78 Void God Morrigan (1/1)

Carnage is what was happening, carnage is what you would describe the scene before the eyes of Ara as she watched the black dressed beauty rip apart the group of men before her. While the men died and were torn to shreds she noticed Morrigan sent each of the few females in the group into a seperate space like capturing harmless animals. They were knocked out as black chains wrapped around them and tossed their lifeless bodies into a dark void, as the others watched as scythe cleaved through flesh and bones many began to look over at the master of this 'Void God'.

They were not the only ones stunned by how quickly the group of living people became a pile of freshly cut body parts, the women who were wives of this monsters master could not believe their eyes. They did not mind the deaths of these people as they wanted to be the ones to kill them but the gap in power between Morrigan and them was too massive.

As various gazes were felt on my back I turned to see angry faces of my wives and I am sure Morrigan is the reason, in the moment of trying to vent I forgot to tell her to hold back. Showing that I had a powerful servant following me around was something I did wish to display at a later date, which is why I told Ibrahim to make sure he was not discovered when he acted. Yet now all that effort is gone due to the savage scythe wielding beauty before me, as promised I did not stop her slaughter and left her to enjoy herself as I would enjoy retraining her later.

Ara on the other hand slowly made her way in front of me as she tried her best to watch the slaughter, she could only hear the screams as body parts descended to the ground.

”I- I am Ara Flur a former noble of the Cordelian race, after being conquered by the humans they striped those who opposed them of power I wish to regain that power if giving myself to you is the answer then I, Ara will become your woman.” Ara said as she kneels before me.

With blood running down her scythe Morrigan made her way back to me, kneeling besides Ara she set her weapon down as she looked up at me. She could feel my emotions and knew she had ruined a few of my plans with her actions, she could also feel she would get what she wanted a 'punishment' that would make her feel alive. ”Master I have done as you have asked, if you have any other use for me now would be the time. Any more killing and you would have to stop me my force, so I can only fight if you are willing to allow me to lose control.” These words sent a chill down the spines of everyone present.

Stepping forward Verena gives Morrigan a grin before picking up the scythe on the ground, the blood drenched on the weapon peeled off the ground as blood kept falling from it.

”Dashnell won't have to act, if you get to crazy I will be the one to beat sense back into you. You may have retained most of your power due to him but remember that we can restrict you to our level of power and force you to calm down. So don't try and get him to pay more attention to you, we all have to share so don't go making things hard for him!” Verena said as she absorbed the scythe into her hand, as a tattoo of a black scythe appeared on her forearm she walked back behind me to her seat.

Morrigan no longer had any mood to play around so she too got up and stood behind me, as she leaned on my back she whispered loud enough for all her competition to hear about how she was waiting for her 'punishment' she described in detail what she knew was to come.

Ignoring her attempt to make me rush to her retraining I reach into my chest.

Standing up and moving towards the still kneeling Ara I manifest a green-black orb that pulsed with power, the green light illuminated the surrounding area.

”If you take this from me you will become mine in body, heart and soul I will be bound to you and you to me. Take it if you accept thi-.” As I was making my long speech Ara took the heart from me and placed it into her chest as if it was speaking to her, as it was. Each of my hearts know that it will one day leave me to forever protect and live within one of my many wives. Who knew these two would be so compatible, calling out to her to take it even before I finished speaking the things I will do to her will show both her and her newly beating heart in her chest to wait for me to finish!

After being rudely cut off explaining things to her became much simpler as she could now speak too and hear the others, this allowed me to once again appear in front of the other Major powers. I again explained to them that I will now take over the position of Overlord of the North and today I will rename the region to resemble the name of my growing Empire. Henceforth it will become the Dragon Empire, as for the East wishing to retaliate against me they are free to do so if they have the ability to do so. I also sent the South an alliance offer as I had to get my hands on a few of the various different non human beauties that live in the southern region.

Old man Elwin moved quickly to my side as if we were old allies in a war, as he expressed that the West would be sending many youths over to the Dragon Empire to test themselves against the youths within my Empire. This sparked a heated debate among the living here as they saw that even their strongest expert was nothing compared to Morrigan, so if war really happen they knew they would have no choice but to surrender in the end. So this idea by Elwin would allow their youths to represent them in the new formation of Powers that would now be under the Dragon Empire.

Elwin set the time and date for the battles, ten years from now here in the Dragon Empire there will be a massive tournament that would divide power among the new members of the Empire. This would allow for the South and West to show off what it's future talents could offer moving forward, as well as push their youths into the view of the Major powers that already exist within the Dragon Empires military. This must be Sophia's doing, she really does things fast she wishes to integrate them quickly even giving them ten years of time to nurture a batch of fighters to show off the power from their respective regions.

Looking back at her I see her face is bright red, she has already planned out what she wishes to do and the others were giving her 'tips' of which activities she should try.

Ara not wishing to be pushed aside even as a new wife demanded I first tend to our wedding and everything that would follow, she began planning everything even getting a few of the other noble maids to submit themselves to me. With this I gained a extra few hundred new members to my ever growing harem, seeing a opportunity a few women from the South and West came forward to become my wives. Elwin supported this as he also asked about a limit as he wished to gather others from the West and wished to find out how many he could push into my bed.

This old man's boldness shocked even those of the South who were becoming extremely close with Sophia, they had already asked these questions but did not dare to do so out loud. They never expected Elwin to bring this up, those of the West knew Elwin better and did not bat an eye when he brought it up as they are now 100% sure Teressa becoming my wife was his doing.

The blood and bodies in the middle of the place was quickly taken care of by servants, as the meeting truly began everyone was making sure to improve their relationship with my various wives. Malire from the South belongs to a Major clan of fox demons, she was one of the older women sent here as if she were to die they would not lose a youthful talent. She made sure to inform me through the bond that she has many daughters and female's that will also join her in becoming my wives as she wanted support in freeing her eldest daughter from a political marriage. Saving her daughter would get me not only the mother but other willing daughters she had, she promised so much to me but I agreed once she said she needed my help.

The others quickly became busy planning how 'we' should handle the matter in the South and who should be the ones to go along with me.