29 Three Against One (1/2)

Looking down at the world below watching the fight and old man strokes his long grey beard wearing matching grey robes he turns to the young girl besides him with a smile on his face.

”Watch this fight well, although we did not come to fight for that power this is a good chance for you to find a strong God of Destruction to help you. I wonder how many of them will get involved in this battle, good thing we happen to be in this Realm who knew something like this would happen look at the other Gods. Quite a few of them have yet to choose a path.” The young girl then smiles at the old man before saying. ”They might be to weak to receive a Blessing of Destruction or Creation that might be why they are unaffiliated, look at me how young am I yet here I am a God of Creation. If he lives though this battle he will be my pick as we are both young.”


The ruins of the Blood Sun Empire are no longer visible within this small world, a young man covered in gold light wields his blade as he slashes out against his foe, each swing of his blade ripping apart space as he clashes with Dashnell. They have already completely reshaped this entire space, with nothing remaining in the world even the Red Sun shining down lost its ability to make the world red, everything inside this space is either gold or deep green. Dashnell wearing silver robes covered in soaring dragons, holding onto the Coiling Dragon Spear blitz's at his enemy. Throughout the battle both men hold back testing the other, the first to grow tired of this was Gold Luster as his sword aura changed into a savage bloodthirsty one.

Rage filling his eyes, never before has he had to fight to a stalemate for so long against someone younger, roaring with madness his every swing tears the land asunder lighting destroying the remaining rubble of the Blood Sun Empire.

”Die! Lets see you withstand my power of Destruction”

Dashnell throws his spear down into the earth causing even more damage to the world as space begins to tear the small world apart, collapsing upon itself space warps and bends bringing about cataclysmic hell to this world. Reaching into the Void Dashnell pulls out a two sided curved bladed

black spear. ”A challenge I welcome come show me how much of my power have you mastered child!”

No longer does his face show a smile just a Savage grin, his eyes leak out faint green light.

Dancing about the now ruined world, with each clash the two are spilling blood every were. Deep cuts appearing and healing from them both, as the many exchanges bring changes to the landscape of the small world. Space rupturing around them as they find themselves no longer fighting on solid ground as it long since melted away from their repeated clashes, all within this space now is and empty Void were space and time distort the world and lighting and thunder rattle the sky's above them.

Raising up one side of his double sided spear Dashnell brings it slamming down as Divine lighting, fire, wind, rain along with various elements merge with his strike as he aims to take off Gold Luster's head with this finishing attack.

As the attack comes down Gold knows if it connects he will meet his end fear and shock cover his face as he begins to fill the sweat run down his back, not wanting to die here he hurries to defend against the attack before him. With so many elements inside this one attack it makes him feel like he is fighting a God of Creation but he clearly knows that the one before him is a God of Destruction, the attack reaches him. He staggers back trying to withstand it, his hands feeling the freezing cold biting at him as flame filled lighting strikes at him from the side trying to engulf him whole. Looking up at the massive attack he is resisting he sees an endless gigantic serpentine dragon made of the elements open its maw to consume him.

Boom Boom..

Two figures stand in front of the rag doll of a man in white, gaping holes in his arms and legs from withstanding the attack slowly begin to heal as he looks at the two who save him. Besides him is his favored sword shattered into pieces with a dim gold glow, looking up Dashnell can be seen in the Void above as thunder and lighting swirl all around him as if he is the center of the storm calling upon its power to strike down those who oppose him. Swimming inside the massive thunder clouds are many lighting elemental dragons roaring down at the three below.