed a Barrier I created while Lilly was still young, I placed it there before I went into a deep sleep, only to lose my memories of it all until recently.

I tell you all of this so you are prepared and not surpriesed by the war that will come in the future, how far of into the future is it, that I will not tell you. I know that if the time is unknown to you, you will act now and see each passing day as the one when it will happen.

Doing this will make it so you never slack and are never caught off guard or unprepared thinking you have enough time.” After this small speech many translate and report back to their Homeworlds.

A few move forward towards me with more questions, I have Tia and Nala handle them while I introduce both Tristan and Grady who are my Son and Grandson. This shocks many as they look at me in awe at how my age is not shown by my apperance.

during the rest of the time the meeting was taking place idle chatter among the many reps happend at a smooth pace, the only sound that was uncommon was the archs of lightning jumping from horn to horn on my head.

When everyone was finished transfering the information they just receved and asked all their follow up questions I went onto the next topic.

”Out of the 78 Realms that exist within the protection of my Void Barrier, I now rule 10 of these Realms. Many of you are the former rulers of these Realms and will retain that position so long as you remain loyal to the Dragon Empire.

This is one of the reasons many have not rebelled against the Dragon Empire these past few hundred years. Soon war will intensify as many of the other Realms are joining forces and merging together, the reason for this can be tied to the Dragon Empires rapid growth.

The other reason is that other Powers are Taking over Realms much like we are doing, we have 10 under our current control. Those powers have 5 and 8 under their control, but the truth is I have already taken over 27 Realms they are not present here today as they are currently active.

While we sit here talking they are on the move rushing to bring my total count to 35!”

Tia looked around the the many Leaders and powerful Void Gods to give them all a meaningful glance, letting them in on this information would serve as a deterent to those who would try and ally with other Realms or any thoughts of rebelling at a later date when they are stronger.

They all understood this as well and a few of them understood that they are now truly part of the Dragon Empire now that they have been given such information.

One Elder from the Crimson Realm spoke up when everyone was talking amongst themselves again, he wanted to know how soon they could also join the front lines or if they were not yet trusted enough to be used as combat forces.