Chapter 689: The Phantasms’ Equipment Forging Room (1/2)
Chapter 689: The Phantasms Equipment Forging Room
“What is it?” Zhen Huilan asked curiously.
Eyes closed, Nie Tian focused on communicating with the Flame Dragon Armor’s soul, the nine fragmentary stars in his soul shining more and more dazzlingly.
Thanks to the profound tie between his nine fragmentary stars and the Blood Core, Nie Tian felt as if he himself was in that secret underground room.
The room was built in the middle of a mineral vein. Each and every wall was filled with fiery, crystalline stones.
After some time, Nie Tian’s eyes snapped open. “Let’s get down there and take a look.”
With these words, he flew downwards into the crimson stone palace atop the majestic volcano.
On the bottom floor of the stone palace, he found the stone tunnel that the Flame Dragon Armor had entered and flew into it with Zhen Huilan, Li Ye, and Pei Qiqi.
Moments later, they came to the secret room deep underneath the enormous volcano where the Flame Dragon Armor was.
The Flame Dragon Armor was floating in the middle of the room that was made of fiery crystals. Blazing patterns could be seen drifting about on its surface.
One streak of crimson aura after another flew out of the fiery crystals in the walls before disappearing into the Flame Dragon Armor’s Blood Core.
Nie Tian observed with rapt attention and discovered that each and every crystal seemed to contain a copious amount of concentrated flame power, which looked like boiling lava.
A number of stone shelves stood by the walls, and a tangerine cauldron could be seen in the middle of the room.
The cauldron seemed to have been built into the room. At this moment, streaks of flame power were also flying out of the crystals in the walls into the cauldron.
Raging flames filled the cauldron. Like boiling lava, they made the temperature in the room very high.
Images of numerous evil spirits were engraved on the cauldron, along with symbols that looked like the Phantasms’ language.
It seemed that the cauldron had been used for equipment forging, and that this room had belonged to a Phantasm equipment forger. With a soft exclamation, Zhen Huilan explained to Nie Tian, “Phantasms that are not born with a gift to cultivate flame power also have to find sources of flame power in order to forge equipment and weapons.
“The special spell formations engraved on the cauldron allow it to take it upon itself to channel flame power from the crystals in the walls and refine it.
“Then, the refined flame power can be used to forge tools or cultivate.
“I suppose this is the reason why Xia Yi made such rapid advancements in his cultivation.”
One streak of fiery aura after another flew out of the crystals in the walls into the Flame Dragon Armor’s Blood Core.
However, the refined flame power inside the cauldron didn’t seem to be subject to the Flame Dragon Armor’s channeling.
Intrigued, Nie Tian stepped over to the cauldron and unleashed a wisp of his psychic awareness to examine it.
However, before his psychic awareness even reached the cauldron, he experienced a strong stabbing pain in his head.
Meanwhile, the numerous evil spirits that were engraved on the cauldron seemed to come back to life.
“Wait!!” Zhen Huilan called out urgently. “This Phantasm’s equipment forging cauldron is guarded by evil spirits. Your cultivation base is still too low. Don’t try to sense it with your psychic awareness!”
“Guarded by evil spirits...” Nie Tian muttered to himself.
The Phantasms’ knowledge regarding souls was more profound than that of most other outsider races. Zhen Huilan’s eyebrows furrowed as she explained, “As you know, the Realm of Dark Underworld was originally the Phantasms’ territory. Back in the day, the Spirit God Sect’s founder discovered some Phantasm relics by accident. After coming to unique understandings of soul power, he founded the Spirit God Sect.
“However, I didn’t expect that Xia Yi had actually discovered this Phantasms’ equipment forging room, and practiced cultivation with the help of this cauldron in secret.
“Phantasms normally rely on fierce flame power to forge tools. Afterwards, they would vest those tools with soul spell formations. Those evil spirits on the cauldron seem to be a soul spell formation created by a Phantasm equipment forger.”
With these words, she reached out and pointed at the cauldron with one finger.