164 Tower Within The Void (1/2)
High above in the sky floats a spiraling tower, the outer spiral holds the way into the inner area that houses a massive library and coiling around the tower is an even larger massive Serpent like Dragon.
This Dragon's wings are pressed up against its body acting like a second layer of scales that many mistake for its scales, only when it must put its life on the line would one find out were the wings are on this beast.
At the top of the Tower were the Dragon lay its head, one could see a youth without his left arm sitting atop the Dragon as they both look out far from the Tower staring down at a massive Gate.
As the Dragon and the boy sit waiting for the Gate to break down and shatter they pause and stop listening to the constant crashes against the Gate from the other side as they notice a guest.
Dashnell appeared behind the youth and the Dragon who were both overlooking the Gate from atop the Tower, as he looked down he noticed the ground littered with familiar weapons.
Alongside these weapons were lifelike statuses of those who once wielded them, each weapon belonging to a version of both Dashnell and the youth that has already fallen and lost their life to those on the opposite side of the Gate.
The battlescare ridden youth also glanced at the battlefield below before speaking.
”Welcome to our resting place, you are the very last of us Dashnell, once you die we will all be no more.
With me trapped here are we truly even alive, I have protected this place for so long that I have lost my ability to tell time, so even if you ask I can't give you the answer of how long I have been here.
We can read each other's mind and we both know what it is we wish to Discuss so let me do the talking for us both. That way I won't feel that what I have done was a mistake, if you can do what the rest of us failed to do than that is all that I will ever want or desire.
You will come to know what that desire is soon enough.”
As he stopped speaking he lifted his only hand and from the battlefield below he forcefully pulled something up from one of the statues below.
”These weapons are all at your disposal, this battlefield is filled with the lives of the Greatest warriors that arrived here with every version of me.
They came here to fight alongside the me from that Reality from that 'Time' you can use their memories to learn everything about them as well as their experiences.
It should prove useful to you as it was for me, as for me I am not a version of anything I am the Original of us all, while you are the Last of us as well as our true self our Truest version.
So Dashnell I ask that you remember us, but do not deem yourself weaker or lesser than any of us.
If you wish to do something about our fates then live and when the time comes for when the Gate brings you to this place. If I am not here for you, forgive me for dying but I ask that you take up my weapon and finish what I could not.
It is my goal to be the only one who has to fight once it opens once again, the last time it did I lost my left arm killing 'It'. I assumed that 'It' had died, I was wrong and it cost me an arm that won't regrow, unlike you I do not possess regeneration or the amount of abilities you do.
Perhaps I could learn but ”It' would learn regeneration as well, the version you will fight if (once) I fail is going to possess every bit of power I currently possess. 'It' will have all my abilities and 'It' will fight like me 'It' might even look like me, so I hope you will be able to slay it even as it takes on my appearance.
Don't be sad for me, I have lived such a long life, I have awaited this talk with you my whole life.
Now that we are here I just want to smile and look at that face that yet to lose everything.
You are the greatest of us.”
Down below the statues of every iteration of Dashnell looked up and spoke those words.
They all had different expressions on their faces some Happy, Sad, Worried, Prideful and others with faces full with the intent to keep fighting on.
”Do you feel it, our emotion! Our Conviction to this cause that we will see through to the end even if it cost us EVERYTHING!!”
Don't stay here to long 'young one', if 'It' locks onto you that will make things harder for us here binding them to this place. I know you wish to know more and learn more, all you need to do is summon every weapon here and absorb it to learn everything you want to know.
Each time you do this you will free those who came here to fight on the front lines with us, they will be reborn in your world that has yet to face this Damned Gate.
I pray that they are of help to you in the war to come, I have watched you grow your entire life and I have to say we both handled losing an arm differently.”
Laughter from Below echoed out on the battlefield making this empty Void seem full of life, the three things in this place that are seen here for all to observe are the Battlefield, The Tower and the Gate that the other two face and lead towards.
After the laughter died down Dashnell could feel that his stay in this place was coming to an end as he was vanishing as he stood in the sky above the Tower.
Looking down at the youth and Dragon he saw that each of the two possessed only one eye and unless the two became one would they hold both their eyes and all their power.
This was not how it was for him as he possessed multiple sets of eyes, looking at the Battlefield he saw that each of the statuses did not have their eyes.
With a smile from them, he was pushed out of the Void of Origin were his final battle would be held.
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On Planet Viritil.
On this day the people of the Dragon Empire Celebrated the naming of the Planet, after years of trying to unite the entire populace they have finally achieved their goal and become one people.
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