123 Ella and Tianna (1/2)

As everyone heard her speak Valara could not hold in her laugh as she heard the young girl speaking so seriously, she looked at Ella who is now Eleanor and Xillah fused and thought of Annabel.

She then turned to me waiting for the other to speak their new name, as expected the Tianna, Morrigan fusion spoke up but to everyone surprise but mine she stated her name was still Tianna.

Hissing could be heard from Ella as she requested information on how and why the two merged into one. Tianna only smiled as she looked over at her 'Mother' at least this is still one of her many mothers so she did not wish to cause any hard fillings and opened her mind up to everyone.

Looking into their combined mind we see that after she left the Mortal Realm she journeyed into the Void alongside Vesta her elder brother then with Morrigan shouldering the burden of travel they went their separate ways.

After exiting the Void they arrived at their destination the Teress Realm, and once there she allowed Morrigan to display all her might announcing that she Heir to the throne has come to completely unify the powers within Teress under the Council.

While she was using Morrigan to handle those who she could not currently fight she herself fought everyone else. this allowed her to learn the harshness of war and battle and how cruel it could be to be seen as a weak child using their parents power.

These experiences allowed her to grow faster as she tried to catch up to her brothers experience.

It took her 10 whole years to have all the powers not apart of the Council to submit to her, as for the powers already under the control of the Guardians they naturally tried their best during the ten years to gain her favor.

Gaining her favor was Gaining the current ruler of the Guardians favor.

To them hearing that she was a possible future Heir made them bend to her demands even more.

The Ancients were the most blessed as she was the daughter of Tia who was not only an Ancient but their High Empresses only daughter.

This was a boost to their already overwhelming advantage within the Council, aside from the Draconians, Titans and Observes which of the other Council members could compete with them.

Knowing that the young Guardian Dashnell has taken on many wives and was even producing countless children that he spoiled, many of the others who knew they had sent 'Brides' to him requested as much information as they could from Morrigan but talking to her was like speaking to the dead as she never replied to anything not said by Tianna.

No one knew how to handle this, so the Draconians to the shock of everyone developed a teleporter that was powerful enough to travel though the Void and reach the Mortal Realm. With this not only could they meet their daughters and the army that was sent there years ago but they could meet their Emperor.


Shifting through Tianna's memories they found many things but still not what they wanted so Valara and Ella joined forces to find the answer faster.

Once they found what they were looking for they were shocked to see that it was during a battle for her life that Tianna decided to merge with Morrigan.

The Teress Realm that they thought was completely safe was invaded by another Realm that found a way into Teress through the hole that was opened by the Bisar.

Using this tunnel they entered the Void and made their way into Teress, after years of spying they found out the power that controlled Teress left giving them the confidence to invade while they were weak.

They forced Tianna into a situation that she could not control on her own, the Council summoned the united forces of all the races now under their control but it was not enough to stop the planned flood of enemies that was invading.

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By the time they stopped their enemies advance they already took control over 25% of Teress, Tianna complained to Morrigan not able to understand why she was holding back so much against this invading force that wished to take over her Masters Home.

Morrigan only replied by shifting her gaze at the youth high in the sky surrounded by golden light.

Looking at the army under his command she could only shake her head, this army that was strong enough to push back the young Guardians who lead the Draconians, Titans and Ancients into battle were pushed back by these creatures.

Morrigan alone was the reason there was very little to no casualties on either side.

She then announced that the Council will hand over and no more than 25% of Dashnells territory to them to call home as this was his, her Master's Orders.

The youth did not complain he only lead his people to a region within Teress that was Close to the Core of this Realm and settled down Claiming exactly 25% of the entire Realm. Once he was done he immediately requested to join the Council confusing all but Morrigan.

As she explained the youths identity everyone of the Councils Elders were shocked beyond belief, they did not expect the entire force under his control including himself as beings created from Dashnells many powers and different aspects of his personality.

The youth surrounded by golden light was Dashnells spirit manifested in the flesh, many went to greet him as they learned his name was Titus but when they went over and called him this he was sent into a rage forbidding anyone from calling him the name others had Given him.

This was not the name his Master had given him but the name his brothers and sisters choose for him as he did not tell them his true name. The only ones who knew his true name were his Master and those 2 sisters he hated.