157 His Reason (2/2)

Closing her eyes Nala and Istina shift their perception to the Spears, what they were seeing now was the Spears creation. They watched as a young Dashnell gathered the remains of the Shattered Realms together and smelt them down with the flames of his breath.

These were the hardest and most sold objects within Nala's Realm that survived alongside him when they were sucked within the Void after the Collapse.

Both Nala and Istina knew that anything that stuck around after one of their kind died would either die to the Collapse of the Realm or death within the Void.

They watched the youth work hard in melting down the metals into a shaft but could not see were he would get the golden Spear head from, until they spotted two golden horns atop his head.

They had an intense power within them, Nala felt it the most as they were giving off the aura of Destruction and Creation.

Bolts of electricity jumped from horn to horn as they stood like two sharp halves of a spear.

Young Dashnell searched the Void for years to finish the Spear until he knew that he could find nothing, they did not know why he needed a weapon but did not ask as they continued to watch.

Soon he started to lash about in the Void destroying the destroyed remains of the many fallen Realms that were also sucked into the Void after the death of one of the First.

After calming down and tossing the shaft of the unfinished spear, Dashnell laid in the Void as one would a vast ocean, looking up he tried his best to think of a way to find a Spear head.

That was when he jolted up and reached for his two horns, upon reaching this point Nala began to shake as she did not wish to watch him rip his horns out but Istina was driven by obsession at his skill in crafting the shaft of the Spear and could not wait for the Spear head to be added.

They watched as he held both his horns in his hands as he shook unsure if he was ready to cause himself to lose the only thing that reminded him of his loved ones that have already perished.

Shaking his head he lifted his head as a loud crack resounded within the Void followed by the howls of thunder that started to rage about, with blood pouring out of his head he held both horns in his hands as his bright red eyes finally after so long returned to green.

Breathing in he felt his falling blood returning as his wounds healed themselves, the only thing that did not return to normal was his horns he did not think they would grow back and he was right.

With a bitter smile both metallic horns shined a golden color but their roots were green.

He melted down the two horns turning their already Spear shaped forms into that of a spiraling Spear head.

The melted metal was a pool of deep green with a golden shine, and when it became solid the green receded inside and gold became its primary color hiding the green inside it.

Nala was in tears as she watched the process while Istina made sure to take down every detail of how the metal was melted and as she was living through the Spear itself she also felt the overwhelming heat.

She had to admit that that youth could kill her without even trying in this form, she wished to know more about him but Nala refused to say anything.

As she continued to watch she saw the youth testing out the Spear's might against the endless Void, he slashed and thrusted tearing holes everywhere within the Void.

Istina was fascinated by the destructive power of the Spear, as it could destroy anything that met its blade edge, the combined power of the two horns were merged into the Spear making it even more deadly than it should have been before.

The power of Creation and Destruction were amplifying each other.

While Istina was observing the youth test the Spear he did something unexpected, with lighting fast movements he reversed the tip of the Spear and pierced himself threw the chest. As he forced the Spear all the way through she saw his still beating heart at the tip of the Spear.

With so much shock she nearly let go of the spear, if not for Nala gripping her hands onto the Spear she would have missed out on everything she is now seeing.

Before them both they watch as young Dashnell drove his newly created Spear into this own chest puncturing his own heart. They watched as life drained from the youth but before he faded away and died an intense glow flowed from his emerald eyes.

What took place next shocked both Nala and Istina as they watched as they appeared within the Void in front of the dying youth, while Nala and Istina watched this strange scene unfold they could not find the words to describe how they now felt about seeing all of this.

They watched as both of them Gods who came into existence by absorbing energy from the emptiness of space be reborn by one of their own Creations.

The strange thing was it was at the cost of his life and he was bringing back two of them as well!

Istina opened her eyes and stared at Nala at a loss, only to hear her speak giving her the answer she desired but also causing her to drop the Spear in fear.

”We died at his hands... In the future you aided me in trying to calm him down but he overwhelmed us both along with my other helpers including a God of Time, Destruction and Alda.

He was to strong for us and only after he killed us did he realize what he was doing and stopped.

Annabel the God of Destruction was the only survivor among my Creation who lived besides him.

I am sorry Istina about your Realm because of me it.... I would understand if you do not help me when this happens, but I will still allow for this to happen as it releases me from permanent death.

It has to be his ability im sure of it, he can bring back all the things he has killed but failed to bring us back after he was trapped inside the Void.

The only way he could bring us back is to recreate a Collapse and return from the Void and he did so at the cost of his very life.” Nala said as she looked over at the still shocked Istina.

”Istina why did he bring you back when he has never met you before? Did you do something with my man!?” Nala said. She soon covered her mouth after she said it, even so Istina replied.

”Yea... I am stronger than you so when you went off into time, I followed you. Once you left I wanted to mess with him a bit but I did not expect him to notice me and I spent a bit of time with him....”

Waking up from her shock Istina looked over as Nala threw herself at her.