17 Overwhelming Force (1/2)

In the Three Suns Camp

”General the Emperor himself is coming, he also brought another Earth realm expert along with the Imperial Guard with this we alone have two hundred fifty thousand. Elder Vincent is coming with the Emperor”

Looking at his guard report about those who are coming to reinforce the army General Hars curses his luck.

”Prepare a separate tent for the Emperor and the Elder, tell the men to get ready to greet the Emperor any mistakes and it will be them who suffers!”

Crushing his wine glass General Hars exits the tent to oversee the army.

Moving through the streets of the Three Suns Empire is the two hundred thousand strong Imperial Guard that always protect the capital. Leading them is Emperor Three Suns a middle age man with fierce eyes wearing fire red robes with Three Suns on the back. Next to him is another middle age man carrying the Three Suns Flag, both men carry with them a massive broad sword. Marching the army out of the Capital and heading for battle ground four days away.


”The enemy plans to attack our home a week from now the twenty of us have been left to deal with all enemy forces and reinforcements! Most of us are only here to be personal maids for the Ancestor but he treats us no different from Val and Mara, I am sure most of the thousand maned unit thought they would only be used for his sexual releases, I mean we are but he also loves us and shared his plans and secrets. So over these years even though we had it tough we have gotten stronger. Once we reach Tier 7 like the others we can be more useful to our Master!”

Samantha a petite girl covered slightly in soot from learning the smithing and weapon creation methods chimed in.

”Yes I agree with Lisa we should give everything we have to Crush these humans. They would need millions of troops to even give us a challenge but they only have two hundred thousand at best lets overwhelm them with raw power. As for not killing them we can leave that to Lillie and Rose they are the most skilled medical staff we have among the thousand of us.”

As the twenty girls spend this week coming up with various strategies to completely subdue the incoming army. Out side of the Village the numbers swell to four hundred and fifty thousand, looking at the massive force outside the villagers begin to panic as they begin to move closer to the palace were a majority of the Draconian army is stationed there.


In Thousand Goddess Palace

”Master are you sure you don't want us to kill any of the enemy forces? We can remove the Emperor and move to start taking over this entire Continent after.”

Within the massive bed chamber Valara naked embraces Dashnell from behind as she presses herself into him. While all around the room naked sleeping beauties lay on the bed that covers most the room large enough for the thousand of them to all lose themselves, some entangled in his tail others catching their breath lying down. Standing guard near the Emperors bed chamber are the female Refinement humans of the Lime Army only after reaching the middle stages of refinement could they compete for guard positions near the Emperor.

”You worry to much Val, this test is for them to taste war instead of always being support units, with this they can at least protect themselves if it comes to it. This is the final batch of all you girls who have yet to be bonded to me how many of my hearts do you want I give you everything I have, I even let you choose the realm to call our new home.”