61 Dragon of Destruction (1/2)
Rage an uncontrollable rage exploded inside me in that very moment as ripped apart the tear leading into the Creeds Realm. Watching him be consumed by madness I no longer wish to observe what is to come I already know what is to follow this, as if knowing my demands I am ejected from the birth of the Dragon of Destruction. I don't wish to relive myself destroying everything in the Void.
As I took my true form even the Creed shut the gateway they made once they realized the mistake in causing me to go berserk. This was something they could not fight against as they have just created their own demise, for now they will think they can escaped only to soon perish to the beast they enraged.
The scene before me now is after I finished wiping out everything on both sides, there still possessed by madness I attack the empty space around me. Destroying even space and time my rampage causes reality to collapse upon itself, with nothing else to destroy or stop me this continued for eons.
Time slowly brought back my senses, looking around at the catastrophe I caused I find that reality no longer affects me as if I no longer exist. Short moments of madness still happen from time to time until I can fully calm down gaining control over my true form and my full power. Retracting the uncountable wings into my back my massive body coils with my head as the center condensing this massive body into the childlike one I have always had. As a blood red line runs down from both my eyes the red from them recedes with the green merging with the red before being replaced by pure gold.
Numbing my emotions with the help of my powers seemed to be the best option for me to be able
to focus on how to undo what I have caused. I first roamed about the damaged reality that kept trying to fix itself but was failing, It was absorbing the excess energy coming off me. As I no longer qualify as something that exist in any reality it was not able to gain much from me yet it kept trying like it was alive and fighting off death. With this in mind I decided to help it by going into a state of hibernation while it could feed off the energy I would produce as time went on, and as a Guardian the longer I live the stronger I would become.
Deep in a slumber I rested as the memories of those I wiped out entered my mind, with my madness no longer suppressing these memories many of my defensive abilities activated on their own to protect me. If I have another breakdown I am sure this being trying to survive will be dead once I snap out of it, so I numb my emotions even more seeing them as unneeded locking a few each into my 6 pair of eyes. While I struggled in my sleep against the varied personality changes I managed to stabilize myself, I failed to count the amount of time it took for this to happen but my mind is now like a evergrowing maze. During this time I succeeded in helping it survive I feel its gaze on me, most likely because I no longer exist to reality I appear as a abnormality to it, this was my thought but the gaze was one of extreme devotion.
Maybe because my ability as a God of Balance or because I killed every single God of Creation my body houses all three affinities. Balance, Destruction and Creation causing my power to evolve and improve making me even more of a monster, if I destroyed both realities just from unleashing my power how can they survive if I bring them back now. Thinking about a solution to this problem I failed to notice that the two realities merged into one, but are separated by the rip I made long ago.
This creature is linked to both realities and seems to control them she and I are the only things left here within the darkness that is space.
Searching my memory I find out I killed the two other reality controllers and she is now the new controller of existence in this Realm of reality. Slowly over time I learn to connect with her finding that her glare was that of a child staring at its hero, savior and parent, as I do not wish to live as something I am not I give her the memories of the past two in her position. She left me alone for awhile only to return able to manifest herself in front of me as well as speak my language, the young girl is of a race I never encountered before shocking me, she also informs me that she knows everything I did and will always watch over me. I can hear the worship and love in her voice, taking out a colorless orb from her chest she smiles at me with both her hands stretched out.
As a transcendent female voice enters my head I look into the silver eyes of the young girl speaking to my body, soul and mind.
”You'r people are named Guardians, so I ask you Dragon of Destruction who has cleansed everything will you become my Guardian and protect me forever! Those before me died to you alongside their protectors, I am sure they would have made you their Guardian if they survived but now that is no longer possible. So Dashnell will you protect me, my beloved God of Destruction my Savior who gave me life!?” She said with a smile on her face as her mouth did not move a single time. Accepting the orb I notice my hand size is larger expanding my vision to my surroundings I now no longer have a body of a 10 year old child but now possess an adult form.