Chapter 409: A Shocking Presumption (1/2)
Chapter 409: A Shocking Presumption
After gulping down a few mouthfuls of alcohol, Dong Baijie laughed loudly and heartily, his face reddened. “Truth be told, I was quite angry at the beginning, and couldn’t let it go for some time. However, I got over it after I heard some news and learned that even if I got to keep that fragmentary star mark, it wouldn’t have worked out for me.”
“What news?” Nie Tian asked.
“I heard that Ning Yang wasn’t able to derive enlightenment from the third fragmentary star mark in his possession. That was when I realized that even though the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace had divided its legacies into three marks, the first mark was the key.” Dong Baijie shook his head and smiled bitterly.
He paused to take a deep look at Nie Tian with a meaningful expression on his face before adding, “Or I can say: you were the key.
“Even though I don’t understand why the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace would make such arrangements, I know that Ning Yang and I both served as props.
“Whether I was able to keep that fragmentary star mark or not, I wouldn’t have become the successor acknowledged by the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace. Not me, not Ning Yang, only you.”
Confusion spread across Nie Tian’s face.
“Do you know that this wasn’t the first time that Heaven Gates have appeared in the Domain of the Falling Stars?” Dong Baijie continued. “There have been two recorded appearances before this time. In both those instances, the situation was very similar to what’s going on now. People obtained those fragmentary star marks in the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace.”
Dong Baijie’s eyes shone with a serious light. “But do you know what happened to them afterwards?”
Nie Tian shook his head.
“They died, all of them.” A extremely grim expression appeared on Dong Baijie’s face. “That means everyone who has ever obtained those fragmentary star marks has died, without exception. Also, none of them were able to refine their fragmentary star mark.
“When they died, the fragmentary star marks on them gradually faded, and eventually disappeared.
“That makes you the first person who has ever refined a fragmentary star mark of all three times the Heaven Gates have appeared.
“The reason I stopped resenting you was that I thought it through. Even if I kept the second fragmentary star mark to myself, I might have already died like Ning Yang.”
Nie Tian couldn’t mask his astonishment.
Dong Baijie’s tone grew heavy. “However, no spatial rifts ever appeared around the times that Heaven Gates have previously appeared. Only this time, soon after the Heaven Gates appeared, three spatial rifts ripped open.
“After gathering all three fragmentary star marks and refining the first mark, you eventually sealed the three spatial rifts and saved the Domain of the Falling Stars, therefore fulfilling the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace’s promise to guard the Domain of the Falling Stars.
“From what I can tell, this is by no means fortuitous!”
Dong Baijie’s words were powerful and resonating. His eyes shone with the light of certainty, as if he was the only one who had seen through the truth.
“W-what do you mean, not fortuitous?” Nie Tian asked, confused.
Dong Baijie laughed heartily as he cast aside the bottle he had emptied and took out another bottle of alcohol.
This time, he didn’t drink as fast as he had drunk the first bottle. Rather, he took sips.
With a complicated expression, he explained, “After I learned that Ning Yang wasn’t able to refine the fragmentary star mark he had, I went to the Realm of Flame Heaven and visited the Nie Clan, where I thoroughly investigated your background.
“You were born in the Nie Clan; your mother was a member of the Nie Clan, and her name was Nie Jin.
“Forgive me for being blunt, there’s nothing special about the Nie Clan or your mother.
“But I can’t seem to find any information on your father, not even signs of his existence. No one knows who he is. I even searched in other realms of the Domain of the Falling Stars, and failed to discover information about him.
“It was as if the man showed up out of nowhere, and then disappeared into thin air.
“You investigated my background?” Nie Tian snorted with a cold smile.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help it. I needed an answer.” An apologetic expression appeared on Dong Baijie’s face. “I tend to get to the bottom of matters. From what I can tell, it can’t be a coincidence that you managed to receive and refine the fragmentary star marks and become the successor of the Ancient Fragmentary Star Palace’s legacies. There must be something about you I don’t know yet, and that could be the reason why you’re able to refine the fragmentary star marks.