129 Start Talking (1/2)

Here in the Void Tristan Sun looks around with a smile on his face, as no one has yet to ask him about his newfound appearance. At least not out loud as both his sisters have congratulated him.

”Are you happy spoiled child, father has always been good to you but not anymore.” -Ella.

”Father gave you an easy task and you still failed good job. Elder Brother.” -Tianna.

Turning his head he said loud enough for everyone around to hear him.

”Thank you both, your jealousy is what I look forward to everyday.”

As he said this he got painful stares from everyone present, who did not know that Dashnell had always treated Three Suns better than most even at the start when he gained control over the Three Suns Empire he did not hide his favoritism.

Now they knew why, Three Suns was his son from a different life reborn here. All this time Dashnell kept this secret in his head not letting anyone know as it would affect the plan that he had today.

Many of his wives made a note of this, they never asked Dashnell how far ahead he looks into things with his future sight and even if they were interested he would just smile smugly at them. Telling them that time is relative.

They hated hearing that the most, did this mean he changed things as time went on an only corrected them when he did not like something? They knew after a few past events that he left his mind open to them so if he was doing or planning to do something they would know.

Just like today everyone of his wives knew he was up to something but not exactly what he was planning. They also did not try to pry when he spoke with Three Suns privately, they had to keep some space or they would all seem like the crazy obsessed trio.

Out of all of them Verena, Ella, and Samara were the ones who did not care about anything and watched his every move. They each shared this information they gained to gain support and favors from their many sisters.

After a moment of being stared at by this angry looking group of women Samara was seen shooting out of the tear returning after she had once ran to chase after Dashnell.

She left only a few moments ago and has already come back, everyone wanted to ask her questions but she ignored all their mental talks as she grabbed both Vesta and Larisa and vanished returning back to the Dragon Empire.

Valara was the only one who did not try to speak to Samara in her fit of rage instead once Samara grabbed the two and looked at her before vanishing she started to laugh.

Her laugh made the others question her and she explained how Samara always teased her about birthing a son, but now that son is permanently female.

They began to talk and ignored the fact that Dashnell was acting on his own again, as Valara and Verena were keeping a watchful eye while he talked with Envy and Nala.

”Val! Is that what you warned me about?” Verena said as she looked at Valara who watched Dashnell like a fidgety cat. With both her hands gripped together she hoped that Dashnell would hurry back soon, she knew that things were about to change and this is why she allied with Verena.

Once she gained full control of her powers, time flowed in and out of her giving her a tremendous amount of information that was hard to process at first. After reaching the Void realm she was able to stabilize her growing power as she slowly adapted.

She found out many things once she became time itself, inside her own Domain she watched as The First sealed Dashnell away and to keep him from watching the war, forcing him to try to break out of his seal.

As soon as he tried to he knocked himself out, he always thought they forced him to sleep but he would soon find out that he was the reason he fell into that slumber.

The First granted the God of Destruction affinity to a Guardian youth that showed great promise and would follow them as Dashnell slumbered in the sealed orb.

They kept their promise with the Guardians and left only one of their kind alive to live free from their control but they witnessed the release form of the Guardians like the others and it caused them to reconsider things.

So they took another young Guardian and made sure to put them to use after the Guardian, Creed war. This would give them a way to deal with the Creed Elder that fled, they hoped to kill him while Dashnell slept as they did not wish to have the two meet.

What she found out was that Verena is that young Guardian that was left alive as well as Dashnells teacher when they both were chosen by The First and Elder Guardians as the last Guardians.

Dashnell showed promise and would be openly selected and sealed away, while Verena took the God of Destruction affinity and became the True God of Destruction and was The First's hidden weapon against the Creed Elder.

But after the Elder Creed fled away they had a hard time tracking him down and could only wait in the darkness for him to show up.

They planned to work together with the young Verena who was the Current God of Destruction and kill the Creed Elder, they watched as he sent his minions to finish what the Creed had failed to destroy.

Only to have the young Dashnell and Annabel wipe them out before he could wake up and add to their numbers. Once he woke up and found his creations cleansed from existence he panicked as he scanned around to find the young couple being worshiped by the remaining mortals.

Not wanting to die he abandoned his physical body and used it as bait to lure the two into a trap were he nearly died but it was worth it as he caused a fatal wound on the young Guardian.

His original target was the Creed girl as he wanted to possess her body but he did not expect the love between the two to be real, as he tried to kill the girl and force himself into her body Dashnell appeared before him and took the attack.

He tried to take control over Dashnells body only to meet a monster sleeping within the young Guardian that caused him untold amounts of fear even to this day he fears this creature.