31 The Wife,The Boss (1/1)
Shattering the barrier Samara, Tia, Kiera, Eleanor rush into the room Lillie and Rose behind them. Inside the room they see Dashnell with his tail sprawled all around the room pinning down the naked young girl, who is a bright red with her white hair a mess on the floor sweat covering them both. ”Seems my fun has met its end Teressa I'll bully you another time.” Looking up at the worried faces Dashnell releases Teressa who rushes to dress herself, walking towards the group who broke down his barrier fully nude and missing an arm Dashnell smiles as he sits down in front of the group.
Sitting down in front of the four battle ready maidens each in their battle armor Dashnell just eyes them all, Eleanor who never leaves his side unless Tia, Val, Mara, or Kiera are with him stands wielding a silver white assault rifle. She never uses weapons other than those from her home world, the assault rifle is a high tech beam type gun that shoots out particle beams strong enough to rip through the battle armor they each wear that can survive anything below the Demigod Realm. The others like Dashnell prefer close combat or like Samara uses her overwhelming power to suppress those she fights, Tia has a sword in hand, Kiera her black scyth with Samara summoning two blood serpents to her side.
”Before you start yelling at me I know I should have handled things better but at least my leg grew back before you saw me without it, also this is Teressa you caused me to miss my chance to fully savor her young body before our bond took effect.” Said Dashnell smile on his face but his eyes show he is barley holding on, if not for his rush to deflower Teressa he would have already been unconscious.
Moving past the four Lillie and Rose reach him before checking each of his injuries, from his missing arm to his regrown leg. Both at a loss at his slow recovery rate take samples from his leg, before they can start their questions Teressa tells them both about his battle with the God of Destruction Gold Luster.
”While the two Gods of Creation kept him busy Gold Luster used a massive attack that drained his life force before the three retreated into space hoping to cause Dashnell enough damage that the other Gods there would act against him while they fled. The attack destroyed the stability of the closed off world which is why it shattered apart collapsing back into this world. Defending from the attack Dashnell lost both his left arm and leg, his arm still has the aura of Destruction within it causing it to be unhealable I was going to remove it when he.. well you saw us.”
Looking at the wound Rose looks over at Teressa. ”We will try to remove the aura from him, if we are unable to remove it we will depend on you to remove it Teressa.” Rose and Lillie then prop Dashnell up onto their shoulders each taking a side then moving to exit the room.
”Wait before you leave stop blocking your connection with us! You must have forgot while you were deep in Teressa to stop blocking us, seems I will have to work on helping you with your new found taste wild one.” Samara said her serpents moving around him. Teressa who just put back on her robe sits on the sofa as her bright red face looks down not trying to make eye contact with those in the room.
Looking at the angry Samara Dashnell admits his wrong doing.
”I did indeed forget but Teressa is only part of the reason.” Grabbing his chin Samara looks deep into his eyes before saying. ”Don't ever break the connection again, you caused me to think you had died if I did not feel Tia's regrets for not being there for you when you needed her I...”
Pulling her in close with his one arm Dashnell kisses her face filled with tears. ”This is the last time I will every stop our connection I promise, but I have to tell you this now that the connection will kill you if I die or if Teres-”
The sound of a whip cracking against an extremely hard surface was the last thing Dashnell heard before he was knocked out by Samara's blood whip. ”Take him to the ship analyze that aura which is repressing his healing abilities, if you find it impossible bring him back to the Palace's medical room I'll have Teressa there with me to remove it.” Samara gave out these orders without a care that she smacked Dashnell unconscious.
The room falls silent for a moment before Lillie and Rose bow to Samara who already opened up a tear in space leading to the ship, after both of them carry the lifeless body away everyone look's at Samara waiting on what else she would do.
As if she knew their thoughts she heads over to sit next to Teressa who still has her head down trying to hide her shame. ”So what I heard about this is my Husband came back to the Palace leading two people to a private room with his arm and leg torn off blood all over his robes, his face twisted into a hateful rage. From what we just witnessed I should be safe to assume you were not the ones he fought but maybe aided him in some way this is also why we are talking with you, as I am sure once that idiot wakes up he will finish telling us about the changes to the 'Bond'.”
Teressa looking at the caring deep black eyes, fills Samara in on everything that happened inside the closed off world of the ruined Blood Sun Empire. Tia, Kiera and Eleanor each find seats in the room before sealing it off from the rest of the Palace again.
”So can you feel this power calling you as well?” Samara said. ”Yes but not until I entered this Realm my guess is only Gods of Destruction can detect is no matter the distance between the two, while Gods of Creation must be in the same Realm.”
Tia no longer able to hold it in begins to apologies to Samara about her mistake of leaving Dashnell there alone, before she could even get past her first words Samara is the one to speak. ”Dashnell is the one to blame, so blame him put all of it on him, it is his fault for always trying to do things alone when he is unsure if he can protect us. We are his wives we own every part of him don't let him tell you to leave when he fights with his life on the line, when he wakes up speak your mind to him punch him in the chest while crying in his arms. We are the one's who rule his life, Teressa you too don't let him push you around. I can feel that you are bonded with him, next time he rushes at you with lust in his eyes just hit him in his jewels.”
Hearing this coming from Samara Teressa's body begins to glow, her white hair shining bright before she is enclosed inside the light that shoot's out of her body, the white orb of light emits intense waves of power that condense repeatedly before issuing out cracking. Sounding like roaring thunder emerging from the collapsing ball of energy, as Teressa no longer with a body of a ten or twelve year old is now a young women with long flowing white hair reaching her rear. Samara then remembers her own transformation was similar when she first met Dashnell and bonded with him.
Inside the room everyone sees the beautiful silver eyes shine along with her white hair, the ground at her feet spring into a small garden filled with lush green grass various colorful flowers even a small tree begins to take root besides her. Everyone inside the room can feel the powerful life force from the small tree and of the plant life inside the small garden, as the light dims down the flawless naked body of Teressa is there for all to see, her slender figure covered by her flowing hair. Samara can barley hold back her eagerness to jump at the young women before her, taking back her smart remarks about Dashnell not being able to hold it in.
”The man does have Divine taste in women at least. A plus for me to enjoy now I wonder if he will be angry if I get a bite of her before him this time as well.” Smiling wide she starts to move close to Teressa only for her to vanish before she could catch hold of her, reappearing on the sofa with her plain robes already on her body. ”Fine I won't attack you just let me feel you up a bit before him so I can brag!!” Samara then rushes to embrace her.