46 Twisted Bond (1/1)
Vesta looks on at Larisa as her once smooth skin now has added scales much like everyone from the Draconians, the only difference is while they can control when their horns and tail shows Larisa has not yet attained or has such control. Two straight horns that have a slight lean towards each other now rest atop her head, behind her is a tail that has wrapped around her as she kneels on the ground trying to catch her breath from the sudden changes to her body. Looking at Vesta she sees the reflection her emerald green eyes now have, now even her eyes give away that she is a Beast in human form, she then uses her deep green draconic eyes squint as she takes in the new sights around her.
Her enhanced senses spread out allowing her to perceive everything within Lime Leaf City as she inspects the massive city busting with life she feels a slight pull coming from within the Palace, in her exited exploration of the city she turns away from the pull barely noticing it. Vesta watching the ever changing expressions on Larisa's face lightly squeezes her tail snapping her out of her state of curiosity, as she turns once more to Vesta she inspects his face before giving him a deep kiss to show her affection for his sudden gift to her. ”You said you wanted to marry me right? Then why delay let's go Vesta!” She said as she dragged him away heading to one of the temples she spotted in the city.
Shaking my head I know what is to come as I look at the sweat covered exhausted bodies of my wives sprawled all over the room, I sit awaiting my next batch of visitors. The ones I expect are the daughters who now seek me out to form a irreversible bond, waiting for the moment a sudden flood of memories from a past life emerge from deep in my mind.
I sit in a empty room waiting for someone to show up, I have just turned ten and my mother has arranged a partner for me, the girl that walks in is the one who has always been at my mothers side a girl that is only two or three years older than me. Here on Dratan the homeworld of the Draconians I look around at the familiar room and its design is much like the Thousand Empress Palace, this dream or memory feels so real just like the one I had about the gate seems I am about to relive one of my fallen paths.
As my body moves to embrace the girls she undresses as we for the first time deepen our bond, watching as this happens I can't help but feel that something is wrong both me and this girl seem eager about the events taking place but I can't get rid of this feeling that it has more meaning. After the two young draconians tire each other out as expected my mother was there waiting, my mother is also my grandmother and if she has her way she will also be my future partner.
The Draconians care for nothing besides power and authority, the rulers are the few males that live past the many trials they undertake as youths, just like the Ancients the females hold the majority of positions of power.
While my Father is the current Ruler of our people he is only in power because our mother wanted to push him and my grandfather to kill each other so I could become the only male ruler of our bloodline.
Varak my grandfather used all his power to keep me out of my mother's hands not wanting me to have the tense relationship he and his son have, this was one of the few things the two men ever agreed on. They each raised me for 5 short years until I had to pick my first mate and during this time she would gain access to me once more after these ten years, the first 5 years my father beat combat into my every bone and at age three he tossed me onto a volatile and war torn planet were for two years my life was always on the edge. Surviving for two years was not the goal he had given me it was to suppress and control the natives on the planet within two year, that was the task given to me by my father who watched over the planet during the two year period. Once I achieved what he considered a pass he taught me a skill he developed to kill my grandfather, never once did my father give me his name and everyone who knew it refused to speak it to me.
The time I spent with Varak was different he was kind to me giving me the love my father never did but looking at these events happen again before my eyes I know now that my father truly did love me as he trained me to kill him once his mother, my mother tossed him aside. Varak taught me how to better manage a planet and its people, to never tolerate any form of discrimination that the people have towards other species as the Draconians Took over thousands of planets and would integrate the native species into its ranks without any prejudice or mistreatment. He was the one who set it up this way so that these conquered people would always side with the Draconians if the worst was ever to happen, after5 years of cramming me full of his teachings it was finally time to pick my first mate.
The women who were selected came from the three fractions my family controlled, I watched as billions of women fought and killed each other just to be among those already on the list I would take on as wives, Each male ruled over billions if not trillions of female Draconians because male Draconians numbers were in the thousands while the female population was over a few hundred trillion.
During the ten years of life being groomed by three different fractions that wanted to remain in power, I knew that I too if I wanted to be free would required a fraction of my own. Down below I watched as my loyal subordinates fought with their lives on the line, giving them a automatic spot was to blatant and would reveal that I had already formed a fraction to call my own to the other three. Each of them agreed to allow one to two of their own to already be selected as my future wives and guards. After all the battles were done Standing on the Stages below me are the few billion remain the winners of their matches. Only the strong have a chance at baring a child and this was how the women wanted to decide it as it would help produce better warriors to aid the Guardians the race that the Draconians worshiped as Gods.
I remember now the feeling I had when these memories first started is the same I had waiting for my own daughters to enter my bed, I knew there was no going back once she and I set out on this path. The girl always by my mothers side who helped me form my fraction is one of my many sisters who no longer wishes to be a pawn to our mother, her becoming my mate was not the issue the issue was once we made our move we would split the Draconians into 4 fractions that would fight for power.
While I ended up the true ruler of our people I never expected my mother to pit my father against me as she used my grandfather to also suppress me, telling them that the first to bring me to her would forever receive her love. I had no idea the amount of love they each had for her until they used everything to force me into her bed, the only reason I survived and did not becoming her new toy was during a duel my father who finally told me his name allowed my blade to take his life. By Draconian law this made me the new male ruler of our people, Varak after seeing this knew he would no longer have any real power as Lillian had become the second winner in this sudden event.
”Forgive me son I was blinded by my want for her embrace, after she gave birth to you she no longer needed me. I knew she would cast me aside like she did my father thousands of years ago so I Virard Underwood give you everything that is mine, I have already informed those who serve under me to join your faction after my death. Do not allow Lillian to remain in power your mother is older and stronger than even Varak don't look down on her Dashnell!”
As he looks into my eyes I once more see that I am in the Palace, seeing my wives struggling up to their feet they gather around me as they sensed the chaotic stat of my mind. As i recover the restraints I had in making my daughters my women are long gone, after reliving my life as a Draconian be they my sister, mother, aunt or cousin so long as they are female they are my mine so long as they wish it.
Standing up fully nude I open the door flooding into the room are the daughters I tried to avoid as I could always feel their lust for me, their mothers even push them forward towards me as they raised these girls with this intention in mind. My blood flowing through them makes them seek me out as their ideal mate, while a few of them tried to satisfy the lust they felt with other men they still returned with the others knowing this is the only way.
Seems no matter the path my blood remains cursed with this lust, making my way towards them I begin to indulge myself in this Twisted Bond.