97 Demon Clan Arrives (2/2)

The other guard was and elderly sage, she held in her hands a wooden staff that she used to keep herself standing straight mimicking the man beside her. The eyes of this Elder were golden in the center with a pale blue ring circling the gold.

As she noticed the group arrive before her she shot her gaze at the young group of female demons before poking the middle aged man with her staff.

”Open the gates on your own I am too old to help, these young people wish to meet the little sna- they wish to meet the Emperor.” She nodded her head as she corrected herself.

Following the command of the elderly woman he shakes his head and takes both handles into his hands before pushing the massive throne gates open.

While the throne doors were being opened Tezrian walked to the side of Eride and whispered into her ear before backing up and waiting to meet the Emperor.


Moving side to side as if uncomfortable in the throne I try my best to sit down and wait for the guest to arrive, as a promise to my wives I have started to use my future sight less and less but at times it activates on its own.

This is one of those times, I already know a trouble maker will soon walk in through those doors challenging me to a fight. And just as I was thinking about the prizes that was about to deliver themselves to me the doors to the throne room are pushed open by Leviathan in a humanoid form.

Following behind Leviathan as he leads the group of Demons into the throne room is one of my abilities given physical form. She much like Elder Ibrahim and Morrigan, she remained by my side after I was given a new form.

The blue in her eyes grew thicker as she walked into the room and gazed at me, she then teleported next to my side taking a seat on the arm of the throne.

No one said anything to her after her actions which caused the Demons to reveal shocked expressions on each of their faces.

”Hurry up young ones I let you in, now speak your mind to my God and Creator! He has rushed here from the South just to meet with you, he even brought me here as I was training that Lazy Serpent.”

She said not even looking at the group of Demons, she said all this while facing me.

Before she could continue her fake act I picked up her elderly body and tossed her towards Valara. Her body made a sloshing sound as she flew through the air and landed in the arms of Valara shocking the people in the room.

Staring at the young female Demon before me, within her eyes burn a fire of unyielding.

”I am Princess Eride of the Demon Clan, I Challenge you 'Dragon' to a duel. My mother and the other Elders believe you to be the savior of our Race, I doubt that someone only within the Void Realm can aid our people so I have come to test your strength.” Eride then took out a sword that was black with red runes etched all over the blade as if soaked in blood.

I accept your challenge Princess! But what do I gain by bullying and pushing you around? I heard you were one of the few who turned down my request for marriage even disobeying your mother.”

I said already knowing her response, guiding her onto the path I want her and Tezrian to walk.

These two are secret lovers that hid their relationship by pretending to be hated rivals, that compete for the position of heir to the Demon Clan throne.

And as expected the flare in her eyes deepened as she threw off her cloak revealing her full battle attire.

”If you can even land a blow on me playboy, I will give this body to you in marriage but you will never have my heart!

I have information about you always letting your women do all work and fighting all of your wars never lifting a finger, If I win I will become the new Emperor and take these wives of yours as my own!

In the Demon Clan power is what rules all and among those in the Void Realm no one is my match even my mother can only fight me to a draw. Now come let's see what you can do!”