90 Pushing Limits (1/2)
Planet Cordelia One Thousand Years Before Occupation
Submerged deep inside this water world is it's guardian and protector, from the time of its birth it was told to protect this world from its dying parents. The young Leviathan did as it was told and protected the world from any and all hostile invaders, as it grew the other creatures on this world came to fear it. Looking at the world of water from space one would be able to see Leviathan as it roamed around as the true ruler of this planet. No matter who it was everyone tried to claim this world, as it came to be known that on this world rest a source of 'True Water'.
Many came to conquer this world but it all ended in failure, they could not challenge the protector in a world filled with water that it could freely manipulate. The elder and Ancestor of the Blue Stone Guards came close to defeating the creature but failed once it broke through and evolved during their fight. With this he knew he had failed unless he could reach the next realm of power, this did not stop him as he challenged the Leviathan for more than 10 thousand years before giving up.
Leviathans evolution was much more powerful than he expected and even after becoming a True God he was no match for the creature, this did not matter to him as he had finally through the many battles with this monster achieved his goal of becoming a True God. Once word of his new realm spread his fraction the Blue Stone Guards became the new Overlords of the North, replacing the old power that once ruled it.
Seeing that its old foe left it alone Leviathan roamed around the world in peace, watching the small lifeforms slowly grow over time becoming the most dominant on the planet besides him its protector. Never did he expect these creatures that he protected along with the planet would force him to leave his home, the means they used were taught to them by the humans but he would never forget that it was the Cordelian's who lead its armies against him all around the world.
And in front of him right now was a Cordelian and a foreign race he has never seen before, knowing that they could not take him alone or as a pair he decided to target Ara.
An earthshaking roar echoed out from the water prison as the Leviathan spoke shocking everyone watching, as they were sure this creature had long since lost its mind after eating to much Living Metal.
”Cordelian! You dare show yourself to me after what your kin have done, damn you all! I will fill these waters with your blood. You allowed our world to be conquered by those damnable humans!” Said the massive sea serpent as it charged at Ara at full speed ignoring Valara, its cystiline blue scales matched it's deep blue eyes that had a shade of green.
As it moved so did all the water in the prison created by Valara, its massive size made the two look like spec's compared to it. The massive water prison was comprised of almost all the water on Planet Har yet it failed to fully contain this massive beast as parts of its uncoiled body still managed to appear outside the water as it moved.
Valara noticed that the creatures focus that was originally on her switched to Ara after they entered the water, this only told her it's senses were limited to things that entered water that it occupied.
As the duo took out their weapons Valara charged Violet Volt with her lighting elemental energy and shot it at the charging Leviathan, Ara drew her sword that was a deep dark blue color and prepared to defend against the charge. Violet Volt ripped through the water splitting the prison as it traveled to it's target, as its master vanished grabbing Ara and avoiding the charge that would have been deadly.
”Focus Ara that would have killed you! I know this is important to you so calm down and put your mind into the battle, was all that training I put you through worthless?” Valara reprimanded the younger Ara about her mistakes in this battle.
Ara understood she had messed up just now but Leviathan is a true master as it opened up its mind to her and flooded her with its experiences of being betrayed by those it once protected which distracted her almost long enough to cause her death.
Once Ara recovered the Eros she merged with helped her seperate those memories and pushed them to the back of her mind, allowing her to focus all her attention on the battle at hand. Valara soon came to understand why Ara made such and error and shielded her mind from Leviathan, the Eros in the pair worked with their host to protect their minds from the beast in front of them.