Chapter 1065: Anomalies Caused by Breakthrough (1/2)

In the Martial Spirit Sect.

Hou Chulan charged her surviving subordinates with the task of investigating the Martial Spirit Sect elders one by one. He Lianxiong instructed Xu Yi to help them.

Meanwhile, Ruan Qingliu and Shen Jing’s focus was to search for Gan Xi.

No one left the Domain of Heaven’s Origin right away, including Nie Tian.

Wei Botao arranged for Nie Tian to take a secluded corner residence, where he focused on his breakthrough into the Soul realm.

Soon, two eighth grade Phantasm corpses shriveled as Nie Tian drained them of their flesh power.

Tossing them back into his ring of holding, Nie Tian thought to himself, “This trip has turned out to be a losing deal, if I don’t take contribution points into consideration.”

He had consumed three drops of Blood Essence to unleash Life Shackle on Froste.

With the flesh power he got from the two eighth grade Phantasm corpses, he recovered the three drops of Blood Essence, and the green aura in his heart had devoured what remained.

However, a great flesh power gap still needed to be filled in order for his bloodline aura to fall dormant and enter its next upgrade cycle.

“It’s such a pity that the Phantasms took that ninth grade grand patriarch’s corpse away.”

Other than the two Phantasms, he had also killed an eighth grade Fiend.

However, that Fiend’s flesh power was mixed with a great number of toxins. Nie Tian attempted to channel and refine its flesh power, but found that he had to suffer from the toxins to do so. The loss outweighed the gain.

Eventually, he decided to keep the Fiend corpse and give it to Li Langfeng the next time they met.

Li Langfeng practiced poisonous incantations that allowed him to absorb and refine all sorts of toxins to make advances in his cultivation.

However, since the four great sects were currently searching for those who practiced unorthodox incantations everywhere, he had instructed Dong Li to get Li Langfeng out of the Domain of the Falling Stars to somewhere safe.

He took out a large number of spirit jades and spiritual materials of various attributes. Spreading them on the floor of the secret room, he muttered, “Let’s get started!”

He started his breakthrough into the Soul realm.

Among all human cultivation bases, the Void, Saint, and God domains were the hardest to reach.

These three major steps were usually accompanied by numerous unpredictable dangers.

One minor mishap, and the cultivator would lose his domain and fleshly body.

If things were worse, the cultivator might even have his soul eliminated, and die beyond salvation.

For this reason, even though Hou Chulan, who was currently at the late Void domain, already had what it took to attempt to break through into the Saint domain, she chose to make more preparations instead of making the attempt right away.

In comparison, the minor breakthroughs under these major cultivation bases were usually less risky.

Compared to breaking through into the Void, Saint, and God domains, breaking through into the Soul realm was far safer and easier.

When Nie Tian had stated that he had decided to attempt to enter the Soul realm, Hou Chulan had offered to help. However, Nie Tian had politely refused.

He felt safe enough with Jing Feiyang, Yue Yanxi, and Jiang Feng by his side.

As flame power, wood power, and star power fluctuations gradually rose from Nie Tian’s temporary residence, others in the vicinity realized that he had started making his breakthrough, but didn’t really mind it.

Most of He Lianxiong and Hou Chulan’s subordinates were busy conducting a thorough investigation of the elders of the Martial Spirit Sect.

A few days later, while Nie Tian was still in the middle of his breakthrough, Ruan Qingliu and Shen Jing returned, looking frustrated.

They had failed to find any trace of the vice sectmaster of the Martial Spirit Sect, and had no idea where he had escaped to.

Meanwhile, the others finished investigating even the remote relatives of the Martial Spirit Sect’s Void domain elders, but didn’t find anything worth noting.

Therefore, Hou Chulan was convinced that the absconded vice sectmaster was the other expert in the Domain of Heaven’s Origin who had colluded with the Phantasms.

The Heaven Span Pavilion had learned about He Lianxiong’s sound defeat, and thus arranged for a God domain expert to come to the Domain of Heaven’s Origin.