48 Reunion (2/2)
The Giant of a man Shadowfang later regained his composure his fire red eyes looking deep into the eyes of Tyrion, he grinds his black fangs together as he shakes his head when he sees the look Tyrion has.
Letting Shadowfang have his space as he reunites with his grandchild the others let them have a seperate table, as the three sit alone the silence in the room comes to an end as one of the Empresses.
”I am Valarie! Also one of the Emperor's new wives I will oversee the remainder of this meeting as I am sure you have all agreed to join our cause to unify this planet under the Banner of the Dragon Empire.”
As Valarie took over the talks shifted from the Alliance between the 3 major powers to how they would each set up new laws that would be implemented in all three territories as well as the new names of the ruling bodies.
Blood Sun now the Dragon Empire the Beast Continent now the Beastia Nation and lastly Heavens Might became the Moon Empire, each of these powers were now allies that would help each other with military or economic problems. Empress Tia along with Dashnell and Samara handled most things from the Dragon Empire while the Silver Moon family elders also elected three of them to enter the talks and so did the Beastie Nation sending three representatives. One for Military, Economy and Governance as the nine people discussed the inner workings of the Alliance between the newfound Nations Shadowfang who represented the Military forces of the Beastia Nation questioned Tyrion from the Moon Empire about his health.
”I still have many things to discuss with you Tyrion about Sasha and I also wish to visit her grave so I would like you to come with me to the Beastia Nation so we can treat you, if you have not found a treatment in the Moon Empire you should have some hope with us.” Said ShadowFang looking at the frail man who he now regards as his son.
Speaking up I tell Shadowfang that there is no need. ”We have already planned to help him recover but he insisted that we delay his treatment until he met you, he wanted to aton for not being able to protect his wife that is why for the last 10 years he remained a cripple till this day. But seeing as you wish to save your son's life you should push him into the treatment that will give him back the ability to cultivate and live longer.”
Shadowfang then glares at Tyrion who looks away from the intense stare of his new overprotective father with a smile on his face he says. ”Don't worry after our meetings here today I will head over to receive treatment this was the deal I made with Shana. That if you forgave me for the loss of Sasha only then would I get treatment.”
”You think I would accept that you just die of old age! I will work you hard in the years to come until we achieve Sasha's dying goal to create equality among the humans and beast. So as my Son I will not allow you to die, Sasha would not wish for me to dye my hands in your blood you are not the enemy she fought against, so yes I forgive you we have both lost her and in your eyes I can see the version of myself when I lost her mother.” Saying no more Shadowfang rejoins the talks with Tia about the Military moving against Bright Star and the Sacred Rain Church that rule over the Rain Continent.
Unlike the other Continents controlled by many different powers the Church of Sacred Rain has complete control over the entire Rain Continent, the Church just like Heavens Might in the past treated those with the blood of the Beast harshly. The Church did not use its influence to suppress the Beast Continent they claimed that cleansing all Beast from the world is the only way to please their God, this was the only power that was always actively waring against the Beast Continent.
Sacred Rain was also the one who suggested that the only way to win against the Dragon Empire was to allow the Beast to be sent to their deaths, so with their main army is destroyed they could invade the Beast Contient removing the majority of beast from the world. Only then would their God aid them against the threat that is the Dragon Emperor.