59 Obsession (1/2)
Who knows how much time has past as I continue to watch the scenes of the past. Even after so many eons the Void kept expanding growing unceasingly, those who controlled their own realms like the Guardian race still hide away roaming the vast Void never staying in one place for too long.
In this time of growth many of my abilities began to manifest themselves causing the various Void Gods to meet time and time again, they tried to get Verena to hand me over or for her to die while I take her place as the new ruler of her territory. She always refused their demands showing no sign that she will give in to them, so they started monitoring the area more heavily while starting conflicts on the border of the territory.
Becoming the perfect training ground for my newfound power. Heading over to one of the border territories young Dashnell leads troops against the invaders, this would be the first time they truly witnessed his power.
As the area dropped in temperature wind, rain and thunder began to envelop the enemy troops, none of them found the weather odd. Here in the Void they have long since grown accustomed to extreme weather let alone a bit of stormy weather.
With a savage smile across his face young Dashnell rushes towards the enemy army appearing everywhere the thunder hit, the invaders saw him merge with the lightning and thunder as he launched countless lethal strikes against them. As their numbers were reduced at such a shocking rate they tried to use wide range attacks to catch him in the aftershocks hoping that it would delay his reaction long enough for them to strike him down. After trying and failing they stopped looking down on him, grouping up their forces they retreated from the border.
”They said he should still be weak! So why is he here on the front lines when we are only probing with a small army?”
”How should we know, we simply follow the orders our Void God sent to us. She has instructed us to send the entire reserve forces into Verenas territory and gain as much information on him as possible, as for killing him if we have the ability we are to take it even if Verena comes to hunt us down!”
”No matter how you look at it he is going to wipe out our invading force before we can inflict a single wound on him! That ability is not simply teleportation he can't even be hit no matter what we do.”
Central Territory of Void God Verena
”Master they have surrounded us on all sides each sending out probing attacks. Said a female warrior under Verena, She then continued.
”Master, Dashnell has already lead a force and pushed back those in the south he is now heading north.”
Looking at her trusted General and long time friend Verena tells her to allow Dashnell to do as he wishes, the general obeys the command departing after she sees bloodlust in Verena's eyes. How long has it been since Verena has shown any aggression to anyone of the other Void Gods, yet she now is willing to fight against 4 of them at the same time. Ordering the troops to keep an eye on the south border incase the enemy attacks again a report comes in about the north probing army that has been destroyed by fire and the earth collapsing under the enemy. She also got a new report saying that Dashnell is already in the west leading the army their against the invaders.
The General then heads East hoping to meet up with Dashnell so she can witness this little monsters fighting ability for herself.
Eastern Border
Arriving at the massive fort that overlooks the east she notices a battlefield littered with the dead, making her way into the command room to look for those in charge she runs into Dashnell.
”Young Master I thought I had missed you, are you not going back to inform Lady Verena about the recent clashes at the border?”