38 Pursui (1/2)

Sitting down on a mat within a Grand Temple is a middle aged man with a suppressive aura around him, while sitting down he heard several crystals near him crack and shatter into pieces. As shock wakes him from meditation he moves to inspect the shattered crystals checking to see which of his men have died, picking up the bright green crystal he crushes it in his hands. ”Who would dare protect those fleeing insects knowing I have already wiped out 90% of their entire Clan, I doubt it's any of their former allies?” Yelling out he summons three black shadows to his side. ”Go find out who wiped out the unit sent to clean up the remnants of the Fallen Star and Phoenix Clans!”

Nodding their heads silently they disappear from sight leaving the middle age man alone in the room. He then makes his way through the Temple Halls before arriving at the wide doors leading into the Elders Chambers with several guards protecting it, seeing the man approach them they stand at attention as they open the door for him. While the few at the front greet him. ”Greeting Elder Blood Shard!” Said all the guards nervously as the man swiftly pass by them without sparing them a glance Blood Shard entered the building. Elder Blood Shard stood at the center of the room wearing black robes with spotted red patterns at the bottom making it seem like he just walked out of pond of blood petals. Being known for his ruthless nature he is one of the many Elders who plotted together to wipe out the Fallen Star Clan, making every member he captured alive suffer untold horrific pain.

In the arched seats in front of him sits the other Elders who continued to chat with each other happily even after he entered the room waiting for him to speak.

”Everyone we ran into a problem hunting down the rest of the Fallen Star Clan near the border of Blood Sun.” Opening his hand he reviled a green crystal shard before dropping it on the floor in front of him. ”I have already sent out three Ghost to check out the area the assigned unit was last located, I come to you to ask if you have any ideas about who would still support this fallen Clan after we openly acted to remove them from Bright Star. I refuse to believe they have received any help from the surrounding powers as there is nothing to gain from siding with them now, we have their land and treasures there is nothing left for them to offer up.” Said Blood Shard as he made his way to his seat among the other Elders.

Hearing these words the cheerful talks ceased as everyone's eyes became murderously serious. ”You don't think the other powers noticed it finally?”

”Nonsense if they noticed why would they act after we already secured it the Vein of spirit ore under their Clan was even unknown to them! So how could anyone figure out why we declared war against this middle powered Clan.”

As the Elders began their talks the three Ghost arrived at the dead bodies of the assassin unit, after examining the clear massacre that happened here they once more disappear into nothingness.


Leading a group of youths is one of the surviving Elders of the Fallen Star Clan behind him are youths from both Clans who were now being trained to lead the remaining few. From the Phoenix Clan three females wearing red with cold dead gazes follow behind the elder, the other group of the Fallen Star Clan are three male youths and a female. The three young men wear blood stained robes showing signs that they have been in recent battles, the female of their group also covered in blood and dressed like those from the Phoenix Clan. Following behind Three Suns and their Elder they remain silent unsure of what is to come of this meeting.

Kiera Standing near the seated Valara senses the large force behind them moving close to them rapidly, looking over to Valara the two exchange glances before leaving Lillie to deal with the group Three Suns is leading this way. ”Sorry Lillie handle the rest we have to deal with the small force they sent to stop us from take what is ours.” Said Valara before purple lightning covered her body as she soared into the sky, moving along the clouds disguised as a coming storm. Kiera seeing she was left behind shrugs as she lifts up her scyth and flies at the enemy's head on. ”We will be back in a few minutes Lillie you can handle the meeting after all we just have to escort them back.”


The report from the Ghost made the Elders worry, before they never thought that the Fallen Star Clan would seek out help from the new rulers of Blood Sun. As they are the ones supplying aid to the resisting forces still within the Continent they know how powerful this force truly is unlike the interested parties not involved, more so after losing control of the Mountain Kingdom Evergreen. This news made them launch a large force of several million troops, they could not allow the Fallen Star Clan to make it into Blood Sun. They were caught by surprise by this sudden move from the survivors, yet they were unaware that they already missed the chance to completely wipe out the Fallen Star and Phoenix Clan as well as their massive losses from the army they sent out thinking it's large numbers would guarantee success.
