54 Birth of Balance (1/2)

Year 4 Gods Era

Teressa has long since faded from our sights, we know of her location but can not reach it anymore.

Wave after wave of created beings from her darkest nightmares rush at us, unafraid of dying while being fearless combatant's these are our opponents. Most of the True Gods after finding out they would permanently die fled the battle, leaving me and the few truly powerful True Gods to fight this war yet I notice they do not have any interest in this fight. They only fight to polish their own skills testing their abilities to their limits becoming even stronger, at the same time those Abominations changed the first wave had intelligence now they are mindless, killing even their own.

The majority of the enemy fights the True Gods forcing the fleeing ones to run further away, while the stronger ones stay to tie me down fearing I would kill Teressa. If they left me alone I would only protect the True Gods but I guess that is not possible now, surrounded by them they try their best to end my life but how could these weak beings match up to me.

Year 5 Gods Era

They are getting stronger the more I kill the stronger Teressa makes the next batch, she is doing all this unconsciously making me tempted to kill her. I do not wish to end my only friends life so I fight the waves hoping time will cure her insanity, she should know I am good at waiting even now I wait for my master to awaken. The sad thing that she will wake up to is these monsters ended the lives of every mortal race that barely survived the True Gods war.

Year 6 Gods Era

I am starting to feel that she can only regain her sanity if I kill everything she has created but they are now forcing me to use my power. Once I revealed my true power the ones chasing the True Gods retreated to deal with me, especially after I began to move towards Teressa. I can no longer keep count the number of them that I have killed I focus only on reaching Teressa, the True Gods who tested themselves left me when the ones keeping them here moved to deal with me.

Year 7 Gods Era

After 200 hundred trillion years I have finally reached the area Teressa is located, surrounding her are the first few she created long ago. They guard her from the others as it seems that after losing their minds like their creator they only seek to destroy, the waves push me back and confine me I can no longer move forward no matter how hard I try. Fighting for my life is all that is left for me to do, as I fight I try to convince her protectors to aid me in wiping out their brethren. Their response shocks me it appears I looked down on Teressa's ability to create life, they have agreed with me and know the only way to save her is for everything she created when she broke down to die including them.

This is their goal to help Teressa regain her sanity, fighting here for so long I notice that they are like me Guardians. How did she create so many is my first thought but who cares about that now, their plan is to protect her until the others kill themselves and when they are the only ones left they will all die for Teressa. The one to ensure this plan will be accomplished is the leader among them with bright red eyes, being surrounded this is the only thing I can make out of their figure being my vision is filled with that of my enemies.

Year 8 Gods Era

I can Feel the life force of True Gods dying one after another, this is a bad sign True Gods growth rate is higher than these creatures for that I am sure. Their fear of permanent death has driven the weak True Gods to an early death while the strong have emerged, now only the strongest True Gods remain knowing that fleeing only leads them to death they rejoin the war.

After fighting so long against these monsters we have given them the name of Creed, Teressa being at the core of their nest will be a challenge to reach. The True Gods have reached me after a long time after they help me escape from my containment we regrouped, the only things alive being the Creed and the True Gods making this the final stand against the Creed. We have been fighting the Creed for so long that they have regained some of their lost intelligence, still they remain no smarter than simple beast we know the longer this goes on the worst it will be for us.

Year 9 Gods Era