151 Grady (1/2)

While I wanted to continue talking to young Trent and the others Valara and Grady walk out of a rift.

Heading for me Grady smiles as he looks at his son, he could feel that Trent has finally found himself a mate.

Looking around he spots that both a unknown youth and his son are helping support a stunning beauty, he then had a puzzled look on his face as he stared at me.

Trent was exceptional and knew the look his father was making.

”Father! This is Wilis a 17 year old with a Divine Bear Spirit.

He Ranked second this year, and is currently at S Rank and has the potential for being higher in the future. He is my Brother!!”

Grady looked around the room and noticed the used bed the uneven and hastily dressed youths.

It should take no brain cells to notice that Wilis and his son were this young woman's playthings.

He walked over to Chamomile and lifted up her chin, after scanning her he found a trace of her being a Pure Blooded Dragon. Shooting me a cautious gaze I knew he wanted an explanation.

Very few knew my origins and as he had inherited his father's memories he knew exactly what I was.

Nala created the God of Destruction without giving them any limitations and forced them to be like the God of Creation that she made long ago. Being a fully female Race both had to change their forms into that of a males to breed and give birth to new members of their Race.

The Gods of Destruction did not mind this as they were happy to fulfill their mission and wipe out the Creed, the Gods of Creation also had no problems and would gladly die for Nala if she wished it.

In this new Reality that Lilly has created, she has not found a single original God of Creation or Destruction meaning that Nala got rid of all the Super Powerful Races that she created long ago.

All but a few, myself, Veshara, Annabel and my two mothers of the original God of Destruction race.

There might be a few Ancient Gods of Creation that she saved, they were her favored Race for so long after all.

I looked over and saw the look in his eyes as he glanced at the sleeping female.

”I am fine with this son! Do not let her get to ahead of you are she will toss you aside like a used rag.

There are many powerful female Spirit users that take on many husbands, I just never expected you to get one so cunning. You two might not know but she has had her first partner at the ag-” While he was trying to finish Hera smacked his head causing him to stop speaking.

He flared up but once he looked at her he immediately stopped. As a Void God he was vastly stronger than everyone of my wives besides Veshara, Verena, Tianna, Vivian and Valara.

Each of these women trained with Valara to boost themself to Veshara's level. While they are not her match much like anyone currently, they all have reached the Void God Realm.

The reason he feared Hera was her powerful abilities that she agreed to use for him to strengthen every spirit user under his rule. Hera smiled at his response and said.

”I understand you wish to look out for your son, but look at his face, revealing to much information on Chamomile is going to do nothing but hurt them both. Leave the young to handle themselves Grady. Besides they seem to have her under control for now, they seem capable to me!”

Hera's words made him nod his head, then this Grizzled Wolf with scales looked over at me. He was 7ft tall rivaling that of the Titans in their youth, his scales were silver and many wounds of his past battles were scares he proudly displayed.

”Grandfather, I know that you are here to get me to join your side in the coming Realm wars but you should know that asking is completely unnecessary. We of the Spirit Realm will gladly join your side in the coming wars, now answer my question how does this girl possess your bloodline.

Looking at Chamomile I felt my gut turn and the gaze of Hera and the others inflicted actual pain on my back. Before I could speak Chamomile woke up and seen me standing before her, with bloodshot eyes she leapt on me and started to dry hump me like a wild animal.

Wilis, Trent and Grady looked at me with scolding looks, Grady now finally understood who caused this young girl to become a sex maniac.

Speaking up for me Valara walked forward.

”While he is at fault, he really had no choice in the matter. Her family was being massacred while you were off world and she was the only one to escape. While she kept her title as the Dragon Clans Princess many knew she only possessed 35-40% pure Dragon blood.

No matter how they acquired the blood of these Dragon Clan members they attacked the moment you left. Without your protection many raided the Clan. Don't worry we have or should I say Dashnell has already let the young miss go wild as she avenged her Clan.

As for why she is like this, well while she did escape she was heavily injured and finally summoned a Spirit at the tender age of 7. while doing so Dashnell finally made it to this Realm. Sensing a weak bloodline connection with the girl he went to go and save her.

The moment the two were in contact with each other she bit down hard and sucked in a large amount of blood. Yes, you are right Dashnell is 100% at fault he could have hardened his skin or he could have just let his natural defences stop her from penetrating his flesh but why would he?”

Once again everyone looked over at me and I sat in the corner in shame.

Osie and Odel went over and tried to comfort me, while the others discussed our future cooperation.
