72 Little Princess Sun (2/2)
As we get closer to the pair sitting in the lava they sense our approach, opening their eyes Ella's mother stands to her feet before making her way into Ella's waiting embrace. This wife of mine sent a message to her mother about our visit how sly, Three Suns on the other hand slowly makes his way over to us he has long gotten used to treating me like family so he knows he does not have to put on airs when around me.
”Dashnell I feel I am seeing you more and more these days, every time with Ella in tow are you trying to tell me something?” Said Three Suns as he went up to Tomas who is stunned solid.
These words of his giving me hints to have Ella change her habits of these frequent visits are well received by me, but who would have thought her own father would throw her into the jaws of a ravenous beast. Ella's mother Lana Sun stops the invisible talk between us with a few shocking words she says out loud to Ella. ”Ella I am happy you stopped by today I have good news! You will soon be having another sibling! I am sure its a boy as well.” These words from her caused Three Suns to sit on the spot allowing the lava to reach his chest.
The laughter from me did not help the silence her words caused but after a few silent minutes tears of joy could be seen from the three, from her words I could sense something was wrong and then Ella explained it to us. That her mother was injured after having her third child when Three Suns was fighting for the throne and crowned Emperor, during this time his other wives tired to get rid of her for being unable to bare anymore children but Three Suns forbid anyone from trying to get rid of her or they would be cast out instead.
This must be the reason Ella tries so hard to be better than her sisters who also caught my eye those years ago when I was unknown to them, who would have thought that I would manage to seduce so many princesses of the Emperor Three Suns while roaming the lands looking for a spot to start my take over of this world. The day I tell him these things I wonder how he would feel knowing that the reason I ended up in Lime Leaf Village was to get all his daughters in my bed, this also meant I could not cause their father's death in any of my plans when taking over the Three Suns Empire.
With this news uplifting everyone's mood we begin to talk while roasting delicacies over the lava pits near us, until everyone gets a message each being different than rest. Tomas and Three Suns both got messages from Tia telling them to prepare for a war against a planet controlled by a few trouble making Gods of Creation, Lana got a message from Ella while Ella and me both got spammed with mental messages about freezing time and what we did with that time alone. Rather than tell me about what is happening on the planet they are about to go and conquer they want information on what Ella and I did together.
These girls are always trying to get an edge over each other and I can't blame them, Verena is the most lustful of my wives followed by Valara, Samara, Teressa and Tia. The others are only 'slightly' behind these wonderful succubus, as they each spend the majority of the time alone with me in my embrace. The other want to roam the stars, visit strange worlds or travel the void with me to bond and deepen our romantic love with each other, while those lustful few only want to see how deep in them I can be and how long they can last my 'relentless' assault... I mean love.
After sharing their time 'spent' with me, the others made less demands to do anything romantic other than things they held dear, with that most of the time with them is enjoyably lustful.
After Ella shares what we did I get a mix of demands for future 'dates' and finally get the information I wanted from these competitive women, the Gods of Creation are claiming that this realm is their and that they will not sit by as I go to conquer it. That is unless I prove I am a righteous ruler by handing over a valuable 'Stone' to them, gifting this stone to them would prove that I will not rule them with power but with mutual 'understanding'.
With my eyes glowing a slight red Ella squeezes my hands to calm me down but that is enough of this shit from those greedy fucks! They know that Teressa would need to die for them to get the stone as unlike the one in me it is now her heart. With my blood boiling I summon Ibrahim from his sleep, when he appears before us he is no longer an old man but a youth with black hair and strange glowing green eyes.
”Go with them during this campaign Ibrahim and bring me the bodies of those who keep requesting Teressa's death! Let Valara and the others do most of the fighting. You just make sure none of them escape do you understand!” I said to Ibrahim with fury in my voice and my eyes a mix of red surrounded by black.
”Yes Master! You don't have to worry! Am I allowed to use my powers?” He said with his head down clenching his fist. Ibrahim being a part of me was birthed when my ability of mind control gained consciousness, he knew from his birth that unlike my other abilities he was rarely used if at all and even hated at the beginning. ”If I am sending you that alone should be your answer. Yes you can use your power I am not the same as before, my hate for your talent was misplaced hatred. Forgive me.”
With a smile on his face the black haired youth vanished.