51 This Fleet is Mine (1/2)

Everyone below looked up at the flood of strange vessels exiting the giant tear in space, while Tia was shocked she quickly recovered activating several mechanisms she prepared in case of emergencies. Looking at the frantic girl pressing every button on her light blue wrist bracelet I send to her mentally the image of those who are currently within the ships. ”What did we tell you about hiding things from us! I just activated a barrier that would shield this planet while we fled, before we left Teress we all knew the destructive power of that cannon.” Said Tia as she continued franticly pressing buttons seemingly to stop the activation from starting as this was one of her trump cards.

As my voice boomed in the minds of every lifeform on the planet I announce that I, Dragon Emperor Dashnell Underwood declare this planet as a base that will be used to conquer the other planets within this realm. The group of Creation Gods took the time to retreat, cursing that I will regret going against them and that they will use every means to prevent me from my goal unless I hand over Teressa. Halting the Gods of Destruction along with the army from chasing I allow them to flee, having already set up the pieces nothing they can do now will slow my advance much less stop it.

Shaking my head maybe I should have beaten them to an inch of their lives for interupting my memory fragment dream from completing.

”Thinking about it now could do nothing to aid me at this moment.”

Looking down at the pitiful face of the sulking girl I pat her head saying. ”I saved you yet you seem to have been reset just like me. Currently I can control about 10% of my True God power, the first time I unlocked a memory fragment was after I fought Gold Luster at 2% every 3-5% I seem to gain the ability to trigger a fragment. But look at you not even at 1% and yet you are right on my ass, yet not a single memory came back to you until just now, once we get back I'll spoil you so you can show me that you mean what you keep thinking about. 'Showing me gratitude for saving you'.” Saying this to her, her face becomes a flush red as she uses her dangling hands to cover her face.


Onboard the leading ship the familiar Vargas looks down at the planet below turning towards Sophia. ”Are you sure the coordinates lead to this place even after extending my full power searching the Realm these creatures could only give high Tier Void Experts slight trouble.” Said Vargas.

”Stop repeating the same lines every time we leave the warp and wait like the rest of us, how could we mistake his location after all we have Sophia leading us straight towards her child Tia. So even if he gave us coordinates slightly off we could never be lost.” Erin said trying to fit into the small uncomfortable chair.

Staring at the window with his impatient face Vargas realizes he too could track Kiera if he got close enough and if as they were now in the same Realm why not scan that planet to make sure.

After Elder Ibrahim returned he along with Crest swiftly helped wiped out the Bisar forces that rebelled, seizing the Ion Cannons as their own but before they could even rest Dashnell told them to send half the Council's entire forces along with the Cannon to him. Receiving the sudden command shocked them even now, how could he reach out to them while in a separate realm Ibrahim could not refuse the command either as he was to busy dealing with the rampaging Crest. Thinking about how Dashnell seemed calm after hearing about Crest condition he knew he had to come along with her as well.

Elder Crest caused them a never ending headache at first she was sane but after she participated in the battle against the Bisar she turned completely savage. This alone made treating her mental damage a tiring affair, even so the used every method they had only to find out that Elder Ibrahim was extremely skilled in the field that they offered little to no help. Every time she would lose herself he would quickly handle her like she was a child throwing a tantrum, meanwhile as they moved on the Bisar homeworld more of the Guardians woke up from their long sleep adding to their already superior forces leading to a swift end for the Bisar. As Vargas had told them he would wipe all those who tried to destroy the Guardians from Teress, he made sure to truly lived up to his claim.