93 Rumors (1/2)

Stepping a single foot into the palace meant for me and my growing harem I see a pacing Elder Silver Moon, upon spotting me he hurriedly ran up to me.

”Finally where have you been! My spies just sent word to me that a massive battle took place on Planet Har. The entire battle was over by the time they got close as they were unaware that the Chiladarian's no longer restricted entry, since they missed the battle they rushed back to report. They believe that a creature at the peak of the True God realm broke through into the next realm!”

Before the Elder could keep rambling in his panic I stopped him cold with a few words.

”Elder calm down I was just watching that fight, it was between my wife Valara and the Guardian from Planet Cordelia. They both reached the Void Realm after the fight.”

Hearing this the Elder's mouth was left open in shock, as I past by him I closed his mouth by lifting up his chin with my left hand and patting him on the shoulder as I walked into the Palace.


Personal World Water Domain

Waking up with pain throughout its entire body, Leviathan looked around to find himself within a massive world of water. Much like his homeworld only his homeworld would be considered a 'droplet' of this new world he is now inside. The last thing he could remember was being knocked out by the youth with the monstrous creature linked to him, thinking of that he rushed to scan his surroundings once more for the massive creature.

Not seeing anyone around calmed his beating heart.

”Finally were you trying to sleep forever?” A feminine voice echoed his ear.

As he swayed his head left and right the once calm water turned turbulent, he was moving swiftly through the water world trying to find the source of the voice in his ears.

”Yes this way keep moving! Once you reach the center of this world we can have a nice chat little snake.”

Once again the voice sounded out inside his ears, he was terrified out of his mind. What kind of creature was here? What kind of power did that youth possess to knock him unconscious, no matter how injured he was after fighting that woman he had just broken though into the Void Realm. Never in his long life has he ever seen or heard of anyone reaching the Legendary Realm, not even his parents or those who killed them. But that youth had caused him to faint with a quick tap on the head, and he was high in the sky when he had struck out with his fist.

So many thoughts were swirling about inside Leviathans head as he made his way towards the center of this world of pure water. Unlike his homeworld that still possessed landmass this world was pure water, the vibrant water was filled with a power that strengthened every cell in his huge body.

While these things were helping him gain more strength he was not the least bit happy with the unease he held in his heart keeping him from enjoying this steady rise in power.

”Don't be afraid like you I was placed within this world to protect it. once we meet I will entrust the rest of my task to you and slumber within the core.”


Planet Har

Valara can be seen fighting against Verena and the others, they turned the entire space were she battled Leviathan into a training field.

While fighting Verena was giving out information about the Void Realm to everyone.

”Once in the Void Realm you will be able to locate all others within the Void Realm and gain the ability of true sight. Much like how Leviathan and Valara are now able to see Dashnell's Beast Avatar form, you will also slowly gain control over an Edict. Once the Edict has fully gained power over reality you will have successfully become a Void God, this process can take an eternity or a day it all depends on how powerful you become and how you wish to bend reality.

The Reality Controller is young so she will most likely prevent anyone from gaining a full edict until she is fully able to fight against a Void God that wishes to replace her. Yes if you will your edict to have you replace her it will become possible, this is why Void Gods are feared anything is possible if they possess the power to force reality to bend to their demands. Those 12 Void Gods were unable to use their edicts to outright kill Dashnell because he was protected by my edict as well as being far stronger than the 12 originally thought.

Void Gods are not equal if you already did not realize, for example we can take those same 12 and how they only injured Dashnell in the fight while he killed 5 of them in their first fight. Another example is how the last 3 he killed were the strongest of the 12, were they fought against him while surrounded by the Creed. Had they not tried to flee they would not have died, those 3 alone matched Dashnell in power even alone.