19 Meeting A God (2/2)

”Greetings prisoners I am Timothy Lime, General of the Dragon Empire's forces here in Lime Leaf, Thanks to you I was able to show some worth to the Emperor and was promoted.”

”Stop spouting bullshit and do what you will to us” Three Suns was in the state of a madman.

Looking at the ugly faces of the captured Earth experts he smiles as he continues. ”The Emperor has given me the order of bringing you before him, you should feel honored to not be toyed to death by the newly formed Lime Army. So stand up and follow me to meet the Dragon Emperor!”

Leading the four through the Palace many of the other soldiers greeted Timothy, looking at the once mighty Emperor Tree Suns who they had only heard stories of now bound as a prisoner of war. Truly a major event they are here to witness first hand, talks within the Palace was all about the overwhelming power the Empresses had used to crush the enemy numbers that were nearly half a million. But in the face of their Goddesses they were nothing but trash being swept aside in mere moments, without even putting up much of a fight many wanted to watch but who would dare leave their post here in the Palace.

Walking into the enormous throne room of the Dragon Emperor before them is a vast space. Enough room to comfortably hold more than ten thousand guest and the needed servants. Nearing the end of the massive center table sits a throne and sitting upon it they finally lay eyes on the Dark skinned Dragon Emperor. A slim well toned youth with one pit black abyss eye while the other shines with limitless silver light, with a massive smile on his face. His head tilted to the side as he looks at the four, they each drop down on their knees feeling the overpowering aura before them. Feeling deep in there souls that the being in front of them now is leagues beyond the Heaven realm long lost to this Continent Blood Sun.

Sitting in his throne Dashnell is surrounded by his massive pitch black emerald colored coiling tail that looked like a living giant serpent.

”Welcome to my Home, I am The God of Destruction Dashnell Titled 'The Dragon' by my sworn enemies, please sit let us discuss the cause of your foolish mistake of attacking my Empire and your complete and utter obedience to me. I intended to Unite this entire Continent, but while building my forces up you fools actually attacked me. I then gained a Empire worth of new subjects so the punishment for you will be reduce, the only thing left is to show you the price of rebelling against me.”

Raising his hand Dashnell grabs at the Cult Earth Expert lifting him in the air, the center of his chest begins to peal apart into nothingness. As black holes dot his body growing larger as bits and pieces of him drop to the ground becoming ash that fade away leaving nothing of the Cultist remaining.

”We greet you Dragon Emperor” The three had lost their pride, honor and hopes to live past this cruel error they had mistakenly made. As they each knelt to the ground greeting their new master.

”I am happy you see things my way, my first task is quite simple go and remove the Cult from this world leave nothing of them if even one of them escapes I will take the losses out of you like I did the one before you.”

”We will not fail this task Master!”

Saying in unison the three vow to destroy the Cult of Saint Charles.